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Everything posted by OzzieMonkey

  1. Someone over on the Thimbleweed Park forums found a translation of that article. They highlighted one new thing of note, which is that they're going to include a "Catch-Me-Up" feature to recap important things from the other games. No idea what that's going to look like, would be weird (but awesome) to see a "Previously on Monkey Island" bit that has scenes from the other games in Rex's art style. Man...it'd be really interesting to play a remaster of MI1 and 2 with his art direction.
  2. Agreed. This is just Disney's usual MO; show nothing right up until release and make people squirm. People talking about lack of marketing does all the marketing for them.
  3. All I ask is that the game doesn't come out during uni times. I'm gonna have assignments coming out of my butt, and I know I'll end up procrastinating to play it, which is not ideal
  4. Would it be possible to adjust the mouse sensitivity or implement an option to allow users to change it themselves? I've found that it's not very strong on my computer and not very smooth; is vsync enabled by default or anything?
  5. Isn't it nice that we can all share different opinions like this that are so vast in their nuance and still be really respectful to each other? Just let that sink in for a minute; how often does that happen? This is one of the reasons I find the Mojo forums so comforting, it really is filled with the friendliest people. Now to change all that with my hugely controversial opinion... ...I like Herman Toothrot the most in EMI.
  6. Yeah that is certainly true, I saw David Fox had liked a few of those tweets too, seems a weird thing to do if you know there's nothing to show. At the risk of being slandered in the Mojo Adventurer again (an honour though it is 😜) , it's worth noting that Devolver have continued to announce more games and reveal trailers past their showcase in the Netflix games presentation, so it's not outside the realm of possibility that there are more chances within Summer Game Fest for the game to be shown, but at this point I think it's better for our collective sanity if we assume there won't be anything at this event.
  7. I don't know if I could wait that long, I already feel like I'm gonna burst πŸ˜‚
  8. One thing I'm curious about is; when voices are implemented into a game, does that not open the door to more bugs that might need to be fixed? Things that come to mind are the wrong voices playing at the wrong time, lines getting cut off, etc. I'm trying to figure out how this all works when they've been fixing bugs, THEN mastering the voice, only to have to fix more bugs when they get put in. Idk, maybe this gap in my knowledge is failing me here. I don't even know how involved mastering voice is or how long it takes.
  9. Priest: If there be any man with reason why these two...er...people...should not be united in blissful matrimony, let him speak now or forever hold his peace @Toymafia88: NOT YET! I have to watch the Return to Monkey Island trailer! That would've been a rather unfortunate turn of events.
  10. So Ron posted this on his blog: That might explain the lack of a trailer if the voices haven't been mastered yet. I assume this is the process where digital noise is removed and they basically make it sound as clear and crisp as possible before it gets integrated into the game? Anybody know what that means in terms of the potential development timeline? PS. I wouldn't read into that last bit, Ron's just joking around with us. I think that the Secret will be revealed, but maybe it will be hidden under a really difficult and optional puzzle that most people won't bother with
  11. For what it's worth, I find that enabling vsync and limiting your framerate helps keep EMI stable.
  12. It just feels like a wasted opportunity to not show what is arguably their most anticipated game (the trailer alone has over a million views) at the first big showcase since its announcement. I don't get it.
  13. That reminds me, I need to go to sleep so I'm well rested to see this thing in the morning. See you then for either mega-excitement and further discussion or disappointment and commiserating
  14. The frantic run in followed by "it's real! it's real!" just killed me. It's priceless! I totally get that feeling of having all that excited energy and not quite knowing what to do with it so you bolt to the people closest to you and just unload 😜
  15. I wasn't with my girlfriend at the time, but you bet I called her at 1 in the morning to tell her the good news. She just said "cool, I'm happy for you, can I go back to sleep now?" πŸ˜‚
  16. I'm curious...has anyone tried to run the Ultimate Talkie Editions of MI1 and 2 on this? Would it even be able to call the monster.sou files and play the speech?
  17. I definitely share the sentiment of surprise at the initial reaction, but at the same time my exposure to how fans reacted to certain other famous franchises has left me a bit jaded and expecting some negativity. I also know from this experience that things pass and soon people will find the next thing to be angry at; at least we're spared the YouTube grifters making hundreds of videos about how Disney are forcing their "agenda" onto Monkey Island. That would've been exhausting and I promise you that my name would not be popping up in the forums this frequently if we got to that level of insanity. There's a part of me that's expecting nothing to be shown at Devolver's showcase just to protect my own sanity (even though it seems pretty likely that we'll get SOMETHING). I had to do that when the game was announced on April Fools' too, I just couldn't let myself believe it.
  18. Same. I still enjoy it, but my biggest problem with it, more than the lack of characters, is the ending. The game posed several interesting moral and ethical questions and really challenged Boston's confidence in his abilities as a leader and a survivalist; in a lot of ways, it was a tragic story. Then the ending comes and it completely undoes everything and it becomes this sappy, happy ending with all the lessons up to this point being rendered meaningless. It really rubbed me the wrong way because it felt cheap; reading up on the novelization didn't do a lot to ease those feelings either. I wonder how much the troubled development played into that, it definitely comes across as rushed.
  19. Wait, that's you?! I've gone to that channel so many times over the years to get a quick fix of the soundtracks
  20. I liked it, but I've only played it twice and haven't felt compelled to go back to it like I have with the classics or even Thimbleweed Park. I think it's a fine game with some fun dialog and a pretty good story, but I felt like the priority was production value over puzzle design., which I think is a result of the Kickstarter doing far better than anyone thought it would. The game didn't quite come to life for me, something about the limited interaction perhaps? It's definitely the weakest of Tim's games, and I'd honestly prefer to play any of Telltale's pre-Jurassic Park/Walking Dead style games. There are even points where I'd prefer to play Escape from Monkey Island on interactivity alone. I feel like this is coming across a little harsh in terms of the comparisons, so please understand that I love all the games I've just referred to dearly so it's still in good company and a game I would recommend to people wanting to get into adventure games, but it's not representive of what Tim Schafer is truly capable of, imo.
  21. I haven't played any of their games before, though I know they've been doing a lot of wild, creative things and their whole shtick at E3 has been to take the piss out of the false-transparency of the big guns at those presentations. The meta nature of the crazy narratives in their presentations honestly fit MI so perfectly, I wouldn't be surprised if they go to a theme park and meet Ron there to show Return or something wild like that. It won't just be "ok,here's game #1, game #2, here's Monkey island", it's gonna get really strange, and I for one can't wait to see it.
  22. I feel like ranking the MI games (or at least, my bottom 3) has to be done with the other Lucasarts adventures to provide greater context on my feelings over their overall quality. Otherwise, you have Tales and Escape right next to each other, and I don't really think they're comparable; to me, Tales is leagues better, but something has to be second last and it's hard for me to seperate the first 3 games. So here goes, my official ranking of all the Lucasarts adventures, plus Tales, plus the Telltale Sam & Max seasons (cause why not?) EDIT: Updated the list to include Broken Age and Thimbleweed Park (again, cause why not) 1. CMI 2. MI2 3. MI1 4. Grim Fandango 5. DOTT 6. Full Throttle 7. TMI 8. Fate of Atlantis 9. Thimbleweed Park 10. Sam & Max: TDP 11. Sam & Max: BTAS 12. Sam & Max HTR 13. Sam & Max STW 14. Broken Age 15. EMI 16. The Dig 17. Last Crusade 18. Maniac Mansion 19. Zak McKracken 20. Loom
  23. Luckily for you, I suffer from no such fears, so I've made the sacrifice for you...it was a really boring result.
  24. Well, this is certainly not how I pictured this meeting in my head.
  25. I thought I could die happy knowing that Ron Gilbert was making a new Monkey Island, and now I can die happy knowing that Ron Gilbert liked one of my tweets:
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