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Darth Avlectus

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Status Updates posted by Darth Avlectus

  1. Yeah?


    I have about 70+ NES cartridges at least. Not so many for other systems.


    Nice to see nintendo labels ona game for a different system though, aint it?

  2. Yeah? You have quite a history. What a life. You're much more educated than I. I'd like to be more college educated. However, you're all too aware of some of the afflictions in the USA.


    This is probably the most of my activity socially online--that and youtube.


    I do like to visit http://www.repairfaq.org (referring to the microwaves and fixing what goes wrong), I learned most of my knowledge about electronics, electrical, and lasers from this site.


    I'm into way too many things for my own good. I have some college though no degree. I'm into weapons and tools obviously, some anime/manga, some videogames. I'll maybe dabble in M.U.G.E.N. and some ROM hacking--which are legal, best I can determine provided you give credit to original producer and do not infringe on money either. Like modding-also an option. Lately I am seeking out the martialist way (into which martial arts and sciences both fall).

  3. Yeah. I'm not sure where all I fit into the libertarians besides minimalist government/minarchy.


    I've learned Ayn Rand was a bit of a witch, but she made a very good point: tyrants aren't born under selfishness, they are born as championing altruism; Hitler/Mao/Stalin had to be the hip cool guy at some point. That said, selfishness is something we all should be wart of both in others and ourselves.


    Bummer. Yeah I'm finally getting to a point where I can get a machine that will actually play it. Found a case for my mobo of an old office machine but will have to Dremel out the peripheral inputs so it will fit. I hope I can get the push plate in tight and aligned but I'd be happy t get the mobo in at all. :)

  4. Yeah. That really pisses me off. I'd be infracted if I said here what I'd love to do to those people--if they could even be called that. Pseudo humans.

    We all would. They are such scum that even their remains would not be fit nor safe as scraps for vermin to eat. Insects run away from it. I believe that is saying something about how low they really are.


    I guess it's all contextual and semantics. Determining the intent. Which determines what side of which law it'll all come down on.


    Other countries: Some people lose limbs and other body parts to pay for stuff--or even just to live. Or taxation. While not strictly the same...uuuh, yeah.


    In fact, this is something I "might" have seen hints of in US at casinos. Behind the scenes, that sort of thing. Oh yeah. Both are similar in quite a few ways.


    It bothers me. But what am I gonna do about it? Ain't nothin' I can do.

  5. Yeah...QR, twisted sister and *maybe* a few others with a decent track or so is as far as I go but as beavis and butthead say: Winger SUX!!!


    Ah yes, I need to brush up on my metal history. And of course ACDC rocks.


    I like QR's get together album in '99 (alive and well) and how they re-did highway to hell. It's actually pretty damn good. Peep:

    (This BBCode requires its accompanying plugin to work properly.)

    BTW, there a metalheadz o' LF social club yet? I'd hella jump on that like a hot mama.

  6. Yeh? Not too tired to play poke the cow. To the point of Meatwad getting pissed off about it. And Fry telling y'all to knock it the feck off.


    Carl...HAH! Don't even get me started.

  7. Yes I saw the article actually. :) Have an old colliseum home video VHS of Royal Rumble '91 leading up to the events of WM7. Wrestlers dead mentioned there I'm pretty sure weren't all in WM7 and Miss Elizabeth was a mgr. I know Andre retired before that b/c his joints were giving out.


    Billed sizes are exaggerated most the time. Andre was actually only 7'0" or 7'1". But he was in the 500+ lbs neighborhood.

  8. Yes indeed, fine sir. Rowan Atkinson is a fine actor. Thanks graciously.


    Mr Bean had a certain charm on me when I was younger. Actually, some of the original stuff still sort of does. Always wanted to see Johnny English, actually.


    I've seen some episodes of Black Atter on PBS.

  9. Yes, you had kind of mentioned in a thread about why there was no female Revan robes mod wearable in the game. I believe that has already been done. The only thing I think you could do is make your own skin texture and model...and perhaps in the process incorporate the 10s of thousands of animations for it. Sounds like a lot, but I'd say if you really want it, go for it.


    Honestly for TSL, I wouldn't bother unless it is really worth it to you to do for the vision of Darth Revan-dependent on dialog of course choice. Or those mods where Exile can wear revan's robes. (Something kind of off about that story wise--just my opinion)...or maybe an Exile's robes and mask? I'd go for that.

  10. Yes. I know. :rolleyes: As my old sig said "What's worse than a cliche? The dumbass who gets it wrong!"


    Out to get you?


    [HK-47]: [Clarification]: OH no master, if that were my intention, we would not be having this conversation. [/HK-47] :dev9:

  11. You a retro gaming afficianado? I started a social group for those who like older games.

    Anything from...I suppose as late as N64...I was thinking more the generation of SNES back...qualifies as retro--at least so far as I'm concerned.


    Take care.

  12. You a smart mother ****er, that's right!


    Kahuna burger? That's one of them Hawaiian burger joints. Is their food any good? I hadn't had any burgers lately. See my girlfriend is a vegetarian, which pretty much makes me a vegetarian. That looks like a tasty burger. You mind if I have a bite of your tasty burger?

  13. You and one of my other friends are waiting for the 26th. WTH is it?!

    I demand an explanation!


    BTW, nice going with that redneck uni comment--coming form he who is a resident of the state most likely to be stereo typified into that very set of terms. smiley_smug.gif

  14. You can voice them TOO? Join the club, bro.


    Radio station...did you ever listen to the "world famous frank show" by any chance? KFMA?


    Holy ****. You and me would get along great if we ever hung out for reals. I do those kinds of voices all the time.


    I can also do voices of anderson, mcvicker, vandreisen, the pound cat guy, the angry dad/bartender, the creepy old man farmer/janitor, the obese bartender vet, mr stevenson, the immigration officers, and probably some others.


    I can also voice some of the family guy cast, a few on the simpsons, and probably some others I don't care to think of for now. it's late.

  15. You ever seen or played the "frustration" version of super mario 1??? :D

    *Hillarious* preview of what you get here

    if you want to download and play here:



    I have a hard time at spot 3:35 in vid. I got too frustrated after spot about 4:36 on video and haven't tried since.


    Its actually only 4 levels long, BUT, once you beat it you can play (as I saw in other videos) other even more frustrating levels. Just toggle the levels using whatever you have for "B" button at the title after beating it just like the original... If that doesn't put a hemmoridge in your blood vessels...you're rock solid.


    Another fun looking one Air Mario

    Though not as suicidal nor mind bogglingly complex as


    What do you think? :)

  16. You gonna see Friday the 13th--Naruto? :lol:


    --Make sure you bring hinata. :evil1:

  17. You have a stinkin' PM or are you just going to continue spanking the monkey? :xp:


    BTW, mystic is having a little trouble in the swamp. A dude who needs some stoic man to man consolation. It'd be a nice way to give your image a + for rep in the swamp at least.

  18. You have props from me for your artwork.


    Ah man, too bad I didn't check witchoo earlier for your birthday. Happy belated birthday, yo.

  19. You just posted to your own profile.


    fail :xp:

  20. You look in window...

    *Shikamaru dancing around wearing Temari's pale green panties* :dev9:

  21. You peek in and see one of the two scenarios :xp::


    Scenario 1: concerned and subdued Temari

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    Or if you feel it should be the other way around... Scenario 2:

    (This BBCode requires its accompanying plugin to work properly.)


    Your choice...

  22. You recall the expensive MRFX sabers discontinued by 2k8? While intended for dueling--couldn't hack it. Inventive individuals have made full time stores to fill the gap. They do anything from fixing & modding your MRFX, to making custom sabers. I could bother to explain but I think just checking it out will say more than I ever could.


    http://www.ultrasabers.com was the one who started it all first on ebay. Then they made their own site. Nice to get 'blade' replacements, diy conversion kits, etc. As well as stunt sabers.


    http://www.thecustomsabershop.com is the source for handy do it yourselfers. Verrry good. Anything from basic to quite advanced.


    http://www.doclocustomsabers.com if you want one already prefabbed and for a reasonable price. Impressive 'different' models.


    For the highest end of SW cosplayers and designs that are supposedly 'battle balanced', http://www.advanced-light.com is it. Pretty pennies.

  23. You see...a bunch of hobos. All of whom are unaware that 2 rats are copulating on the kitchen floor. None care, their living conditions are disgusting.


    (methinks you should check out the general discussion area and play the forum games...it does so make for an interesting visit!!!;))

  24. You sounded like you had a point with how much christianity steps upon its own toes. I'd be very much interested to see your sentiment. What faith are you of? I'm non denominational. The contradicting infighting in fact drove my dad to become a non-denominational minister. While it has made my immediate family the black jackasses of the extended family...I think it's a step in the right direction.

    He's married couples of other ethnicities wanting to break their boundaries. I.E. a traditional chinese woman and a traditional indian man married through him. We're not culture sensitive, yet we're not bigoted against outside cultures either. Our married in a bhuddist temple church and invited us. Frankly it wasn't all that different from modern christian weddings short sweet and to the point. My father actually insisted we sit close to the front. Our dentist was all the more grateful for it.

    Point being: feel free to rail at great length about christianity and its mistakes.

  25. YOU'RE BACK! What's up buddy?



    Wood Good, school bad...well, not all school but I think you get the point of bumpy bus rides in the morning. :lol:


    Whatcha been up 2?

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