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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/22 in all areas

  1. Yes! Laserschwert's upscales would be good enough for me, even without the sprites being fixed. Surely it cannot be that hard in ScummVM? We managed to do a similar thing on the Grim Fandango Deluxe project, and it worked fine, so I don't see why upscaling COMI's backgrounds would be so difficult. (He says naively.)
    1 point
  2. After a bit more tinkering, I've replaced my old version of the Edison painting with a much more detailed one. To whoever wants to put this beauty up on their walls, enjoy! EDIT: I couldn't fully let it go yet, and added a few more oil paint strokes to the image. Now it's as beautiful as these people can get.
    1 point
  3. Speaking of CMI, Jonathan Ackley recently joined Twitter and just posted a couple of interesting facts: "Curse of Monkey Island trivia: In our first design, the Hotel on Blood Island was called the "Flamingo." A character called Matchstick McGee was going to set it on fire and the 'O' was going to fall off the sign." "We had difficulty finding the voice for Guybrush in #TheCurseOfMonkeyIsland. Finally, our director came to us and said, "I have one more guy. But he keeps saying, 'You don't understand. I AM Guybrush Threepwood!'" (He's referring to Dominic Armato, naturally. ) He also posted other info, including a mention that he worked on several versions of The DIG, which I still find interesting even though I no longer believe in the Secret Project theories I used to espouse. The history of LucasArts is always fascinating to me.
    1 point
  4. I never digged the soundtracks to MI1&2:SE. To me they missed the caribbean feel, and I just don’t understand why they didn’t ask Michael Land to rerecord them. Then again, I never liked the SE’s as a whole, (although MI2 was a definite improvement). The Double Fine remasters at least show what you can do with the vision of the original creator, part of the original team and a talented team behind them. I love them, apart from the above nitpicks. (And I really miss the original tentacle suction cup sound.)
    1 point
  5. I have started my own site covering AGI, SCI, and SCUMM games. It's called [https://www.missingfloppies.com]The Missing Floppies[/url], named after the mythical Leisure Suit Larry 4. It covers technical information and things I have personally discovered during the decompilation of Sierra and LucasArts games. With a proper decompilation in hand, I can conclusively confirm or bust myths regarding the games. Since LucasHacks is gone, and SCIProgramming's admin has been absent for a year, I've been concerned about the future of the resources there (not so much with SCIProgramming, since SierraHelp's wikis have mirrored much of it). My site will serve as the go-to solution for said resources relating to AGI, SCI, and SCUMM tools. I wonder what's the current status of SCUMMCompanion...
    1 point
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