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Status Updates posted by Trench

  1. While your still online: how deep do you want the colors? I was thinking that it could be a deep majestic color made to represent a new "breed" of Mando'ade.

    I want to know how you want it before I get carried away:p

  2. Who's Mird'ika? 0_o




    Just kidding ner'vod. :p

    Those are excellent. How you made them, I don't know. But they're excellent. :D

  3. Wow. Sweet work adamqd! Can you give me a link to that font? :D

    And if you haven't already added a name to the sig, instead of putting my username, could you do "Jai'galaar Bralor"? :)

  4. Wow. They certainly are stocky aren't they?:p

    Wouldn't it be possible to just import the entire Magnaguard package? Animations and everything? Or is the game engine to limiting?

  5. Xavier2: If you still mod -or even visit this site- do you think you could post an update about that Boba Fett armor you were working on back in 04?

    Or if you have stopped working on it... at least say so in the thread.

  6. Yeah well: [joke] Lynk Former does seem a little on the strange side:p, and I did see Jeff logging on to the admin control panel a lot yesterday.[/joke]

    I doubt any one of the admins would do something like that though.:D

  7. Yeah, her first line to you is:

    Blast it! How did you find me? Please don't hit me like the Mandalorians did...

  8. Yeah, I got that model a while back and I remodeled it to look more realistic, but most of what I did either ruined the texture or caused a thousand clipping issues.

    Update-- I finished Cassus Fett's armor and helmet and know I am working on the Mandalorian Cannon-fodder.

  9. Yep, Kal Skirata, Rav Bralor, Walon Vau, and many many more.

    There were 100 Cuy'val Dar total, with 75 of them being Mando'ade.

  10. Yep:D

    +1 to my nerd level:p

  11. Yep.

    Nice mods BTW:D

  12. Yep.

    *sigh* I guess I'll go do it again...


  13. Yes Quanon you look like an idiot.:xp:

    If not for your pure win mods I would have you kicked from the Intrawebz!:dev11:


    Madam Muffin, you now have over 9000 votes on jmac's cabana thread. You are officially the most popular supposedly female member of LF.:p

  14. Yo ner'vod, you never put up a link for that "Neon Squad" RC mod you made.:D

    When you do, let me know. I will definitely for a few play throughs.

  15. You are a crazy person purifier. Truly crazy indeed o_Q

    Were you deleting your own posts my friend? I now doubt your sanity.:carms:

  16. You are acting very strange my friend. >_>

    Very strange.

  17. You are Mand'alor!:bow:






  18. You can't kill me! You can just stand there and hover while you glow like a blue lamp:xp:


    I win!:D

  19. You could model the tank and have a couple hovering in a hanger. And you could have some being driven in a cut scene if possible.

    That's some pretty sweet stuff, and it will add so much more quality to KotOR when included in the mod.:D

  20. You have stolen everything that I hold dear!:swear:



  21. You haven't got the guts!:swear:


    Show spoiler
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    :xp: J/K :p
  22. Trench

    You might be pushing your limits in the "level cap removal" thread.

    Tread lightly.




  24. You weren't the only one to get an infraction. Those infraction tabs are private. I got one too:(


    Oh well. I deserved it too. I need to learn to keep my big mouth shut.

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