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People I would like to praise


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I just thought that the "people i would like to kill" thread was a bit on the negative side. Its not healthy to wallow in ones hatred, so I created this happy little thread. I'll start things off:


...damn, this is hard...


Quentin Tarantino- I used to not be to crazy about him or his movies, but then I saw the Kill Bill trailer, now I love him more than ever. If you haven't seen the Kill Bill trailer, WATCH IT


That guy- I don't know his name, but I read in a newspaper that this guy was climbing a big cliff, when a big boulder fell on his arm, so he couldn't move. He stayed there for three days, until he decided to cut his arm off with a knife, and wrap his shirt around the bloody stump. Then the guy walked to the hospital. wow.


...thats all I can think of right now...


its someone elses turn

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Adam Hart Davis - he does all the "what the tudors / romans etc did for us" programs on BBC2. He finds out the most interesting things from history and explains them in an interesting way. I like watching his programs :)


Luc Besson - French film maker. I just liked all of his films that I've seen. Well, that means 3... but he did a great job on all of them

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Have to say this, even though some people might disagree strongly, but they don't have opportunity to say so in this thread. ;)


George Lucas. I can't ever congratulate him enough of sharing his visions with all of us and still continuing making what he wants to do even if there were people(and really LOUD ones in this case) who don't like some of the elements that he has incorporated into his movies or even the movies themselves. You are my idol. :D


Paul Thomas Anderson. I'm speechless. People, go see Boogie Nights, Magnolia and Punch-Drunk Love. :cool:

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Bruce Springsteen - The Boss by all other names. I saw him play in late May, and was completely blown away. A class act, and still young at heart.


Nelson Mandela - visiting Ireland for the special Olympics, a true bastion of hope and integrity, a great man.


And you guys! for always putting a smile to my face, as i lurk from this forum to that.


Dream Forever.

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bono_av3.gifBono from U2

Say what you like about him, the man is trying to make a difference for people in the third world who are under such crippling debts to developed nations that they can't even feed themselves, let alone educate themselves and prosper.


He has raised awareness about the issue, and raised billions of dollars from governments around the world.


He hasn't even scratched the surface, but its not for lack of trying.

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Originally posted by sheaday6

That guy- I don't know his name, but I read in a newspaper that this guy was climbing a big cliff, when a big boulder fell on his arm, so he couldn't move. He stayed there for three days, until he decided to cut his arm off with a knife, and wrap his shirt around the bloody stump. Then the guy walked to the hospital. wow.

Aron Ralston. http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=8227144&BRD=1817&PAG=461&dept_id=222077&rfi=6


My list:

Larry Page and Sergey Brin of http://www.google.com/

Joel Spolsky of http://www.joelonsoftware.com/

...and any creator of decent literature/art/movies/music/websites.

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Quentin Tarantino for making Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction and Jackie Brown, three of my all-time favourite movies. Kill Bill will be just as great I hope.


Matt Groening and the rest of the The Simpsons cast & crew

For creating the best show ever on television. D'oh!

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Originally posted by sheaday6

Billy West- The voice of Ren, Stimpy, Fry, Dr.Zoidberg, Proffesor Farnsworth, Zap Brannigan, Nixon's Head, The Red m&m, The Cheerios bee, Bugs Bunny (in most of the new ones), And Woody woodpecker in 1957. A true artist


I second that, he also does a dozen other characters on futurama and is a true genius (and for doing a brilliant Dr Zoidberg, I could never do that).


My brother in law for risking his job to protect us.


My workmates, for making going to work worth while.


Terry Pratchett for the obvious.


The Northampton bus system from Moulton to town, that extra half hour really comes in handy.


My friend Dave who gave me three new middle names and a new surname without my consent.


My friend Sam for killing my friend Dave.


Lord Spencer, for giving me a job.


Fate, because it always has a funny way of making my life interesting without ever changing it.


Lady Luck, for that great smile.


God, because he had to come into this somewhere.

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