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Darth Avlectus

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Status Updates posted by Darth Avlectus



  3. Hey bud. I know it's been awhile. If you still want to talk regarding your "reason to believe" thread and the PM you sent me, I'm still willing to hear whatever you have to say. No judgment. I'm simply curious as to your unease and how you manage it, having myself been in that same boat once.

  4. Hey Holocron, wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world? :D

  5. Hey man. How's it going?

  6. Hey Zer-Ny. What's up? Anyhoo, what do you think of Darth Jadus? Looks like a nod to nihilus (minus the "slave to his own power" thing) imo. And good thing too, in the miraluka page, it directly refers to kotor 2. :D

  7. Hey, CQ. How's it goin, ain't spoken in like forever.

  8. Hey, dude, why ain't you accepting PM right now?

  9. Hey, I got a request by sith holocron for a 'blue visas' mod...do you know by any chance of any such mod???

  10. Hey, just wanna say you impress the ever living hell outta me in the hydro thread. C'ya round.

  11. Hey, uh. Talk to e-varmint... He seems alright.

  12. Hey, you checked out anivide.com? It's perfect if you wanna watch anime for free. Nice to see if you want to actually buy a series before actually spending $$$, eh?

  13. HEY! I'M COMMENTING IN MY OWN PROFILE! Because I am epic win. :smirk2:

  14. Hey. I like that you have a sense of humor. Most n00bz don't. Keep it up awhile, and make a better showing of yourself around here, you might end up getting a jester badge.

  15. Hi there. I let SD know about your 'alingment'. He's more up on the postings of news and letters than I am. Glad to see you two hit it off. :) And of course, whatever you wanna chat about is cool with me.

  16. Hi. Well I must say, your scientific mind as well as prowess impresses me. I'm glad to hear someone around here has at least some idea of eugenics and other pseudosciences as well as machinations of manipulators behind institutions. You are rather well versed. What kind of science and technology are you into?

  17. Hiya buddy. How ya been?

  18. Hmm...let's see...Did I tell you to go **** a horse?

  19. Holy sweet mother goddess of metroid arse kicking since '86, it's Samus!!!

  20. Hooohooohoo, get in that barn, boy!

  21. Hope you get laid. Happy birthday ya drunk pimp!

  22. How do I make different category folders in the blogs section? :confused:

  23. How goes it my "republicrat" buddy? :)

  24. How you be man, ain't heard from ya in a while!

  25. How you doin' lately?

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