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the hulk?

mr. Hutt

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I thought the Hulk was awsome, though some of my friends didn't like it for various reasons, but I'd recommend it highly, as it is superb, and this coming from someone who only saw it because it was a friends party and i was being polite...thank god i went, it is awsome.

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

(no need for the spam posts, mr.hutt ;) )


I haven't seen it yet, but I head it was ok. Not good, not bad sort of thing.


spam posts? anywayZ, i'm waiting for it to come on video and DVD, cause it isn't THAT good, from what i hear

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saw it last night.... here's my humblish opinion:


THe Hulk: Not a bad film, although probably not what most people would be expecting.


This film doesn't resemble most of the OOT CGi fests summer superhero blockbusters that have been coming out over the last few months (possibly a good thing if you have overloaded on them like me). Matrix fanboys might find it rather dull, in fact. The movie it most closely resembles is Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. It has the same sedate pace, some of the beautiful desert scenery shots with accompanying classical music could actually have come straight out of CTHD. (It even has a fight in the tree tops).


Lots of reviews have complained that it takes 45 minutes for the Hulk to appear, but it didn't feel like a long time to me. I actually liked the creation storyline and build up at the start. The other complaint i have seen around is that the Hulk looks fake. I actually thought the graphics looked pretty good (and about as real as a giant green bloke CAN look) and in general better than the scenes in the trailer made them look. My only real problem with them was that they seemed to be trying too hard to make the Hulk a good guy... he never seemed to hurt anyone (almost A-Team style with people always crawling out of crashed vehicles) and in fact came off a little too much like a sulking 2 year old throwing a tantrum and not enough like a menacing hulk.


All the acting was good, especially Jennifer Connelly (grr!) and the old guys. Eric Bana was ok as Bruce Banner, although since he was playing someone who repressed their feelings he didn't really have a lot to work with.


My favorite bit of the whole film was the cool split screens and clever foreground->background and background->foreground cuts which i thought gave a great comic book look to the whole thing.


So: If you are looking for mindless non-stop action and explosions you probably want to give this a miss... if you liked CTHD or LOTR:FOTR and don't mind slower paced films then you might like it. 7/10


That is rating on a scale of 1-10, not the usual 5-10 scale used in computer game reviews or anything. :D

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i saw it today and i thoruoght (sp) it was great, but that is just my humbal opinion:D. People say its slow and i agruee, but the slow is good! it builds on the story and creates the right feelings in the viewers mind. i would go see it!


Jennifer Connelly (grr!)


nuff said :D:D:D:D:P:P:P

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