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Enter The Matrix


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Anyone played this game? It is insane. It is incredible. Slow motion attacks on 4-5 SWAT guys and such, and a different characters.


If anyone wants to know why to buy it, it puts Niobe and her first mate, ghost, somewhere in this game during the movie.

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since I can't afford $50.00 to spend on this game...


I have to rent it


I went to TWO different video stores and they each had at least 10 copies and ALL OF THEM were rented out.


I had to resort to renting...Finding Nemo.

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Yeah, this game is great so far. I just got a copy last night and just played the first two levels so far. Would have liked to have played more, but it was late and I needed sleep to go to work tomorrow. But so far I really like it. Its a whole lot of fun when you use your "focus" to dodge bullets, fly off the walls, and perform other amazing matrix stunts.


Its definitly worth a look for all you matrix fans out there, and I know a lot of them like to hang around here. :D

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enter the matrix is great!


i got it a couple of days ago but have only played it very briefly.

but i like it so far. plus i'm really glad that you can play as neo. someone over at the swamp posted a screenie of them playing as neo and it looks really cool.


if you're a matrix fan then you need to get this game

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there are some things that it has problems with, namely a couple of bugs they didn't fix, but not enough to take away from game play. It also has this annoying that if you wish to hug a wall in the game in focus, don't move against it or you will perform a flip and could fall off a stairwell(happens to me a bit.) They also do not put enough save points in some levels because you can go really, really, far... and then get killed and start over again, but then again I'm on a tough level...


But they did a commendable job for the GCN version, I don't know about everyone else's.

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well i got the PC version


for me the only dispointment is the graphics, well they're not as good as you would expect, even with the settings on max.

they aren't bad, just not great.


my rating would be 9/10




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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, it had a definate fun factor that was way up there, and I probably only got a quarter of the way into the game, but as Rhett said, it was slightly unpolished, but twas definately worth the rental, maybe even a back-to-back rental.


Focus makes everything better. :D

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