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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Status Updates posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. what are ya doing now?

  2. what are you willing to do for this mod?

  3. What are yur coments about that?

  4. what do you mean by plot intro?

  5. What do you want to help me with on my mod?

  6. What homeschool curiculim do you use?

  7. What I mean is that it isn't very realistic to have 5 men man a ship, I was thinking of about 14 men in all (they can eventually die off so don't worry) they are also fairly crushal to my characters developement. If u still don't like it, I will respect that.

  8. What in the Seven Rings of Hell! LOL ROFL. I see someone has read Divine Comedy by Dante.

  9. what is "The Sister Hawk" and will you plz tell me a brief thing about the romance feature? I also can't wait for the next modcast and/or youtube vids.

  10. What is sonic underground though?????? Also, I like Sonic X, but I hate the chris dude because he completely takes away from Sonic. I also DO NOt like Anime. This is a minor exeption though.

  11. what is your book about?

  12. what kind of webcam do you use? I thought you said skype is not working on your computer, you can always give me your phone via pm. If it makes you feel uncumftorble, i'd understand.

  13. what kind of work are you doing? I know you want nothing to do with my TC mod, but can you give me some tips on how to make one BESIDES than I should sstart on something smaller?

  14. what kind of work are you interested in doing for my mod?

  15. what kinda modding do ya wanna do for my mod? Can u help with modules?

  16. What r ur modding talents? I may need your help in my TC.

  17. What the heck happened to lf Christians? I thought I might have been kicked out, then I saw that it was completely gone.

  18. What was the point of Lynk Former's creepy VM's to you? Aren't you already married?

  19. what was the song called that was at the begining of your modcast? It sounds kinda like The Ruins of the Enclave, only more epic. I haven't heard it before. Is it M4-78 perhaps? Also, why did you name your avatar Logan28 if your name is actually Tom? I am just curious.

  20. Whats modderator control pannel? And, just a question, how do you become a moderator?

  21. whats with DI's dumb story? He is making fun of I, Avenian! Your a way better writer than him. Great work! Oh yeah, know when the next chapter will be out?

  22. when do ya wanna skype? Havent seen ya on lately, everything OK?

  23. when is the best time to recruit Voice Actors? Should I finish the modding process first?

  24. When making a TC, whats the first step?

  25. When your done with your ROR mod, can you help JM and I on the Jedi Knights mod?

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