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Darth Avlectus

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Status Updates posted by Darth Avlectus

  1. Oh gawd. :rolleyes:... :lol::laughing::lol:



    There's a bit of a cheerup. Torturing myself seeing what half truth drivel Olby and Matthews are saying. For any valid points they make they make me facepalm 5X as much.


    That made me laugh so hard I began to have a cough attack. Which means it's damn funny.

  2. Oh I thought it was that other purple lockbox.


    On guild's locker, I try to put something (valuable) in if I take something else out.


    The biochem is useful because if you RE some of the higher end stims and medpacks you can get schematics to make the reusable ones. Higher end. Else cybertech is where things are at for general usefulness.


    Artifice and Synthweave is meant for force sensitives and painfully obvious.


    The problem is that the system is unbalanced and unrefined if people hope for a beneficial payoff consistently as they level up. So unless you have tons of money you'll run into this problem and several other players have noticed so it isn't just me..

  3. Oh just busy. Thought I'd flashie my new av for this month.


    I'm actually headed to San Diego tomorrow since it's my week off.

  4. Oh man, I commented in my own profile...Ok you won since I changed my avy.


    Have any skyscrapers you want knocked down via an RPG? The benjamion special!

  5. Oh yeah, 'cuz I'm just so rich living in my trailer. :lol: Down the way you might find some ramshackle huts that you wouldn't believe people actually lived in. Maybe they have some bling? --gotta be hording some serious cash to live there. :lol:



    Little Italy? Which one? They're everywhere. Nah, that's one of the safest...unless you piss of a wise guy (don't cheat in casinos, you'll be fine).


    In all seriousness, there are a handful of areas in the US I'd probably avoid. Otherwise, yeh.

  6. Oh, hey man. What's up? No big deal. :)


    Have you heard of X-Play? It';s one of the survivor shows from when G4TV bought TechTV...they have gone from casually joking about it to just downright trash talking the older games. It's so irritating.


    I agree with you. I think the older games do set the foundations for today's stuff, and also believe today's gaming is acting too high and mighty for its own good. Something about the production value today just...falters. Perhaps we've advanced so quickly that expectationshave risen even more quickly to unrealistic levels.


    Ah, I see your groups. Impressive. Yeah, I liked the early to mid '90s gaming I played across macs and apples. Mine is more home consoles, I guess. Gray Jedi? I think I like you...:)

  7. OH? Looks as though he has already edited it. The original post was prior to 5:30pm PDT, 6:30 your system's time. I guess he is remembering there are rules. Thank you, though, for being around.



    BTW...what would it take to befriend you? What sort of stuff do you like? :)

  8. Oh.

    Yeah, I understand that. No use in cluttering up with trash or stuff you won't use. heheh.


    I shoulda figured as much.


    Nice to make your acquaintence BTW.

    Say, you're more of an expert: would it violate any lucasforum rules if I were to record and post mod footage on youtube without the author's permission? (More to the point: are you treadding on thin ice?)

    --I think sciamano is AWOL, so it's unlikely we'll hear from him...




    The Greivous mod looks awesome. I'll be patient tho.

    --is modeling too difficult? Maybe I could make something along those lines one day?



    I had a few rockman megaman mod ideas for starters. Some of which is making new heads and costumes.


    What about distributing what is apparently unauthored???

  9. Oh. Thanks man. Yeah, it's all a matter of getting my old prehistoric mastadon out.


    A 1995 MAC performa 6300. Gotta find some pinout converter adapter for a genaric monitor. It's on ebay. Just don't want to get in the hole of credit debt--especially right now.


    Open GL? Forgive me for being such a cavemen (I don't even have DVR)...Wattstat?

    I'll look up DXX rebirth. Thing is, I don't have descent anymore. :( Not sure if it was mine or my pa;'s to begin with...I guess another ebay thing to get...



  10. OK--that last one is edited--so anyone else who didn't see it won't. :D


    I'd guess you are about my age though.


    So far as finding stuff, yeah. I go too much. Trying to get rid of some...need any salvaged electronic components? JK


    I'm going to go out of town today. While I'm out I'm not sure if I should buy either a new multimeter, or a new practice sword.


    In the meantime I gotta shower and take my dog for a walk.


    Just besure and watch for the cat:

  11. Ok, I'll let you finish this one:

    Other guy: W-what?!? :lol:

  12. Okay, good to know. :lol:


    Sometimes I can be like that, in person. My online habits lean towards more just, blow it off and maybe be a smartass.

  13. OKAY, you got them now.


    ......You're welcome...........

  14. On a roll there with the comedy lately, I see. You have made me laugh at least once if not more these past few days.


  15. On a side note I believe you to be the type (far above that of the average person) to appreciate Dilbert. I have not watched the cartoon much, but I did read the "Dilbert Principle" some time back.

    [Query]: Have you read anything of the dilbert principle? I think it is rather profound in its analysis of human nature and thought. Paraphrase:"we would like to believe we think things through before we make a decision...reality is, we don't." While I don't strictly agree with this, it would explain a lot of amusement I have come to glean from stupidity. Which is precisely why I like being a jackass... sometimes.

    Also, no matter what, we are all idiots in some way. It's simply unavoidable. So when somebody calls me an idiot, I just simply laugh. They have no idea how true it is of me, and of themself!!! :laughing:


    [Musing]:The kicker is that the humorous side of its material is totally based off of the ridiculousness of reality. Those bizarre cubicle stories...

  16. One last thing and don't take this the wrong way: I realize we don't know each other IRL, but it's disingenuous to keep someone waiting for it if you never intended to reply in the first place.


    "Hey, just letting you know I plan to reply to your post in my kavar's thread as soon as I can. I just got tendinitis in my dominant arm so it's very difficult to type right now. I will reply as soon as I can."

  17. One of the GBA titles (fusion or zero mission)? Mind you I only have the first 3 titles and the rehash of the very first on GBA. Otherwise I'd guess one of the 3 echoes games?


    Either way, she is the (arguably) first heroine of VG's unless you consider Mrs. PAC MAN to count, there. XD

  18. OOH! What kind?! I'ms probably guessing the (then) ubiquitous HeNe...probably mostly the standard red...did you ever run across any HeNe oddities? Different TEM? Different wavelength?


    Possibly Argon, HeCd, Krypton, Dyes? Other solid state?


    Were semiconductor diode lasers being used for anything back then other than research, and as Theodore Maiman's tricked out typewriter delete mechanism?


    I'm interested to see just how far back DPSS lasers date


    ...I'm not sure what an optics department would have needed a Co2 (since that is deep IR nearing microwave...in a relative sense... and it shatters glass) laser but that is a guess....Any metal vapor lasers?


    How about having bought a blu Ray disc reader as surplus off ebay--like that KES400A for a PS3? You can make a blue/violet laser pointer out of it.


    4 a senior project, I built one sorta like as per the SciAm article on it.EDIT: a N2 laser

  19. Opp......didn't specify why in response:



    I think it's time you showed him your <ahem> welcome mat. :dev8:

  20. Or also as Johnny English. Ah, why thank you good sir.

    I usually try to change on the 11th of every month or thereabouts. Started when I had Zero Suit Samus. I figured, hell, why not?


    I'm nearing that 1000 posts mark where I get to title myself something.

    My first will be one of these:

    Are you feelinfg lucky....PUNK?! GRRRR!


    Atkinson, alive and well. Indeed, indeed!

    (no av change)

    Monkey Fling Doodey!

    (cartoon monkey)

    LF jack@$$!!!

    (a live pic of a jackass, what else)



    Hooohooohooo--Get in that barn, boy!

    (that old janitor, farmer guy on B&B)


    (If I decide to be Temari in my Av next)

    You're gonna get jacked!

    (Some pic of Revy from black lagoon w/ a gun pointing at onlookers)


    (See my pwn4g3 humor...last pic currently--only miniaturized)

    Tickle Torturing Samus on GMOD

    (just look for GMOD tickle Samus ;)) --I do so look forward to that. :dev14:


    (Laser safety symbol)

  21. Ozzy? Iron man? I think you got a good handle for music.


    I wish this were on some NES title:

  22. Peanut-butter and banana sandwich? Where'd you come up with *that* recipie?


  23. Perhaps you should be that intelligent youtuber. :thmbup1:


    Rather tempted to leave some more snarky retorts to the YT idiot comments. :dev11: BTW--is it the comments in this thread which you find offensive or are you making an exception here? (After all, they ARE kind of *asking* for it, no?)

  24. Poking where with stick? Poking who? The 2 love birds are in bed...


    Unless you were talking to thy king of thy raccoon corpses.

  25. Pretty good save there actually. Don't worry, we all get caught off guard in Kavar's.


    ...Yeah I've decided to talk to QGG. Friend to friend admonition. He's not a bad guy just a bit, shall we say, energetic. He's a rather active guy for his age.

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