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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Status Updates posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. I hope you are getting enough sleep man! If you feel inclined to stay up all night if it is for the good of the mod...go for it. But only if you have been getting enough sleep these days. I don't wanna deprive you of any much needed rest. You can take a break any time if you want.

  2. i will also help with the storyline and I will even post an official fanfic for you! I love writting.

  3. My SW Christmas Carol is alost done. I have more chapters posted!

  4. Was he related anyway to Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Britain from 1940-1945 and again from 1950-1955?

  5. interested in vaing for my mod?

  6. I was wondering if you can portray somebody in my 501st legion casting call?

  7. wanna join my Mandalorian wars RP?

  8. havin' fun killin' meatbags? LOL!

  9. I was wondering if you would take part in my 501st legion or madalorian wars casting call?

  10. I see. Maybe you can beta test mine if you want.

  11. So you stay up all night every night? LOL. You seem really energetic. If you want a break, you don't even have to ask. Just send a pm telling me you need a nap or whatnot.

  12. hey ner'vod, I joined your forums.

  13. dd u do any skinning or moddeling over this weekend yet?

  14. It may seem prety babyish to you, but have you ever played POTCO? I am a member and though it isn't an RPG, can be fun and has really cool events. It was voted most family friendly MMO of 2009.

  15. What homeschool curiculim do you use?

  16. Ok,a clean copy has been placed in the Fanfic center.

  17. any luck on new skins? I loved Kahim!

  18. I already beat TJM last month....and I LOVED it! The only thing I didn't like was the ending. Did Revan REALLY die?

  19. Because I drank it all! Hiccup!

  20. I really enjoy making all of these connections! Its fun to learn about English Nobility. Where in the UK are u?

  21. which sonic show do you prefer? Sonic X, Sonic Adventures, or SOnic Underground. I think I prefered the original because you can't beat the classics. It was funny, and cool at the same time. For some reason they called Eggman Robotnik in that show though. I personally have never seen sonic underground, am I missing anything? I like Sonic X to an extent, the plot is awsome and really sci-fi ish but I don't think Chris adds anything. I also was never big on the whole anime aspect of it either. What is your preference?

  22. wanna voice for my mod? You did a good mandalorian voice in BOSSR.

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