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Status Updates posted by LDR

  1. Yes I do know what you mean, I went through all his dialog. Don't worry, the Station is almost complete. Wait, what was the "Part 2"?

  2. LDR

    Oh! And yes, I have deadlystream.

  3. I removed them to make more space for my modding pictures...which didn't work. Uh, you should check out my WIPs and Dak's. Those are the most active at the moment.

  4. My bad for not posting. I've just been busy with stuff.

  5. Sorry about the mod.

  6. Why may there not be a next one?

  7. LDR

    She may be...


    And I like The Justicar. Nice bio! :)

  8. Salk doesn't have it.

  9. Sorry to bother you. Galaar chat?

  10. Like how it has your Gamertag on the bottom from MyGamerCard.net.

  11. LDR

    Thanks! =D

  12. If there's one thing Varik sucks at, it is piloting. :lol:


    I'm sorry, when I made him, I had to give him some weaknesses.

  13. I put them in the dropbox folder.

  14. It's an SC I'm going to work on. I don't want to receive the 'this will fail' and 'do you know how much work you have to do' speeches, so I'll wait until I finish all my other mods (which will take a while). When I make the WIP of it I'll make sure I only do it when I have a good amount done, and I'll LOAD it with pictures.

  15. The way how you worded that one paragraph made it seem like Athaso was the one "destined" to kill Oleg. :xp:

  16. Alright, I payed my father the $80 needed for a 6-month subscription. I'll be able to play TOR once he sets up the credit card and everything. (in 1-3 days).

  17. It's an SC I'm going to work on. I don't want to receive the 'this will fail' and 'do you know how much work you have to do' speeches, so I'll wait until I finish all my other mods (which will take a while). When I make the WIP of it I'll make sure I only do it when I have a good amount done, and I'll LOAD it with pictures.

  18. It is nice. It's a great place. Did you see my Prison ship mod thread?

  19. And that, my friend, is a great thing about taking martial arts. You get to learn about a variety of weapons. For example: ninjatōs are shorter, straighter swords designed to inflict quick lethal blows close range - while tantōs are shorter swords (size of a knife) and could be used as a shōtō in conjunction with another sword. Me, personally, I prefer using bo staffs, as they're great for when you're fighting more than one person.

  20. Fine, I posted. Albeit, a crappy one.

  21. Happy birthday you!

  22. Also, what does Akaan Par'jila mean? Sorry, I'm not very fluent in Mando'a.

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