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I just got the news from Stratics. I'll post Qs post in a minute.


Give me skill trees or give me death!


[Edit] Well, it looks like they've taken down the Official Forums also, so I can't give you a post. But go to the official site for the proof.

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Well, once you get them on a website, you can just post links to them. If you need a website for right now, you can use my little lycos.uk one. Send the pics to my email (Jackrabbit@hurting.com), and I'll post them.


By the way, I still give Zek the credit for getting the news before me :).

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well i got loads of screenshots :D ill post one with every post. :D


When you start out in SWG.. and you want pistol experience points... dont go hunting by yourself.. find a group of people to start with.... you watch eachotehrs back and get easier kills :D


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Oh, great. I'll leave town tomorrow morning to celebrate Midsummer's Eve (one of the biggest holidays in Sweden), and before I go to sleep, I see this. Great. Now I'll sit and wonder what interesting topics you'll discuss while the others are eating pickled herring and drinking vodka. Karma, what good have you ever done to me!? :D


Anyway, keep talking, and I'll have a loooooot to look into when I'm back after the weekend. ;)

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Weeeeeee! I don't know what I want to say. Thanks for the pics Wraith, that's too bad Set. Gaahhh!


[Edit] Ok, I'm under control. I'll post those screenshots in a minute. I'm flooding my comp with beta crap, so my inet is running a little slow.

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Post man, POST!!!!! *passes out*


We all know who's the postman. That is...


*starts humming*

Postman Pat, Postman Pat,

Postman Pat and his black and white cat,

Early in the morning, Just as day is dawning,

He picks up all the post bags in his van.


Postman Pat, Postman Pat,

Postman Pat and his black and white cat,

All the birds are singing, and the day is just beginning.

Pat feels he's a really happy man.


Everybody knows his bright red van,

All his friends will smile as he waves to greet them,

Maybe... You can never be sure,

There'll be knock...[knock knock] Ring [ring ring]

Letters through your door.


I desperately need sleep. That is my only excuse.


EDIT: how does it work then? If I don't understand Sheriwook, will I see "Hrwaaaaah! Gaaargh!" or will I see nothing at all?

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Probably the first thing I do when I start up a new character is to ask someone to teach to comprehend Shyriiwook. Then I just pick up languages as I go, in no particular order. Within the first week of beta testing I picked up most of the languages.


The only thing reguarding languages that I was disapointed in, was that you learned it 100% on the spot. Not like in EQ were you had to keep practicing to get better. I guess it's nice that you know it automatically than spamming to learn it.

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I haven't been playing long enough to really get a feel for everything it has to offer, but I think it's only fair that I give you guys who have only been going on hype a little warning; this game is not really ready for release.


It's reasonable as-is, and it's better than a couple release MMORPGs that I could name, but it has its issues. It is still riddled with bugs, though I can't say exactly how much of that will be in release because the dev team is patching like mad now to try and iron them out. On top of that, the game is extremely light on content, possibly moreso than many MMORPGs at release. That's not to say the game isn't fun, but it needs work and is certainly going to have issues at launch as a result of not being delayed again. It's a reasonably fun game and has a lot of potential once the devs have had time to add more content, but it's not there yet. If there's one thing I learned from pre-ordering Anarchy Online it's not to take the hype too seriously.


Ask more questions and I'll try to answer them, and I'll comment on things more as they come to me.


Originally posted by Jackrabbit

Can you lay on those cots Wraith?

Nope, only sit on the chairs. That's a campsite creatable by Scouts, btw, though I'm not entirely sure still what the benefits are. I'd guess it offers increased regeneration and such, and I know you can watch Entertainers in camp even though they only give some healing and don't cure battle fatigue like they do in cantinas. When a scout starts one, it modifies the terrain to create a flat circle to put the stuff on, and puts it back as it was when it's gone.

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