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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/22 in Posts

  1. Hmm… I’m not convinced. They tried to sell me a different LeChuck once (with Adam Harrington) and they failed miserably. Although I have to admit, Kevin Blackton was pretty good as a friendly human LeChuck.
    3 points
  2. I was thinking this the whole time I was reading and wondering if anyone would ask. I actually have a hard time believing that Emily wouldn't ask that tbh but I digress...
    2 points
  3. Sorry, this is not how it works in a creative and vibrant environment such as the games industry, let alone in a game company like LucasArts at their peak. It wasn't written in stone that the game after Indy4 would have adopted the style that DOTT eventually adopted. The artistic/graphical style of a product is decided on a per-game basis, depending on an incredible amount of things, people, resources, budget etc. For all we know, if MI3 was created in 1992, it might have adopted a The Dig style, a Full Throttle one or who knows what. Or, why not, even a DOTT style. What I'm trying to say is that in a game development context 2 and 2 is not always 4. Well, luckily it is, otherwise our computers wouldn't work and we wouldn't have games. But if you get my drift, my point is that your deduction is just your personal hope (which I respect), not an actual deduction.
    2 points
  4. Hi guys, let me share wiht you some speculations about the art syle. I'm one of those old school guys who initially, as soon the first images of the game appeared, complained about "not be in pixel art, or too far from the style of Monkey 2, etc. etc." But, at a second glance, I just persuaded myself that this is the style wich the "real" Monkey Island 3 would have been made if it come out in 1993. Follow me on this point: what's the game that follow Monkey 2? It was Day of the tentacle (let don't count Indy 4 who started with the same pipeline of monkey 1). Day of the tantacle has the same "expressionist style" of Return to Monkey Island, as many of us has spotted. This similarity is even more closer if we look to the remastered version of DOTT. I really think that, if Return to Monkey Island would have done in 1993, could have a visual style more similar to Day of the Tentacle than to Monkey 2 and the actual visual style fits to this perfectly -resolution apart-. So...it's a glorious moment. This is the real Monkey 3.
    2 points
  5. I find it interesting that no interview has asked about Schafer yet
    2 points
  6. I have to admit that my excitement has been taken down a notch knowing that Boen isn't back, but really hoping they choose a very, very strong replacement voice for him to make up for it. It'd suck if we had a very off LeChuck voice just for one game. On another note, I'm guessing that the man in the window on the right of the Melee screenshot is the storekeeper. If so, that likely means Jess Harnell could be back to voice him too. Him and Boen were two of the voices that transitioned perfectly into MI1SE and still gave fantastic performances despite the dialogue that was clearly written to be read.
    2 points
  7. Great news, everybody! The powers that be have been monitoring this thread in order to gauge what longtime fans of the studio would be most interested in, and now, all our wishes are being granted. ...Nah, I'm just joshin' ya. They're doing The Force Unleashed.
    2 points
  8. I'm just really happy that it looks different and clean / consistent. I always liked the fact that every MI game has a somewhat different art style that all somehow still fit into the overall "MI art design" and this one seems to nail that too. I'm sure I'll grow to love it if the animation work is anything like what we've seen in the trailer. With that said I really hope that somewhere in the distant future there is another MI game with Bill Tiller's work, I just want to see that man work on an HD MI game. Consistency and just the whole thing looking clean is even more important to me than just liking the looks of the game though because I think that's where Escape and Tales really missed the mark. I don't want to bash those games because I still like them very much but just for the sake of explaining what I mean: they had some very jarring moments where you got the sense that something was rushed or was left looking bad because of budgetary reasons. See Tales constantly recycling character models and environments while also skimping on a lot of interior areas, Escape having some really badly made backgrounds and cutscenes etc. They were just messy. With this more stylized and "lo-fi" art style I just don't see those problems occuring, they can just make a beautiful adventure game from an adventure game budget without it looking or feeling cheap. As a result of that I'm pretty sure that Return will be miles better to engage with than the previous two entries. Aaand there's a bit of a Broken Age vibe I really appreciate too. Anyway I just registered so hey, everyone!
    2 points
  9. Hi all! So for the last few days I've been working on a video project I've been wanting to do for a while and I have a first chapter up as a preview to test the waters As the title implies it's a Monkey Island abridged series using the official Memoirs from the Hintbook as the narration. Chapter 1 is only about 3 minutes long so it's a quick watch. I'm sharing it in a few fanspaces first to get an idea of how it is being received by who I made it for: fans like us 😀 Check it out Here if you have 3ish minutes to spare
    1 point
  10. I thought that the voice for human LeChuck was the same guy who did "demon" LeChuck in the original version of Episode 1 before he got recast for Earl Boen. After doing some imdb digging that doesn't seem to be the case, imdb lists the Episode 1 voice actor as Adam Harrington. So yeah, we never heard Kevin Blackton doing the ghost-zombie-demon pirate version, that might be interesting if it ends up being him in Return.
    1 point
  11. That shows how good Blackton was as human LeChuck, though if Rum thought it was Boen all this time! I'd like to hear how he'd have delivered "undead LeChuck." The hints of it near the end of Episode 4 showed promise in my opinion.
    1 point
  12. Nope, it's Kevin Blackton.
    1 point
  13. Me too but I have to say I'm not worried. I'm a huge voice acting nerd when it comes to these games, hell I didn't buy the otherwise sweet looking Skunkape Sam & Max remasters because they recast Bosco (the new less energetic version just doesn't feel like how the character was written), I never liked the Voodoo Lady in Tales of Monkey Island (sounds like a white lady doing the generic "African voodoo" voice) and Elaine in Escape because "that's just not her voice"... but with LeChuck I think it's a bit easier to sell a new actor simply because he looks different in every entry. For example I think whoever did human LeChuck in Tales was great and since Return will follow the ending of MI 2 then he might be Chucky for half the game, who knows?
    1 point
  14. Great observation, although I’m sure the art style was specifically chosen for Dott (and Sam and Max Hit the Road). If Ron had done MI3 back then he might have chosen a style that was more like MI2 or a maybe completely different style. We’ll never know.
    1 point
  15. That still looks like white hair to me more than a chef's hat. He's giving me grumpy old man vibes, that's gotta be the storekeeper.
    1 point
  16. I hope they get a worthy replacement! Dominic Armato said that he hasn't heard the new LeChuck voice actor yet, and is very cyrious who they will choose for the role too!
    1 point
  17. I actually really like the new screenshots! They seem like a perfect way to incorporate grit and detail into “clean” vector like shapes, while at the same time using the familiar colour palette from the first game. The humans look interesting too, I’ll have to see it in motion, but I like what I see. It’s actually a really smart way to move from pixel art to this. Don’t take me wrong, I would’ve loved backgrounds with the hand painted detail that Curse provides, but the animation would have to match that level of detail, and I’m not sure how well that would look on a budget, (Ron probably does not have the budget that Curse or Escape had). I’m really sad about hearing that Earl Boen is not involved. I understand, but I would’ve loved one final take on this classic villain. Especially with Ron finally involved, he could dial it up to really scary. Boen has such a unique and beautiful voice, it really made LeChuck for me. His replacement sure has a hell of a lot to live up to. Hopefully it’s an inspired choice. Also, really excited about the mushroom hell returning! It was such a unique moment in the original, having explored Monkey Island and then ending up in this gruesome, grizzly place! At the same time, I do hope they don’t overstuff on nostalgia locations.
    1 point
  18. Yep, overall the art managed to incorporate the SoMI color palette in a very recognizable way it seems, you just get that vibe. And it's like they managed to find a good balance where those who prefer pixel art will get a lot of the benefits of that while people who prefer the remasters won't think that the art took a step back. The only thing I'm a bit worried about is the nostalgia aspect, I hope they won't go overboard with that. I'm happy to see Melée Island back but I also have a tiny pyrite parrot on my shoulder saying "well it's the third time, you know". So don't Force Awakens it, Ron, please.
    1 point
  19. These 2 quotes from the Verge interview hit me hard. This is what Monkey Island is all about!!!! "And revisiting the world, revisiting Monkey Island — I haven’t done that in a long, long time. I remember when I first started this project, and I was writing code, and I first typed the words “Guybrush.” It sent a chill down me because I had not typed those words into code in 35 years. That was really fun to just kind of relook at the world again." "And then I told him that it was the new Monkey Island, and he was just floored. Which is a reaction I get from a lot of people. Before, when we were bringing people on, and we’d talk to them, the minute I mentioned, “I’m making a new Monkey Island….” One person literally started crying. They were so happy that this was happening. "
    1 point
  20. I'm particularly excited about the location under Monkey Island, with classic mushrooms included. I knew there would be something else under Monkey Island in Ron's vision, or that at least it would be part of "the secret" somehow. Whatever that is, if there even IS one.
    1 point
  21. This is great, thanks! It's weird, but in all the times I've played MI2, I've never really paid attention to the shipwreck motif of Woodtick. It's such a cool idea, and the execution is so inventive, varied yet cohesive. It's really impressive.
    1 point
  22. If you'd like to update your Anthology box to include RtMI, I've got you covered: Just print them out (300 dpi) and stick them on your box! Get them here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Od7I3bVxuQP3j4N6sEItvwcTRR0qHdWW?usp=sharing
    1 point
  23. I just rewatched the Curse of Monkey Island intro and I miss Earl Boen already… So curious about who will replace him.
    0 points
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