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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/22 in all areas

  1. Most exciting news this week: LeChuck now named "Uncle Chuck".
    4 points
  2. September 19th, Talk Like A Pirate Day. Scummbuddy guaranteed or your monkey back.
    4 points
  3. Release date? No? OK...
    3 points
  4. I doubt they’ll do this, but it looks like Brr-muda is some kind of frozen island, so I had the thought that maybe we’ll finally see the Ice Demon LeChuck that was the ending of Curse hinted at… not sure anyone is clamouring for that particular plot development, but 14-year old me thought it was an obvious direction for Monkey Island 4 🙃
    2 points
  5. Who named you CEO?
    1 point
  6. I meant: "They'd never, but I'd appreciate it". 🤣
    1 point
  7. I really really need to put a damper on my enthusiasm until my platform is confirmed. But as this thread hasn't had a new post in two days (!!), here's some things that I don't expect from Return to Monkey Island, but would love to see. Maybe you have a few "I don't think they will, but I'd be over the moon" ideas of your own. Guybrush's diary / "quest log" in the main menu, scrap book style, chronicles his exploits in his own words. Ghost pirate violinist lady voiced by Sarah Hamilton. Finally, the return of the "Lookout" musical motif from The Secret of Monkey Island.
    1 point
  8. @BillyCheers, I apologize for taking so long in getting back to you concerning the track list for Monkey Island 2: Lechuck's Revenge. This is a particularly tricky one, for several reasons. For starters, there are several versions of this soundtrack available, with variable number of tracks, lengths, sequences and sound card used. Also, the game is, excluding the first and last act, non linear in the order you can visit and explore the islands, which doesn't really make obvious what the track order should be. When trying to tackle the ideal tracklist, I did end up using as a guideline the only somewhat "official Monkey Island soundtrack" ever released, and that is the score for Special Edition of Monkey Island 2. I must admit the soundtrack for the Special Edition is easily my favorite performance and presentation of this music. Not only I'm really fond of how the music was transposed to "live instruments", but I also think the official soundtrack presents a fantastic listening experience, combining some tracks in a wonderful manner and fully preserving the narrative arc of the music. You can listen to it here: So bearing this mind, I figured this official soundtrack presentation was the best blueprint for the ideal musical presentation of the Monkey Island 2 soundtrack in one of its original iterations. Once again, I used Stan's Previously Owned Soundtracks as the main music resource for this: But I changed the order of the tracks around in order to more closely follow the track sequence of the Special Edition soundtrack release which, as I've stated, I find to be pretty much ideal in terms of listening experience and narrative arc of the music. So this is the updated tracklist for the original soundtrack, with track times (which I still need to double check): 01. Opening Themes & Introduction 04:02 02. Largo LaGrande 01:48 03. Chapter Screen 0:12:00 04. Scabb Island Overview 2:00:00 05. Woodtick 4:04:00 06. The Cemetery 1:44:00 07. The Crypt / Rapp Scallion 2:23:00 08. The Swamp 3:28:00 09. Stabbing Largo & LeChuck Returns 3:31:00 10. Captain Dread 2:00:00 11. Captain Dread and the Map 2:27:00 12. Phatt Island 3:23:00 13. Phatt Island Jail 1:37:00 14. Phatt Island Map 2:43:00 15. Outside Phatt Mansion 1:35:00 16. Phatt Mansion Guard 2:30:00 17. Governor Phatt’s Room 2:15:00 18. Phatt Island Wheel of Fortune 3:33:00 19. “If This is Three…” 2:18:00 20. Phatt Island Alley Dealer 2:19:00 21. Phatt Island Waterfall 2:32:00 22. Secret Waterfall Tunnel 1:22:00 23. Rum Roger’s Cottage Exteriors 1:25:00 24. The Drinking Contest 2:23:00 25. Jojo the Monkey 1:28:00 26. Captain Kate’s Boat / Booty Island 4:59:00 27. Governor Marley’s Guard House 2:45:00 28. The Cook 2:45:00 29. Governor Marley’s Mardi Gras Fish Fry 2:23:00 30. The Booty Boutique 2:28:00 31. The Spitting Contest 2:45:00 32. Stan’s Previously Used Coffins 2:05:00 33. Stealing Elaine’s Map 1:38:00 34. Elaine & Guybrush 02:16 35. “Wow, What a Dream” & The Bone Song 03:28 36. Woodtick Revisited 2:47:00 37. Rooms of Ugly Bone Things 2:23:00 38. LeChuck’s Lament 1:53:00 39. The Escape From LeChuck’s Fortress 3:58:00 40. The Voodoo Dolly 3:38:00 41. The Underground Tunnels 9:48:00 42. Closing Themes 3:03:00 Total Time 114:04:00 Now, if we need to divide this in two cd's, the change between the Phatt Island and Booty Island sections of the game seems like the perfect dividing line, with Jojo the Monkey as a sort of Bonus track at the end of disc 1. And the total length of both cds are quite evenly balanced: Disc 1 Disc 2 01. Opening Themes & Introduction 04:02 01. Captain Kate’s Boat / Booty Island 4:59:00 02. Largo LaGrande 01:48 02. Governor Marley’s Guard House 2:45:00 03. Chapter Screen 0:12:00 03. The Cook 2:45:00 04. Scabb Island Overview 2:00:00 04. Governor Marley’s Mardi Gras Fish Fry 2:23:00 05. Woodtick 4:04:00 05. The Booty Boutique 2:28:00 06. The Cemetery 1:44:00 06. The Spitting Contest 2:45:00 07. The Crypt / Rapp Scallion 2:23:00 07. Stan’s Previously Used Coffins 2:05:00 08. The Swamp 3:28:00 08. Stealing Elaine’s Map 1:38:00 09. Stabbing Largo & LeChuck Returns 3:31:00 09. Elaine & Guybrush 02:16 10. Captain Dread 2:00:00 10. “Wow, What a Dream” & The Bone Song 03:28 11. Captain Dread and the Map 2:27:00 11. Woodtick Revisited 2:47:00 12. Phatt Island 3:23:00 12. Rooms of Ugly Bone Things 2:23:00 13. Phatt Island Jail 1:37:00 13. LeChuck’s Lament 1:53:00 14. Phatt Island Map 2:43:00 14. The Escape From LeChuck’s Fortress 3:58:00 15. Outside Phatt Mansion 1:35:00 15. The Voodoo Dolly 3:38:00 16. Phatt Mansion Guard 2:30:00 16. The Underground Tunnels 9:48:00 17. Governor Phatt’s Room 2:15:00 17. Closing Themes 3:03:00 18. Phatt Island Wheel of Fortune 3:33:00 Total Time 55:02:00 19. “If This is Three…” 2:18:00 20. Phatt Island Alley Dealer 2:19:00 21. Phatt Island Waterfall 2:32:00 22. Secret Waterfall Tunnel 1:22:00 23. Rum Roger’s Cottage Exteriors 1:25:00 24. The Drinking Contest 2:23:00 25. Jojo the Monkey 1:28:00 Total Time 59:02:00 Also leaves us some wiggle room if case we want to introduce some sort of bonus track at the end of Disc 2. I wasn't particularly sure about the placement of the Rapp Scallion track. Chronologically, it should be on Disc 2 (and this change would both discs pretty much the same length), but musically I think it flows much better when sequenced right next to cemetery track on Disc 1, as they did on the Special Edition presentation. Using the same logic to the Special Edition Soundtrack would also gives us the following track list, divided into two cd's: Disc 1 Disc 2 01. Hey! (You Guys Get Out of Here!) 0:20:00 01. Booty Island Overview 2:04:00 02. It All Started on Scabb Island... 04:11 02. The Guard Kiosk and the Cook 2:40:00 03. The Largo Embargo 3:19:00 03. Governor Marley's Mardi Gras Fish Fry 2:47:00 04. Woodtick Suite 4:01:00 04. Captain Kate / Stan's Previously Used Coffins 3:54:00 05. The Cemetary 3:13:00 05. Stealing Elaine's Map / The Tiff 3:08:00 06. The International House of Mojo 2:20:00 06. Dem Bones and the Dream 3:29:00 07. Poking Largo / LeChuck's Return 03:54 07. Wally Is Kidnapped 2:07:00 08. Captain Dread and the Jolly Rasta 3:18:00 08. Room of Ugly Bone Things 3:48:00 09. Phatt Island Arrival 2:56:00 09. LeChuck's Torture Chamber 3:01:00 10. Call Me The Bone Master 3:45:00 10. Dinky Island 4:09:00 11. Governor Phatt's Mansion 4:50:00 11. The Voodoo Dolly 2:58:00 12. The Gambler's Club 3:59:00 12. The Underground Tunnels 5:52:00 13. Beyond The Waterfall 3:19:00 13. Big Whoop and Finale 5:33:00 14. Rum Rogers Jr. and the Secret Chamber 2:45:00 Total 45:30:00 15. Jojo the Monkey (Bonus Track) 1:25:00 Total 47:35:00 I know this was a long post, and I would love to get other people's opinion on the ideal tracklist and sequence for both versions of this fantastic soundtrack. I hope this helps
    1 point
  9. ¿ɹǝɥʇoɯ ʎɯ noʎ ǝɹɐ ˙ǝɹɐqpɐǝɹɥʇ uıqqoq sı sıɥʇ
    1 point
  10. Thank you Aaron, DREAMM is absolutely superb 😘👌
    1 point
  11. Thank you very much! Is there a changelog on the web site?
    1 point
  12. Oh dear. I didn’t back (WHAT A BASTARD) so I haven’t seen what any emails might say.
    0 points
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