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Thought I read somewhere that most of the game is "done." - they are mainly just polishing and finishing up the levels and cutscenes etc.


Does that mean they could release a demo this summer? It would be great to get a level - maybe even a ladder and some MP in before the game arrives. Even just a rehash of a JO level would be cool to play through, get a feeling for saber combat etc.

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Well, when the game was first announced, they reckoned they were about 60% done. They still have quite a way to go until it is completed (hopefully within 6 months). I doubt we are likely to see any kind of demo until a few weeks prior to the game's release at the earliest...or if they do it like JO, the demo will arrive after the full game has shipped.


I think Raven will probably work on getting the full game finished and polished before looking at making a demo.


Just IMHO. ;)

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Agreed, Stormy - I don't expect a demo for a long while yet... There will almost certainly be a lot more in-game footage (we got some more today, after all), and screenshots/new info released in the coming months, though, so I'll be kept happy :):D


And LOL at this being the first 'demo' thread for JA - may the rest of them be as calm and cordial as this one! :D

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Originally posted by SamFisher

Aren't demos supposed to be before the real game comes out?


No. A demo is simply meant to convey to the player how the game looks and how it plays. It is a 'demonstration' of what to expect from the title, nothing more. So it can be released before or after the full game, and still fulfill it's purpose.

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Originally posted by HertogJan

Probably no demo before the JA release. JO's demo only came after a few months :rolleyes: I'm still hoping for some kind of demo, or playtest...

I have to agree that this is likely what will happen, if a demo is released at all.
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I wish they could releash a demo or basic structure of their saber combat. Then people like us could test the saber combat (among other things) and see if we like it. If the approval is good, then Raven sticks with it, or, if it needs tweaks and changes, then Raven will do it accordingly (or not at all if they feel like it :p).

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I didn't get a good look at the level they were using at E3 (since I wasn't there), but it would be cool if they did like what they did with Jedi Outcast... ie: making the SP demo a unique level not in the final game.


With Outcast, they tweaked the E3 level to make it more playable, with the patch, etc. and released it. It was available both as a stand alone product and as a level that could be used in the full version. Hopefully we'll see the same with JA....

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I, personally, don't like demos. They often don't show the best side of a game and exclude key game components. Not to say that a demo shouldn't come out, though.


To go way off topic:

There's this HL mod out there where you can command groups of players around. It's kind of like Alien. Anyway, this was always a dream of mine; to see an almagamation of RTS/FPS. A mod for multiplayer that included something like that for SW would be very nice.

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