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Due to the debates such as these, i usually keep very close tabs on religious debates in this forum, or close them entirely.


This doesn't have anything to do with the fatc that i don't believe in religion, god, ectt, it's to keep peace.


if youwanna talk about it, keep it civil, or closings, and possibly bannings will occur.



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I find that teaching/talking to people about Christianity, or "defending my religion" as you put it (though I don't think it needs "defending"), with words and talk and arguements never works; people just don't listen (as you can see). And no matter how eloquent one is, or how strong an arguement they make, it'll make no difference on someone who has already decided they don't want to hear it (as you can see).

That's something that I've learned from years of religious "discussion" on these boards, words are useless. Only through your actions can you really teach people what Christianity is all about.


Believe me, I've got four years' experience (check the register date!), and I've found that the discussions can even make some people angrier, because they don't want to listen to what you have to say. Rather than trying to persuade with arguements, try to persuede with actions and lifestyle (I'm sorry, persuede is really the wrong word, but it's the only one I can think of right now. -_-). (Though, my actions here are not always above reproach, and I'm sorry and I always regret it afterwards when I do or say something stupid, though I guess that can't make up for it. -_-)People don't care what you can say in one thread, but they are watching what you do.

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Yuppers. I note that you seem to have gotten the same conclusions from the experience that I did...




She is right in what she says. Show, don't tell.


That's not to say that religion should be an off-limits topic. It's on this very forum that we proved that we could talk about it intelligently and civilly, and if you want to talk about it nicely then you should feel free to do so. You may find out what *Lu* and I are talking about for yourself, though--a 'which religion' conversation is one that is going nowhere. :D

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Originally posted by Cmdr. Cracken

Due to the debates such as these, i usually keep very close tabs on religious debates in this forum, or close them entirely.


This doesn't have anything to do with the fatc that i don't believe in religion, god, ectt, it's to keep peace.


if youwanna talk about it, keep it civil, or closings, and possibly bannings will occur.




We seem to share the same views Mr. Crackles

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Religious and Political discussion should be avoided at all costs. It ALWAYS ends nasty, no matter how much you try to keep the peace. I never get into a discussion in these threads, but I do keep an eye on them.

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Oh, I'll open it either tonight or tomorrow. Probably sometime tonight; I already know of at least one person who is ready to draw-and-quarter me for closing it. But I really think it was the best thing to do, under the circumstances. I hope people will use their PM's like I suggested. Folks tend to be (even just a little bit!) more civil when they are talking privately, and don't seem to get as much on their high horse. I mean geeze, give a man a soap-box and he thinks he's king of the world. :/


Kj, your private message box is full. -_- Empty it.

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I note with much sadness that the conversation did not go peacefully. When Lujayne in her infinite patience and wisdom does open the thread back up (which most would leave closed) I sincerely hope that the combatants:


1. Respect each other's opinions.


2. Be civil to each other.


I have seen very thoughtful and interesting topics on the matter of God/religion at Lucasarts forums in the past. One at the old JK.Net went to forty-some pages, and everyone who participated followed those two rules to make it one of the most successful threads ever. Even here at RSN, we had a thread or two that did just fine, and on that day we (at least those of us here at the time) proved that it could be done.


I have also seen a lot of these threads go south and get closed quicktime. :sad: I support the mods in doing so, because one that does go bad will KILL a forum's sense of peace and harmony in no time at all, and no one wants that. If I were Lujayne I probably wouldn't re-open the thread in question...so take note, guys: you're being given one last chance to prove that you're responsible enough to have freedom of speech on this issue. If you foul it up again then I wouldn't give a religious topic a snowball's chance in re-entry of staying open at Lucasforums.


:) Please think about it. And look at those two rules again...I know I've seen them work before.

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Sorry to be so fatalistic, but no way. I already tried debating this type of thing. It doesn't work. I agree with ~L...


people just don't listen.


Although...as Zoomie said, we've managed to have quite good discussion hereabouts and at XWA in the past. So it can be done, but not in argument style. Civil discussion is the way to go! ^_^


edit: And MEK is back? Oh JOY. *Runs in opposite direction* -.-

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you r mean lynk


anyways I visited the thread...and I have to say...WTF is up with that stuff. i posted anyways. Just because i wanted to throw in my two cents. Maybe 1 person will read it and agree with me. Hell I scolled through half of that crap anyways. :mad:

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Ha, Lynk! What I want to say, I know one thing for sure: don't divide people to Indian, Spaniot, Irish, Azeri or Christian, Christian, Jewish or men, women or... Divide people only to good and bad. Then you can ask what is good and what is bad? Somebody may say there is no exact definition for good, I will say there is... simply nobody remembers and actually nobody knows. But if you want to be good (the main question) then I can help you with a tip. If something has a lie in it, it is not good for sure ;) Be good and...

May the Force be with you!

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