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Matrix Reloaded: Reviewed (err... kinda)

Boba Rhett

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Originally posted by Eldritch

Never heard that one before... got a source that states Anderson = Son of Man? Many Scandinavian names are like that... Bjorksson, Eriksson, etc. It only means that they're the son of Erik (or in Anderson's case, some guy named Ander).


Exactly, 'Anders' is a scandinavian name :)

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Well, to answer your questions, in my continuing research to obtain the truth, I uncovered an article which depicts an interview with the matrix brother writers which says (i am paraphrasing though).


Interviewer: Now with all the fans and thousands of websites devoted to the truth of the matrix and not how hot Keanu Reeves is. Are the theologies, biblical signficances and the historical references done intentionally, or did they just kind of appear that way.

Brothers: Well, to put it simply, all of it was intentional.


So, that was an interview done back in 99 after the release of the Matrix.

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Sorry Andy, but unless you've got a link to the interview you've paraphrased, I've got to go with current information. And current information states that the brothers Wachowski have not and will not do any interviews pertaining to the Matrix until after all the films have been released. Joel Silver has stated this several times as well.

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Originally posted by Andy867

"Cuse me while I whip this out" (Crowd screams)





Will that suffice Eldritch (Sorry ET:) )

Well color me [partly] wrong. They did indeed state that the multiple references to mythology/religion was intentional. But I am still right in saying that they have been "tight lipped" and have not yet done any interviews. :)


Nice sleuthing, Andy. Way to prove your point. :D

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It definitely took some time, because that article had said for the longest time they had been tight lipped, but in a web chat, which they probably don't consider an interview in their computerized minds. So, it definitely took some looking. But thats as far as I could get as far as any interviews/quotes directly from the horses' mouth. So, I will still keep at it just to suck up all the information I can, but as far as I know, just the articles alone have vastly improved my sight into the Matrix, and its portrayal for an almost biblical sense.

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Let me pose to you this question then - if it is indeed a biblical metaphor (a theory which I personally do not believe) then how does the story end?


Neo (Jesus) has already been betrayed and ressurected, and it's well past the 40 days he spent on earth after being revived... so how does it end (apply the same logic to possible future events)?

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That is to be determined because Neo agrees that he was not made to bring an end to anything. Either that, or once all is accomplished, he and trinity could live happily ever after. Who knows, all I know is that from the preview for Revolutions, Neo and Agent Smith clash one last time. in which case they are almost equally matched, as if Agent Smith is the devil who wants to destroy humanity, while Neo is the savior who will bring forth grace and happiness to Zion. Plus, I am not really that of a religious persons. I only know what I read or hear, and from what I can remember, after Jesus triumphs over evil by coming back from the dead, he then soon ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father Almighty. Amen.

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Well you can sit here, discussing about the connection of the bible and the matrix, and I agree that the W. Brothers (no not the warner ones ;)) did put in a lot of references to the bible and other myths (that's what the bible is to me anyways - a myth), but the references don't serve any purpose!!


And as you know: it is purpose that makes us, drives us, binds us and whatever all the Mr Smiths had to say ;)


It's nice to have connections to the bible, but it's not that the story evolves around those little bits, I think a comparison between the bible and this movie would be far-fetched :)

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Originally posted by Matt-Liell

Don't ya see Trinity Naked though? And I haven't seen it yet but my friend says you see "ERRRR something happen" in slow motion.


What would happen if you saw a female breast for 2 seconds? Or a vagina?





This reminds me of when I saw 28 Days Later in the cinema. In the beginning, a nude guy wakes up at a hospital, and a lot of girls went "EW! You can see his dick from there!". Yes ladies, that is a penis, most men have one - it's really quite natural. It may make you uncomfortable, but vaginas do the same to boys at your mental age. Geeez. Get over a God. Damn. Penis.

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Originally posted by C'jais

What would happen if you saw a female breast for 2 seconds? Or a vagina?





This reminds me of when I saw 28 Days Later in the cinema. In the beginning, a nude guy wakes up at a hospital, and a lot of girls went "EW! You can see his dick from there!". Yes ladies, that is a penis, most men have one - it's really quite natural. It may make you uncomfortable, but vaginas do the same to boys at your mental age. Geeez. Get over a God. Damn. Penis.


Nah its not that it grosses me out its a little safeguard called "Over protective Parents!" ;)

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I don't see what the big deal is, its not like the girls haven't ever seen one before. Personally, I wouldn't have cared either way if the love scene was in there since they really showed just more of each other's back and faces and not really anything until the end, and maybe a little the beginning, but nothing that should stop even a 10 yr old from seeing the movie. Oh, mom look. Hers are bigger than yours.. Big deal! Its movie people. I feel that the MPAA Ratings are useless for theaters, 'cept to keep kids under 6 out, that way there is no crying, just more of people's cell phone going off. (no pun intended from earlier comments in this post). If it was up to me, a kid over 10 should be allowed to see any movie, since its their choice to be there.

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Originally posted by Andy867

Personally, I wouldn't have cared either way if the love scene was in there since they really showed just more of each other's back and faces and not really anything until the end, and maybe a little the beginning


I think the rave scene was made to show how the Zion people celebrated "humanity" in the face of danger.


"While the machines are digging their way towards us and we may be scared, we are human. We all hold the ability to love, and that is something the machines cannot take away from us.


Now go have sex."


I believe it's meant to show how humans are superior to machines in this regard.

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I'm sitting here in my chair, already watched Matrix Reloaded a week ago, beat the game a few days ago, now I'm wondering what's in store for the concluding chapter in the Matrix trilogy. I warn you, this thread will contain spoilers in both Matrix Reloaded and Enter the Matrix.


Hopefully, it won't have French people who love to talk about the "Why's", orgasmic cake, or wiping their ass with silk. And I also hope that the Colonel Sanders dude, called the Architect doesn't keep talking in circles, using circular logic, or trying to confuse the hell outta people. No matter what those damned critics say, I still say that Matrix Reloaded ruled even if it had a little more talking than I would have liked.


Anyways, judging by the end of Reloaded and the FMVs in Enter the Matrix, I have a strange feeling we're in for alot more than we bargained for. The *new* Oracle appears in ETM with some startling conversations. When she talks with Ghost, she mentions that the Merovigian had her termination key. She said he got it from two programs that traded it for their safety. She said the two programs would have (or "had") a child that would bring great change to both the Matrix world and the Real world. I'm not sure whether this child is Neo, which would mean Neo is a program. And since in Matrix 1, Morpheus said that the One was "born inside the Matrix", and since Colonel Sanders said that the Matrix has been reloaded 6 times...I believe Neo is that child.


When the Oracle talks with Niobe, she reveals stuff about the end of Reloaded and the first part of Revolutions. She says that Neo is stuck in a place between the Matrix world and the Real world and that only Trinity can bring him back. But to do it she must "go through hell". She also sort of explains why the Oracle looks different...sort of. She says that for helping Neo, she was punished by the Merovigian. Though I'm not sure how giving her a new makeover is punishment. I think maybe she was deleted by the Merovigian and then since the Matrix is in the process of being reloaded she was renewed...or something.


As for the "matrix within a matrix" idea: I just don't know anymore. What do you guys think is going on?

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Seems to be a very good discussion going on there.. why not posting that here...?


I didn't know that discussion was going on over there. Plus, my discussion is very,very, different from that one. That discussion was about Matrix philosophy between Matrix 1 and 2. Mine is about what might happen in Matrix 3. So, they are very different.


I don't know about that, but there are more than enough Matrix threads over here already. Can we PLEASE tone down on the Matrix thread topics please?


That is true. I think there might be an abundance of Matrix threads. But the thing is, most of them are on different subjects. But hey, it's the Swamp, I guess it's free discussion, right?

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Originally posted by Rad707_Pandaz

She also sort of explains why the Oracle looks different...sort of. She says that for helping Neo, she was punished by the Merovigian. Though I'm not sure how giving her a new makeover is punishment. I think maybe she was deleted by the Merovigian and then since the Matrix is in the process of being reloaded she was renewed...or something.


She looks different because the actress who played the oracle in Matrix and Reloaded died... That's why they hadto come up with a new actres... Pretty sad :(


Of course they'll probably give us a reason in Revolutions why her appearance has changed. Probably because she needed to hide, stay under cover :)

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It's just Dark City people! Dark City!!!!



Okay, I'm done.


Reloaded wasn't as bad a sequel as Blade 2, but it is pretty lacking without the 1st movie to explain everything. They just intentionally wanted to throw you for a loop after you've been built up with all the other info. Gives it more impact.


Still, I will agree with Ebert's assesment that the effects looked "more realistic" (wirework vs. CGI) in a lot of places in the first film compared to the second. But.... it's the Matrix, so I guess we shouldn't be too surprised. Notice also how the first movie, the Matrix scenes were almost always tinted green (like the Wizard of Oz, the book, not the movie). Did they forget that in the second movie?


Another thing that bugged me is the "no matter how much you get thrown around, your sunglasses never come off, because you are so cool you got them superglued to your face" syndrome that also plague Blade 2.


I guess they couldn't make realistic CGI eyes, or they didn't want to animate thousands of pairs of sunglasses getting smashed/flying off? Just a nitpick.

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