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I.q Test!


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Originally posted by ZBomber

Hah, i'm 13, and I got 113. :p


My friend is 15, and he got 117. (And that was with me helping him. :p)


I think we had a thread like this last week though. ;)


*Kicks Zbomber* *Runs away*


Should pay more attention in class...

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Inept is the opposite of:


This shows just how well this test is done.


How intelligent you are has nothing to do with how big your vocabulary is. Nor has it got anything to do with how good you are at maths.


If that was the case, they could just make you do a math book, and judge you based on that.


IQ tests are bad, m'kay?

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Originally posted by C'jais

This shows just how well this test is done.


How intelligent you are has nothing to do with how big your vocabulary is. Nor has it got anything to do with how good you are at maths.


If that was the case, they could just make you do a math book, and judge you based on that.


IQ tests are bad, m'kay?


It's just something to do... :|

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Originally posted by C'jais

This shows just how well this test is done.


How intelligent you are has nothing to do with how big your vocabulary is. Nor has it got anything to do with how good you are at maths.


If that was the case, they could just make you do a math book, and judge you based on that.


IQ tests are bad, m'kay?


Yeh, its just for fun... erm... mate... yes... I said mate... >_>


I like math! Wheres this math book you speak of? :D

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You shouldn't expect your IQ to increase at all, mainly because IQ tests always take your age into account - whether they're professional and and apparently accurate and personal tests conducted by officals, or stupid online tests that measure absolutely nothing conducted by idiots.


IQ is measured as follows:


(Mental Age / Physical Age) * 100 = IQ

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Yeah another thread with the SAME test :rolleyes: Here's my 2 cents from the other thread:


I took the test, ( http://www.emode.com/tests/uiq/ ) and I'm a Visionary Philosopher My IQ was 135, I think that's pretty realistic, considering I got around 130 with the Dutch one too... this one's awfully short though... But then again... what does it say??




IQ tests mean ****, but it's nice to tell your result anywayz ;)

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I took the test it said my result was:Zen Fuzzy

it said it showed that i liked both, meat and vegetables.

and was happy eating either healthy food, or junk food.

*good test, man it's like so me*


and IQ is not an aqurate anything it is a test under conditions thats all, like you can say wow I bench press 185 pounds.

but maybe only once. someone else might press 18.5 pounds more than 100 times; which is better?


being penny wise but pound foolish

is no way to live.

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They said i was a dumbass...:D


Actually got the same score i did on another online test i took.


According to them i'm a visual mathematician...i hate maths but i was good with geomoetry and algebra in high school so they are a bit accurate on that.

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I got a 97. I'm a "Word Warrior"



This means you have exceptional verbal skills. You can easily make sense of complex issues and take and unusually creative approach to solving problems. Your strengths also make you a visionary. Even without trying you're able to come up with lots of new and creative ideas.


(Yay! 2500 posts!)

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Originally posted by ZBomber

Hah, i'm 13, and I got 113. :p


My friend is 15, and he got 117. (And that was with me helping him. :p)


I think we had a thread like this last week though. ;)


i am, and was that friend, 15 years old, yeah he helped me with a couple that were incredably easy , yet i looked beyond how simple they were and made it hard in myself. :D .........:( lol, yeah 117 not bad i did most hard ones.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

*high fives*


*high fives as well*


*give rhett candeh*



I got an IQ of 74...NOT..


EDIT:I GOT A 94 going through and just clicking random answers.

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"Visionary Philosopher" with an IQ of 135. Did I actually waste my time with that test? The worst part about these things is they do mean nothing. I have taken many IQ tests for schooling and have gotten as low as in the 60% all the way to 99%. That means that 40 out of 100 other people who took the test did better while on other ones only 1 person out of 100 did better. Has anyone actually been the best? No one did better than you out of the average 100 people? Makes you think.


Oh well I am smart and I have the wedgies to prove it.



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