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Kicks, Saber locks and Ground stabs


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Seems like Raven has gone to a lot of trouble to specifically put moves into the game which are for killing people who have been disabled and are laying on the ground.



Personally, I'm fine with attacking someone when theyre on the ground after I win a saber lock. After all, isnt that the point of the saber lock? I'm not going to get RSI from clicking like crazy, just to be whined at for using my well gained advantage.



The kick debate, well i suppose that's fair enough. There are people who go around kick whoring and their only way to win is to just keep kicking til their opponent is down, then take their shot. THAT is cheap, but I don't know why taking a stab or 2 after winning a saber lock is cheap. The locks are there for a reason. Do you always stop and wait for the reborn to get up in Outcast SP after you beat them in a saber lock? It's a mechanism to gain an advantage. If you're willing to put yourself through pain to click at 100 miles an hour to win a saber lock, then you should be allowed to take what's rightfully yours.


Now that recovery moves have been added (rolls, jump kicks off the ground), perhaps attacking people when theyre on the ground will be a more viable method of attacking. If you're too slow to execute one of these moves before you're jumped on and speared, too bad. Learn to play better, but dont whinge if someone does it to you in a duel on a public server.


Private/Clan servers have their own rules. Generally public ones don't. If a private server owner/gameop/regular tells you not to, then fair enough.


But if someone whinges about you killing them when they're down after a saber lock on a public server, stuff 'em. Go for gold, stab the hell out of them :)


Let's also hope that the multitude of kicks available to those who choose to use the saberstaff aren't overused and have to be nerfed.



If someone complains about you using the ground finishing moves, tell them to go back to JO. They're in the game, and they're staying.



Feel free to post your own thoughts on the ground ethics matter.

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I commend the Raven team for paying careful attention (once again) to the great melee combat features in the Bushido Blade series of games!


Now those among us who choose to can literally "roll on the floor laughing" by tapping our key bound to "LoL!" while rolling on the ground.


Thankfully, we can also silence their mirth and merriment with a good-natured downward saber thrust to the groin.



Now if only we had the ability to toss sand in the face of our opponents, our enjoyment could truly be complete...!



I hope also that (if it is not already there, it will be added in a future patch) the "Surrender Emote" will be included, from Bushido Blade 2.


*Player1 turns off saber and drops to knees, bowing head forward*


(game goes into pseudo-cutscene)


*Player2* (slashing saber in downward arc) BONSAAAIIIIIIII!!!!!

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In all seriousness though, I don't think this will be such a big issue. Of larger "concerns" (heh) is the presence of not just single, but DOUBLE backstabs (and side stabs).




PS: I think if the above conditions for the "Surrender Emote" were met, the experience would further be enhanced with the presence of dismemberment and a few "lightning effects" after the fatal erm... "cut."

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I like all of the moves I've seen on the official site...and as stated, the moves are there to be used. It makes total sense to finish someone off when they're on the ground, especially, as you say Gonk, if you've been clicking like a maniac to obtain that advantage. ;)


I have to say I like the 'forward stab' move...it's very reminiscent of a fencing duel thrust, and seems to add a little bit of finesse for that reason.


As for kicks, I don't have a problem with those either, as long as there is some kind of counter measure. In JO I can usually get a Force Push into the proceedings if I've been knocked down, and now with the extra mobility after knockdowns, it should not be such an issue. If you simply lie on the ground after being knocked down, waiting for the deathblow, then that's your problem. :p


And Kurgan...I'm still ROFL at those ideas... :D

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Originally posted by Kurgan

I hope also that (if it is not already there, it will be added in a future patch) the "Surrender Emote" will be included, from Bushido Blade 2.


*Player1 turns off saber and drops to knees, bowing head forward*


(game goes into pseudo-cutscene)


*Player2* (slashing saber in downward arc) BONSAAAIIIIIIII!!!!!


I thought that I heard a rumor that the saber-off/bow thing was there as a key-choice, not as a surrendor but as a h0n0rz bow ... imaging the cries of lam3r when someone goes into a bow and you do the patented ObiWan down-stab like in AotC ... :D


I still haven't finished all of the content in the new site ... but it is all so cool ...



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Originally posted by boinga1

Heck...with all these new moves...I think hitting a grounded enemy will be

a) very hard

b) potentially painful (kick from ground)


So, if I knock someone down, I'm gonna stab 'em. Wait- I already do! :o

That's what makes it so cool. It is going to make battles lots and lots of fun, in SP and MP. The diversity of moves is just tremendous ... can't wait to try them ...



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Originally posted by Kurgan

A good point txa1265. I think that as a point of order for the revived *ASC* this emote shall be henceforth known as the "Surrender Emote."


Yes, I like the sound of that. ; )


Hahahah....yeah, I can just see that. Great idea. :D


Player 1 - bows with saber off

Player 2 - "Ah, so you surrender." *chops head off*


Excellent! :D

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Hahahah....yeah, I can just see that. Great idea. :D


Player 1 - bows with saber off

Player 2 - "Ah, so you surrender." *chops head off*


Excellent! :D


LoL yea and then those "n00bs" would start running around and saying "He's a lam3r! Admin ban him now before I cry!"


Sure hope that doesn't happen much in JA.

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Looking at the wealth of new moves, and counter-measures up on the official site, I think it shows that this leopard has actually managed to change it's spots sufficiently to redress the balance, and put the 'play' back into 'gameplay'.


I mean...jump up kick after knockdown...that's just tasty. ;)

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I certainly don't have a problem with finishing off your opponent after he's been knocked

to the ground, that's completely consistent with Star Wars. And I don't mind kicks as

long as they can be blocked and involve risk for the one who is attempting the kick.


Meaning, if an opponent tries to kick you he opens himself for counter attack and should

have to actually extend his leg out when he kicks, not just some instant animation,

but his leg is physically out there and vulnerable to being struck.


This will prevent people from that super fake kick spamming you see in JKII.

You keep kicking at opponents and you will quickly end up with your leg sliced off.

Let's see how well you duel while hopping on one leg. ;)


I don't mind things like kicks, stabs, etc., as long as they are simulated

in a way that what would work in a real lightsaber duel could also work in JA, but cheap

unrealistic tactics will get you killed very quickly in a duel with anyone good.


Just make the duels be authentic to the Star Wars movies. Stupid stuff that wouldn't

work a real duel should get you killed frighteningly fast. If Raven can do that,

then JA multi-player duels are going to own! :)

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Wait, wait! Now when i have finally read all the posts it seems that none of you has tested it yet. (Im talking about JA). Has the game not been officially released or what? It would explain why there are no servers up on the net. But how come I have it then?

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Originally posted by .:Cequel

Wait, wait! Now when i have finally read all the posts it seems that none of you has tested it yet. (Im talking about JA). Has the game not been officially released or what? It would explain why there are no servers up on the net. But how come I have it then?


I don't know why you have it but you should know, don't you? Beta smell? :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by .:Cequel

Wait, wait! Now when i have finally read all the posts it seems that none of you has tested it yet. (Im talking about JA). Has the game not been officially released or what? It would explain why there are no servers up on the net. But how come I have it then?


You might want to go here http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=106970 and read up a bit.


Game is not out yet, if you have it ... well read the above link.



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Originally posted by .:Cequel

Has the game not been officially released or what? It would explain why there are no servers up on the net. But how come I have it then?


Well...did you actually go out and buy a copy of the game? If you did, then you must have a very good supplier, because Jedi Academy is due in stores on 17th September 2003 in the US, and a bit later in other countries. :rolleyes:


If you have the beta leak, please take your comments elsewhere. We don't tolerate warez or leaked beta information on these forums. :tsk:

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Cequel, you didn't just turn on your computer and find it on the desktop, did you?


The only person who whined about me was in an extemely long match on ffa_deathstar. A guy tried to kick me for killing him with the traps, like, 800 times. :rolleyes: He just kept walking into the garbage compactor and I just hit the button whenever he did and when he got out, he ran away into the room with the lazer thing and I just hit the button everytime he did. The vote was a near tie. Out of 16 people, he got 1 vote (his own), and I got 2.


The finishing move is fine with me. If the recovery kick will knock him down or the roll will take you out of danger, there is always a way to survive. Incompetent people should not be helped along.


I'm hoping that you can block the kick, resulting in an extreme pain in their foot, if they still have one.

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Originally posted by Dunedain

I certainly don't have a problem with finishing off your opponent after he's been knocked

to the ground, that's completely consistent with Star Wars. And I don't mind kicks as

long as they can be blocked and involve risk for the one who is attempting the kick.


Meaning, if an opponent tries to kick you he opens himself for counter attack and should

have to actually extend his leg out when he kicks, not just some instant animation,

but his leg is physically out there and vulnerable to being struck.


This will prevent people from that super fake kick spamming you see in JKII.

You keep kicking at opponents and you will quickly end up with your leg sliced off.

Let's see how well you duel while hopping on one leg.


i agree, kicks should be VERY risky and only used to push some distance between you and your opponent. not spammed


i think there should be an awesome animation when someone kicks and it is countered by a quick saber swing, where the person's leg flies away and person painfully falls back with his stump still extended for an instant, and then drops in a dummy like fassion :D.... excuse my ghoulishness :D:cool:

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kicks would be ok, but i think the damage has to be reduced and the risk increased, making them a tactical option, not simply another weapon. if they did 5 or 10 damage instead of 20, were a lot harder to land and execute, and perhaps left the kicker vulnerable afterwards (perhaps on their back as if knocked down?) then i think they'd work exceptionally well. they would be, like many other moves, a calculated gamble. whether or not to risk a knockdown for the possibility of a knockdown and 10 damage to your opponent!? as they are in JO, its too easy to pull/kick people to death, and you cant disable them without limiting jump to level 1, which then removes cool wall runs!

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