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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Status Updates posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. where you share your Mando art!

  2. where's that in England?

  3. which sonic show do you prefer? Sonic X, Sonic Adventures, or SOnic Underground. I think I prefered the original because you can't beat the classics. It was funny, and cool at the same time. For some reason they called Eggman Robotnik in that show though. I personally have never seen sonic underground, am I missing anything? I like Sonic X to an extent, the plot is awsome and really sci-fi ish but I don't think Chris adds anything. I also was never big on the whole anime aspect of it either. What is your preference?

  4. Who are the characters so I can get a sense of who or what I'd be VOing?

  5. who are you working on now Dak?

  6. who are you working on now, nd what school do you go to?

  7. who are you working on now.....Dustil?

  8. WHo exactly was Te Jek'arta Mand'alor?

  9. who is your avatar now?

  10. who r the party members in your mod?

  11. who would you like to audition for? Check in my social group.

  12. why did jek'erta madalore get baned?

  13. why did you change your avatar back?

  14. why did you close that forum. And how did Carth get soo many votes. LOL

  15. why did you deny my social group invite?

  16. why don't you go wild in our mod social groups? I am curious to see upcoming stuff in your mod and I am curious to see what you think of mine. You can also post in the WIP thread.

  17. Why is your name disbeliever?

  18. why the heck did corsair take command of Karath's fleet!? Please tell him it was Malak's duty!

  19. why was Jerkata Mandalore banned?

  20. would you rather me play Ju'un or Tressk? Its up to you. I don't mean to be persistant, but I am eager to get some lines! BTW, You have been casted as Nihilus, Cassus, Additional voices, and possibly Zayne. Can you maybe do a retake on Zayne though? I accidentialy deleated the file. I would also prefer a deeper voice if you ever have the chance. I know your a busy guy, just checkin' in.

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