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Everything posted by Quanon

  1. Ah, I think Magnus did need to do a finale adjustment. Not to Kaurora, but to the export script of NWmax. He had to change that, to include the extra info needed for the ligthmaps.


    But there was a little fault in it. Which made exporting Walkmeshes a bit bugged and such :lol:

    So I believe he's working on that now, once that's out of the way, I think he'll release this version.

  2. Allright, I'll check it out :p

  3. I already knew of the video post effect in Max ;)

    But it can't hurt to refresh my memory.

  4. Hey, I haven't rendered your scene yet.

    I did have a peek into the file, trying to figure out a good way to do the engine glow.


    Once I got that, I can start to do full render. No doubt it'll take 4 to 6 hours.

  5. I got the box out of another model, think I got it out Tatooine or something.

    Mostly I get the sky textures with KT, and apply them to the box.


    Nothing fancy :p

  6. Ah, crap. It slipped my mind and I'm lazy :lol:

  7. Its more like a free-lance job :p

    Just doing the badguys ship in 3D.

  8. Hey, cool update on Revans robe, I saw it on Kfiles.

    Gonna need to download this asap :p


    Oh, and I saw you had some shots from your Sleheyron models :D

    That'll sure confuse some noobs :lol:

  9. I'm a happy person so :p :p :p

    Take that! :xp:

  10. Wow, that's a nice goal in life :p

    Keep working hard on it mate, it'll pay off, no doubt!

  11. Well, I stopped the studies. Have been trying for 4 years. And it's just wasn't my cup of tea in the end.

    So now I'm just looking for a job, it didn't matter much what, just something to get me started. It's a bit dumb of me, finishing your studies does give you better work. But I've come to terms in my head, that I'll be doing the more "low" work so to speak.


    Anyway, as long I get paid, can do my hobbies and such I'll be happy. For me work isn't life. Its a small thing you NEED to do.

  12. Sadlly not. The average store clerc thing :p

  13. True, but modding is a passion :p

    Have to wait till friday if I got the job or not... grrr... to long, I want to know NOW. :lol:

  14. Trouble! I smell it! :lol:

  15. A bit more stress lately, job hunting :p

    But otherwise its all OK.


    What about you? You've been off for a while?

  16. Héhéhé a bedroom.


    Though I'm not sure why the cylinder objects(plantpot and stands) need so many sides.

    If I use "round" shapes, just for dressing up the area, I never go much higher then 12.


    And plants are a a pain, suck up polys, by the leaves thing... and you can't escape that :p

    Good start I'dd say. :)

  17. 1 room? Wow, must be a big one :o

  18. I'dd say, something like 50.000 to 70.000, thing is you need to know if you're dealing with a more open area or a very closed one.


    Take, Nar Shaddaa, that's more open, though it still has a bit of those more narrow halls and rooms, who cut off your sight.


    Stuff like the Harbinger, the Hidden Military Base on Telos; those are large areas, but you can never see a lot of it at the same time. Doors and corners cut off your view.


    So via the .vis file you can say; if I'm in the first room A, show me hallway B and room C.

    Mostly when you are in a certain part ( A, B, C, etc) of your area, you mostly only see like 4 to 5 other parts.


    The game needs to render a lot less. So you can afford to do more polys.

    Quiete the opposite for flat outdoor areas, hence all the silly cliff in Dantooine, the silly little poles on Tantooine who block of your path.


    Such stuff requires you to keep it a bit more low, as you can see almost everything!

    Far more stressing on the engine :)

  19. Euhm, not sure if I'm following what you up to?

  20. Ah, good to hear, I do have a few more little droodles, I'll send them a long.

    Perhaps you might like them aswell :p

  21. :lol:


    No, pictures of my models, more as an example how the whole thing works in Kaurora and stuff.

  22. Only if its needed, with more polys you can go more precise around objects.

    Like, for example a bunch of rocks. You could just leave a rectangle shaped hole in your walkmesh, so the player can't go through the rocks.


    But with a few polyies more, you could make the hole, more fitting to the shape of the rocks. When you go for one big walkmesh, you might have to simplify such things.


    The exporter doesn't like really big walkmeshes, there's a maximum of faces/verts you can have, though I can't remember what that number is. :p


    Now, what I do, is make a large walkmesh, then add edges where I want to cut it.

    So I first create it fully and then devide.


    The game can be a bit troublesome about the walkmesh edge jumping, like say, you can go from part 1 to 2, but not back again.


    Got that a lot and it takes some getting use to.

    I think I might perhaps wright you a small tutorial? ;)


    As it'll be more clear when I have some pictures.

  23. Its best to start out of one object. Though you can devide/ cut it into pieces.

    That is infact, how Bioware and Obsidian did it.


    Its a little more involving, though you can use more polys per piece then you could on one large walkmesh.

  24. I had a few ideas, just need to get them scanned :p

    But I got sidetracked by my Korriban affair...


    I'll scan asap and send it to your way.

  25. Hmmm, I'll have another look and see what I can make out of it :p

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