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Wheres the red gone??


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I read a preview once that explained the saber colors:


When you start out, red isn't an available color, since red=evil in the Star Wars universe.


However, there's a certain mission where your lightsaber is destroyed (I think) and you're given the choice of a red saber if you're edging towards the Dark side.


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JDKnite188, why do you think he has the warez version?


If you look at the official site

you will see that the red saber is not offered in Single Player. We already know this.


Don't believe me? Look at the "customization" and the saber part. No red saber there.



As to Neverhoodian's comments, I think he's speculating, since we've heard no official word about that.

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You're thinking of Jedi Power Battles (and possibly some figures released around the same time). In that:


Mace Windu had a blue saber

Adi Gallia had red

Plo Koon had gold

Ki Adi Mundi had purple




But of course, now all of the above have either blue or green, except Mace, who has purple (see AOTC DVD).



We've just been speculating that the red blade MIGHT become available if you go to the Dark Side. This has NOT been confirmed.


The early shots showing players with red sabers could simply be somebody using cheats (sabercolor red), or might be before they decided to remove the red blade.

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Hey JO didnt let you use a red saber in SP, heck, it didnt let you use any color except blue! :p (I'm talking about default settings meaning no cheats)


btw jadenkorr try to improve your grammer/spelling in your posts, I could hardly understand what you said.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well who cares if its cheating if all its doing is changing a friggin saber color. I think Raven should have incorporated Tchoucky's RGB Saber mod into JA since this game is all about nothing but customization and what not... what if no one likes the colors given?


I'd say go with this



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Yep, its official, The red saber color will be Chosable(sp?) when you get the chance to trade in your single saber for dual sabers or a lightstaff


And no I don't own a illegal copy of the game, I just read the third designer diary and theres a picture of Jaden Korr with a Red lightstaff



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You guys really really want to know?



In the console theres a cvar listed as darksidesabercolor or something like that.. I think it's safe to say that this is most likely red. Happy now?


Don't believe me... just type in cvarlist or cmdlist and use PageUp/PageDown to scroll until you see it.



So anyway, you want Red to appear in the saber select screen?


Type this in the console when you're at the character creation section:


Sabercolor red red


(I think that's correct)


Now the blades shown should be red. If they change to another color as you're making your choices, type it in again until they are red.


There, you're set!

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