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Mind Trick: Tool of the "Lamer"?


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I only very recently got ADSL, and its has been since then that I have encountered the true FPS-come-RPG multiplayer experience that is a JK2 sabers only game.


However, some people seem to have a problem with certain moves, and the major example which I have experienced is the general disapproval of using Mind Trick.


Basically, if I were to use Mind Trick to get behind an opponent and deliver a lethal flying-red-saber blow in the middle of a non-saber-challenge duel, I would be flamed and my victim would attempt to vote me off the server.


Although I have not been booted yet, this reaction tends to destroy my gaming experience, as I begin to feel restricted in how I can go about a fight.


I know that using Mind Trick is reasonable, as my investment of 18 points of force can be countered with a meagre 2 in Force Seeing, so how can my chosen way to fight be concidered illegitimate?


I am just wondering how you, the forum goers (and generally the more sensible of any gaming community), feel about this issue of taboo skills limiting a players options, and if you have any ideas ways the community could encourage these alternative play types.


Thanks, TwiceBjørn


(First post! Yay!)

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Hey, the way i see it is: If it's in the game you can do it.


Alright, those people who whine and complain are people who just cant deal with the facts! IT"S IN THE GAME SO IT"S LEGIT!!!


In fact, those who flame because they were killed.....those are the ones who should be voted off.



If you did that to me this would be said in my room (not over the internet)


Me: "Damn, i just got killed by that annoying combo! How could i fall for that!? Next time, i'll either fight him when he is low on the force or i'll wait till i have a sentry with me."


Thats all! Thats what the annoying "girls" who your playing should really say!

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Aaah, what a horrible, horrible mistake!


The only acceptable way to use mind trick is this:


1) You mind trick the opponent


2) You walk infront of him (not too close 'cause that's dishonourable)


3) Take off mind trick


4) Make sure he sees you. Swing your saber once or twice (not too close!!) to get the opponents attention. Remember: just because the opponent is in a FFA and has his saber up at the moment doesn't mean, that his saber is up for *you*. He might just be swinging it for fun or swinging at someone else.


5) Challenge him to a duel. Only duels are acceptable. In duels you don't have lame force or kicks that hurt. You're allowed to kick (not more than once, though!) during a duel...but if the opponent falls down, whatever you do, don't attack him!



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solution, play in non-newb servers.


no rules, no bs, just all out killing in mine ;P. well there is one rule, no bitching and no going nuts with racial **** like calling ppl niggers and **** (not jokingly like iron, but intending offense) (g//FFA) (its at the top of the list) (EarthQuake@ f/<.FallenKnights.) ({FK}Clan Sabers Only CTF) (shock ~ full force saber only) (Team Silent Death) (GrendelNFDuel) (if you get a streak of wanting to just play NF) (GrendeL FF Duel)

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

Aaah, what a horrible, horrible mistake!


The only acceptable way to use mind trick is this:


1) You mind trick the opponent


2) You walk infront of him (not too close 'cause that's dishonourable)


3) Take off mind trick


4) Make sure he sees you. Swing your saber once or twice (not too close!!) to get the opponents attention. Remember: just because the opponent is in a FFA and has his saber up at the moment doesn't mean, that his saber is up for *you*. He might just be swinging it for fun or swinging at someone else.


5) Challenge him to a duel. Only duels are acceptable. In duels you don't have lame force or kicks that hurt. You're allowed to kick (not more than once, though!) during a duel...but if the opponent falls down, whatever you do, don't attack him!




LMFAO heheh Nice1

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Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed

mind trick then run up from behind and go for a kick+dfa...

...If they complain about it tell them you are german and don't speak english and just keep killing them.


You are a very naughty boy! :p


But yeah, while I try to observe a certain amount of manners/honour, if you're in a non-clan FFA server, then FFA stands for Free For All. Which means sit at the other end of the map and snipe if you want :p

If they vote you out, they vote you out. They'll cry over it more than you will.



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On a server a wee while ago -


Idiot in first match: Hey, NK ok?


ME: Well yeah ok (knowing that he was a newb and no ponit in causing an argument)


Idiot in 2nd match, got beat once: nk plz.


Me: No.


Idiot: i haven't assigned anyponits to it


Me: You've had 3 rounds to give points to force jump.


Idiot: Doesn't matter, almost anyone with skill and honour doesn't kick anyway.


ME: It's a game man, i'm ok with bowing and that but it's a game.


Idiot: That isn't an excuse for people being *******s


Me: Are you saying i'm an *******?


Idiot d/cs




Me being pretty evil i followed him into a ffa server and i used an alias ..... Mr. Honour. Gonig into the game i used went into mind trick cosstantly and kicked him to death....


Idiot: WTH are you doing? You're kicking me while using mind trick!!! I don't even have force seeing you moron!


Me: it's in the game man


Idiot: Do you have no honour!


Me: What's that? (while using mr honour as a name)


Idiot doesn't reply and i continue to kick him to death and victimise him.. he eventually d/cs (Idiot isn't his real name btw :p)


' Thing was, everyone on the server was either spamming grip or mind trick... I just didn't see the point in this guy.. It's an essential tool in CTF matches :)

IMO if it's int the game then it's fine, i didn't see anyone complainng about things in jk1 :p

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If people stopped using every power, stance, and special move that someone considered lame, the game would degenerate into people just standing or sitting around with their sabers off chatting to one another. Wouldn't that be silly?

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I have no problem using it or with others that use it.


I believe when you have mindtrick, your saber still emits light. If not, it certantly emits sound. Also, footsteps. It's not hard to hear footsteps and a humming saber, since most people aren't sly enough to turn off their saber or use crouch while moving.

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