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Concussion Rifle Back?


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Oh jeez... as the resident cynical wanker, part of me just wants them to leave such a thing alone.


Given what they thought were good weapons to put in a sw fps (yes, they were EU weapons but the implementation didn't have to reek of general FPS triteness), we might just be looking at the bastard child of our beloved concussion rifle.

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STOUKER concussion rifle??


Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time...


We haven't heard that name since the days of Dark Forces (in Jedi Knight it went by the name of "Concussion rifle")!


It's only a minor name change, and I don't want to get my hopes up, but it makes me wonder... will my beloved weapon of Dark Forces return in all of it's former glory, untainted by the lowly imitation found in Jedi Knight?


It was just so cool in DF, such a nice shape and sounds... Uh, I mean who couldn't love it except the people who created the JK version??

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in jo blasters and small projectiles could be pushed away or deflected, larger ones could only pushed away, and lasers could be dodged. but in jk is there any effective way to counter other than jumping out of the way?

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It's back.. Yay!!!!! :D :D :D

I missed it so damn much *cries*

So many games of FF oasis, force speeding round with a map while using force seeing, quick tapping of force jump hoping you won't run straight into a wall while trying to aim at an opponent doing the same thing :D


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excellent!! i liked that weapon... it will need to be balanced a bit, but its much cooler than, for example, the rocket launcher...


force push should cause the projectiles to go off where they are... :D


either that or it should be instant, like the DF one... the DF one was cooler BTW raven. :cool:

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Hey ... didn't we talk about this before http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=100709 ?


I like the idea of these as 'anti-Jedi' weapons, in both SP and MP. While, after playing JK/MotS again I see the Rail Gun / Merrsson missles as a 'wash', this I really have liked and missed.


I agree with toms that the DF implementation was a bit cleaner. I hope they find some way to make these hard to defend against - I like the push-detonate (with splash, of course). I also think that getting hit from a distance should knock you down while doing (lesser, obviously) damage.


Being that I'm an EpII fan, I wouldn't mind either the sound or something being like the 'seismic charges' from the asteroid chase.



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I'm glad to see the conc. return. It's one of the defining weapons of the series, and I missed it in JO. As for the look and sound, I hope it's as close as possible to it's previous incarnations. It always had a very distinctive sound in JK. Well done Raven, in bringing back a favourite...

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Originally posted by StormHammer

I'm glad to see the conc. return. It's one of the defining weapons of the series, and I missed it in JO. As for the look and sound, I hope it's as close as possible to it's previous incarnations. It always had a very distinctive sound in JK. Well done Raven, in bringing back a favourite...


You are right, of course. Anything other than just improving or modernizing would be 'messing with it', and would take away from the original.



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The Conc rifle was kind of like a giant blaster that shot blue-ish white blasts that made a very large explosion. It had a slow firing rate and used the same kind of ammo as the bowcaster.


The Conc had a secondary fire mode which shot a short range burst of ionized air.


Basically it was so popular because it was one of the only weapons that could reliably hit the fast moving, laggy players of JK1... It had a large blast radius with good damage, long range and a decent rate of fire. Also, the shots of the Conc couldn't be deflected by any force power or by the lightsaber.


The Stouker Concussion rifle in Dark Forces was much sleaker... the projectiles were invisible and hit the target nearly instantly... But it had a much slower firing rate and wasn't quite as powerful over all.. But like I said in my first post, I think it was a much more unique and cool weapon.

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Let's see, the DF1 concussion rifle basically was an instant hit, area of effect weapon.


Essentially you fire it, and almost instantly a big explosion occurs some distance away (usually against a wall or solid object) with a big "splash" effect of blue/white energy.



In Jedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith it was basically just a "big blaster" that had a large kick back and slow rate of fire, but it fired a bolt (which couldn't be blocked by a lightsaber) that "exploded" in a large blast radius (with a crappy animation of only a few frame, unfortunately, plus some partical effects) that spread out in a flat "ring" type of deal.


The secondary fire was a somewhat slow "shotgun" type of effect that had some similarities with the "rail gun" from Quake 2 (but not exactly, since it didn't penetrate targets to hit multiple ones). It was instant hit.


The Conc primary used a lot of ammo per shot, but the ammo capacity was rather high, meaning with a full clip you could do quite a bit of damage (unlike the severally crippled ammo of the Merr Sonn for example).



I wouldn't mind seeing the JK/MotS version of the Concy return, though I imagine it would have to have the speed/rate of fire or ammo re-adjusted for balance purposes considering the much slower speed of Jedi Outcast (and presumably Jedi Academy).


Pull was an effective counter to the Concussion Rifle, but then there was Absorb to prevent that. Combined with Rage, this would be an incredibly deadly weapon.


Force Protection kept you safe from several hits from the Conc rifle (it was less effective against the power than other explosives like the Rail Detonator and mines). But in JK Protection users couldn't use Speed, so they made up for their resistance with less ability to get away from the shooter (who might be using Speed himself). In MotS, Protection had a much higher mana cost, so it couldn't be used as much. But there were far more powerful weapons than the Concussion rifle (such as Seeking rails, or the Carbonite Gun) and more players were less able to protect fully from the powers of Pull (non Jedi classes that only had partial resistance like the Scout and the Bounty Hunter for example).


The MotS levels were also built so as to have a lot more "closer quarters" and "walls to duck behind" for extra protection, making the Conc somewhat less effective than the "wide open space" trend of the JK levels. Though, trapping somebody in a long hallway with a few conc shots was always fun to set up. ; )


Outcast/Academy would have the added benefit of Force Push to shove away the primary shots, and secondiry fire being unblockable (but slow) would be no different than the DEMP2 already is.




If the DF1 route were taken, this gun would be nearly identical to the DEMP2 in terms of secondary fire (without the reload time) in a sense.


The developers would also have to decide how to balance this gun compared to the Merr Sonn. Would the Merr Sonn be tweaked, or would the Conc?


One thing I loved about JK/MotS was the fact that you could swim in water, and that firing INTO water (not in water) would distort the paths of shots, making it harder to shoot people who were swimming away from you. That and the fact that sabers worked underwater (with a drastic reduction in attack effectiveness though) I hope something like that makes its way into Jedi Academy.


Just some ideas to think about...

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Force long post in action :/ but i Agree with you on pretty much everything you said, i would rather have the jk1 conc return rather than DF's version.


The effects of the water in jk2 and the saber under it were damn good for a game of it's age. It made it much more balanced for a way of escape, There would be no point in going into the water, if the weapon went on business as usual while you were slowed down and made an easier target.


Infact, jk1 had a lot of nice touches which are left out in modern games such as tricks which newbies don't know (alot of the time now, it's just how good you are at certain things) like use of the overhead map (the only useful mp one i have ever seen) Good use of sounds, well thought out power ups etc. It's things like that which make games enjoyable even thoguh you don't notice them.


It's strange, but Oasis and BGJ were the 2 big boys because of the design, both were outdoor and both had memorable things. In jk2, i bet you wouldn't remeber so much little things (like being able to jump on the ship in bgj) or being able to try your luck and jump from one end of the map to the other trying to get the conc.


It's just the little extra features that can make or break a game sometimes


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