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Te Je'karta Mand'alor

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Status Updates posted by Te Je'karta Mand'alor

  1. i know you didn't. i was infracted for insulting jhonathan7. but i never said anything to him :swear:



    congrats on being a seinior! :thmbup1:

  2. oh... didn't realize that :(

    i feel like hooper now.... I WAS ONLY BEING HONEST!!!

  3. got to go... have fun wth that nanokiller :D

  4. got to go. nice chatting with you for three messages :xp:

  5. when will darthwarren's commando be done? it sounds pretty sweet

  6. was that my nanokiller you just ate?

  7. ah... i shall pretend i know what your talking about :xp:

  8. and anakin has padme stuck in his head?

  9. hey man. you havn;t been on for a while

  10. sends it back ith glasses that make rc seem puny

    (oops... didn't need them :D)

  11. *takes paybacks blood sample*

    *sends out another nanokiller*

  12. psst.. kick rc-2212payback in the family jewels

  13. *sends out nanokiller sent for paybacks family jewels*

  14. haha. i just took that a few minutes ago. i found it kind of funny :xp:

  15. yeah thats a bummer. look at my screeny

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  16. well i cant get it to work (i can never get giveitem cheats to work :xp:) just forget about it. it isn't that important

  17. hmm... can't get it to work. you said it only worked if you havn't met him yet. what if a character on another profile did

  18. so you liked them?


    oh, i'm sorry. did i break your concentration? :lol:

  19. so how'd you like the videos i sent you?

  20. i'm having troubles with that mod. what is the exact code i need to enter?

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