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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. I'm doing great! Check out the RoR thread when you get a chance.

    What have you up to lately?

  2. Glad you got some time to get away to enjoy the family and the summer vacation.


    Hey let me know if your still planning to give out the modules of the planet, or have you decided to revive the project.


    Welcome back



  3. I'm sorry to bother you.

    I got this error but can't find how to resolve it,


    • Adding file "corsold5.utc" to archive "cmerch.mod"...

    • Modifying GFF file corsold5.utc...

    • Finished updating GFF file "corsold5.utc" in "Modules\cmerch.mod"...

    • Error: Unhandled exception: Access violation at address 00472D96 in module 'TSLPatcher.exe'. Read of address 00000000 (0)



    thanks in advance:)

  4. TOR is a lot of fun =)


    Great for ideas for skins ,..etc

  5. checking my skype now to see if it simply didn't send me an email saying i have a request

  6. Hey, i got you PM

    My mailbox is full but I will send you a response to your Deadlystreams account

  7. actually i believe the issue with the utc file, it won't allow me to save the po of the character/party member, what would keep that from saving the setting?


  8. Cain and Drayen look awesome!

    The one thing i notice with cain, on that body his bead looks alittle to big, i don't know if its the shot, or the body type, which i notice it with the twilik sith twin it also made her head look big.

    The characters look WOW!!


    I'm looking into how to get the pre-beta to you guys might just wrap the the folders up so it can be simple drop in and play

  9. posted in social group

  10. posted in social group,

  11. let me know if you have any questions

  12. Will send it to you tomorrow

  13. ok, yea- got the request, i din't get en email telling me i got one. I clicked to add you as a contact

  14. Yes it was for kotor2.

    Did place the last line into the kotor1's onspawn script? Same spot as for the kotor2 script.

  15. you figure out the issue with the script?

  16. lol, True.

    You do have the first main quest done. Plus you have a good idea about the rest of the planet except a few points and the end scene.


    let me know if you want me to do the Sion Blue screen shot. i can do a mock up rough version over the July 4th weekend if you want.

  17. Hey, will get the next 3 to you hopefully, tomorrow. TSL Patcher is having error so reason when its installing one of the 3 new modules.....=(

  18. i always felt like that thses scenes were never finished, in the sense of how they would work in game, they were half finished

    From a game design stand point since there seems to be not result or affect of after them,..Atoon fights mical and Mical dies, now what?

  19. If you sign to swtor I believe you can see what server for the guilds.


    Darth hater has all the severs listed

  20. Hows the season going at work?

  21. It works in compile.


    This is from a twilikf onspawn script in utc onspawn slot.

    You just have to replace the last line (GN_WalkWayPoints(); and replace it with AssignCommand(OBJECT_SELF,ActionRandomWalk());


    It looks like this at the bottom of the onspawn script:

    Compile it and rename the new scripts name ex kotwlk.nss and place in the slot of onspawn in the utc scripting slot.



    // DEFAULT GENERIC BEHAVIOR (DO NOT TOUCH) *****************************************************************************************




    GN_SetListeningPatterns(); //This function although poorly named sets up the listening patterns and other important data for the

    //creature it should never be removed.



  22. I can click the same corpse several times and produce unlimited hississ,....want it to fire only once.

  23. Hey,


    Darthstony told me to reach out to you.

    Question on kotor2 ....what determines if disciple vs atton...and brianna vs visas....? Does Exile have to be DS? what determines the kreia vs party fight? Can the kreia vs party members happen and the visas vs brianna fight?

  24. for a test just need a fly by from left to right and raising in the air.


    I will be redoing as a copy off of Maul and Qui gon



    Shoot in in a Green screen since the engines are blue and we will lose them if in blue screen.


    Let me know if you have any questions.

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