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Matrix Reloaded: Reviewed (err... kinda)

Boba Rhett

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Just. Woah.






It totally blew my mind. A few things were not as great as I'd have liked them to be, such as the freeway scene, but still I think this movie did a great job melting my pants. Morpheus' speech was kinda over the top as well and the Zion party scene was like a girls gone wild video such as Harry Knowles said.


There's a whole lot to wrap your head around in this one. So many questions to be answered. So many things that will leave you WTFing all the way home. Is the matrix INSIDE another matrix**?! What's up with Neo? The seventh time this has happened?! :eek: The seventh, "cycle" of this whole ordeal?! :eek: Why are all the Zion women hotties? HOLY ****, ZION HAS MECHS!?! I WANT ONE! Where is my asprin?


I think a lot of people are going to be walking out of this movie with totally different interpretations as to what they just saw. Right now I'm giving it a solid Nine. This may change upon more viewings.


I know this Isn't much of a review at all but it's 2am now and I want to hit the sack. I'll add more to this tomorrow after I see Reloaded again. :DEveryone feel free to add their own reviews!


Since viewing it I have set out to process all the information that was piled on top of me and I *think* that I have got quite a few answers so feel free to also post any questions if you have them.


I'm off to dream of vampires, zion women and orgasmic chocolate cake. You'll know why soon enough. ;)



** = I think Roger Ebert came to the same conclusion. "The Architect seems to hint that when you strip away one level of false virtual reality, you find another level beneath. Maybe everything so far is several levels up?"

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Holy... WHOA O.O


Damn... Rhett, I think that AICN needs a good kicking after what you said they were saying, and now this :D


I had a feeling there might've been a "Matrix inside a Matrix inside a..." etc. thing being used (or implied) with it... Now I know :D


Damn do I need to see this film soon X.X

Posted by Boba Rhett

I'm off to dream of vampires, zion women and orgasmic chocolate cake. You'll know why soon enough. ;)



Dear lord you're peculiar XD



*sigh* I wish I didn't have to wait even longer to see it :(

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Don't worry Wacky you'll understand what the last thing he said about Orgasmic cake and Vampires was all about ;)


Rhett we are lucky aren't we? I loved every part about the movie and I just thought it was awesome. There are so many good twists and I knew there was something about the Architect that was related to the few films and that was the screens of his.


His little speach was a little confusing but I understood it quite well and think that some people are going to have a hard time interpreting what he said to Neo. It is a cycle that is out of necesity. That is where the title comes from. The Matrix has been Reloaded and this was suppose to be another attempt so that the equation could continue.


I loved the end cause it just got so important and I think what I know what the last scened mean.


Smith (no longer a Agent) has figured out to copy himself into other files. He is basically overwriting the previous files and is saving them into him. I also think that he really has free'd himself and is in that one guy. That is were the Original Smith is now at.


I also have one good question? Who the hell is that guy that keeps coming up to Neo and thanking him for unplugging him? I was thinking that it was the Spoon boy but then he get's the gift so we know that it couldn't of been him?


I also think that the humor in the movie is excellent. It is good and isn't like a joke funny but just hilarious with the circumstances that they are in. I mean there is a cause which is the funny line and then there is the effect of us laughing because of it.


It's so funny Rhett though cause we are the only ones that are getting this right now and I know everybody that is reading this is like WTF x 10 .



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wow. I need to see it again. so much to see. so much to take in. but it was good :thumbsup:. the fight scene with Neo and Smith is really well done:drop2: (it's worth going to the movie just to see it). the sex scene was a bit longer than it needed to be, and the first part seemed a little slow (but when I was in the theatre waiting for the movie to start, 1 minute seemed like 20, so it may not have been that slow. like I said, I need to see it again). DO NOT LEAVE AFTER THE MOVIE FINISHES. WAIT UNTIL THE CREDITS ARE OVER.;) I give it two thuimbs up:thumbs1: and a 9.8 out of 10. go see it:D

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The reviewers estimate that the movie will make over a $150 million in the weekend. And I heard when the movie came out, Trinity became the 74th most popular name in the U.S.:eek: I want to see it so bad but my mom is questioning the rating of the movie. She saw sexuality in it and she is thinking about it. :(

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Originally posted by greedo626

I'd say the sexuality in the film is for those older than 14. it's not really graphic but it is drawn out.

Yah, reveiwers recommend an audience of boys over 14.

And girls over 13. (There more mature than boys, you know):rolleyes:

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I also have one good question? Who the hell is that guy that keeps coming up to Neo and thanking him for unplugging him? I was thinking that it was the Spoon boy but then he get's the gift so we know that it couldn't of been him?



2 words...the animatrix.........


It's the episode called kid's story....

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welli personally loved this movie. i just hated the end...curse those green letters!!!it was worth seeing at 10 pm at night..Im really satisfied. and the Smith vs. Neo fight scene will never be able to be copied..it is very unique

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I've seen the flick AND I agree with Harry's review as well.


WTF was Neo doing??! It was just king-fu over and over again! This is supposed to be an epic with Neo's powers growing beyond kung-fu and all that other cool stuff (Although that scene near the end with Neo using powers against machines OUTSIDE the Matrix opens a lot of new possibilities....).


Zion really dissapointed me. The weird dance scene was stupid as was the drawn out sex scene.


The Oracle and Merovingian (Frenchy dude) and the Architect were all great. I really like how the Architect threw it all at Neo, destroying all of that prophecy stuff.


It was a good movie, but really lacks a lot of what the original had.

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I would have enjoyed the movie more if Neo actually GREW his powers, went beyond hand to hand combat. He is THE ONE! He needs not dirty himself with kung-fu! He is above that! I want to see him shatter the Matrix, and if it takes a mere blink, I'd be happy (although I believe the trilogy will end with something similar).


I did not want to see Neo all powerful in this movie. He is still learning to reach that level. I wanted to see him growing his powers. Instead, we see him fight hundreds of guys. We already knew he could fight by the end of the original. Now what? MORE fighting?

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Originally posted by ckcsaber

I did not want to see Neo all powerful in this movie. He is still learning to reach that level. I wanted to see him growing his powers. Instead, we see him fight hundreds of guys. We already knew he could fight by the end of the original. Now what? MORE fighting?


It seems to me that going from having trouble defeating one agent (Smith) to kicking 100 Smith's butts qualifies as growth, even if he is still using martial arts.


I agree 100% with Rhett. I've seen it twice (last night and today), and it rules. Those who didn't like it are just not intelligent enough to comprehend the high level of philosophic banter that went on.


Oh, and Rhett...

Neo is the 6th "one," not the 7th, as stated in your original post. The Architect says, "This will be the 6th time we have destroyed Zion, and we have become exceedingly good at it."


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WOW...I think I'm going to die from all this excitement!!


Anyways, I just have one quick question -


I've heard rumors that one of the preview trailers is an LOTR: Return of the King one. Is this true and has this been confirmed?



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If it is, I didn't see it.


The trailers I saw were...


Finding Nemo (Disney/Pixar thing)


Freddy VS. Jason :rolleyes:That one got a few laughs from the audience

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

I think there was one more, but I can't remember it right now.

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Well the trailers that we saw were



Pirates of the Carribean

The Last Samurai

The French Connection



Also watching it for the Second time you actually get to concentrate on conversations and you pick up new things that you didn't notice in the first one. You also comprehend them better.



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Originally posted by Eldritch


Oh, and Rhett...

Neo is the 6th "one," not the 7th, as stated in your original post. The Architect says, "This will be the 6th time we have destroyed Zion, and we have become exceedingly good at it."



Doh! Nice catch. :D



The whole RotK trailer thing was just a rumor. We won't be seeing a RotK trailer for quite a while. :(

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Thanks, Ratmjedi... The Last Samurai was the other one I saw that I couldn't think of. :)



I was definitely able to process all that stuff the Architect said the second time around.

I mean, the first time I saw it I was still all caught up in the excitement of the moment. :D


And no problem, Rhett.

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I was totally blown away by that movie, although I do agree with whoever was upset by the zion dancing and drawn out sex scene.....I could have done without those.


Otherwise everything fulfilled my expectations and more. Neo is just completely outrageously bad-ass.......the Freeway scene made me wet myself.......it's good......very very good.


Although it created more questions than it answered.........God I want Revolutions to be out RIGHT now.

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