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Everything posted by Thrik

  1. There must be something we haven’t analysed yet in the screenshots or trailer. Come on!
  2. I think at the very least we can not essentially ban ReMI threads existing independently of the generic ReMI thread by merging them, but instead let them live and die on their own merits. I suspect or at least hope ‘is Ron a liar’ would come and go pretty quickly. 😅 We could still merge similar ones together, for example if people started creating entirely new threads for each piece of fan art, it would make sense to fold them into a more generic fan art thread. Certainly I think the main ReMI thread has fantastic moments but is also becoming impenetrable, which will mean interesting threads of discussion get under-discussed because people can’t deal with the constant onslaught of replies (I have seen feedback from multiple people now to this effect). For example, we might still be speculating about the chef being hidden in the background of the trailer and other fun details if that had been its own occasionally bumped thread, but instead that moment came and went in a heartbeat and is now buried under a million replies. Someone passing by a few days or even weeks later just misses out. Just look at how the Amiga thread is the gift that keeps on giving.
  3. Wow, I’m always so impressed by these musicians who handle all these instruments so well. What the hell is this?!
  4. You’ve all seen this, right? I find the start a little slow personally, but it picks up massively after a minute, and then when the falling theme came in… 😩
  5. It has been validly pointed out that having just one absolutely humongous thread for Return to Monkey Island discussion is perhaps getting a bit much. For now, we’re going to encourage breaking it out into other threads of discussion, as there’s certainly enough to talk about to fill a hundred threads. This one is for fan work! Post your or anybody else’s lovely art, music, fiction, games, and anything else created in celebration of Return to Monkey Island. (Ideally we keep this to ReMI-related stuff otherwise we’ll just be posting decades of creations, but I guess any stuff created during the ReMI hype is all good.)
  6. It sounds reasonable to me, at least during the current wave of hype. It can always be collapsed back into the main forum if/when things quieten down again.
  7. I read it. I haven’t played the game yet. I added the spoiler tags. 🥲
  8. I love this. The first minute is a little slow and odd, but once it breaks into the music proper it’s fantastic. And when the other theme came in during the second half I was like…
  9. Based on my recent experience, it's a game best left as scattered memories.
  10. Ah yes, the swamp. That reminds me of another Monkey Island (or adventure game) trope, which is bloody mazes. Specifically, forest mazes. I think CMI was the one game that managed to avoid these, actually.
  11. The insult sword fighting eventually devolved into Monkey bloody Kombat, and so I’m happy to let it lie. Tales at least restored its honour somewhat, but I find the fan service repetition of ideas like this a little cringeworthy after a while. I mean, we’ve had four games riff off of the sword fighting now, and it wasn’t even that big a part of SMI.
  12. It’d be a fun experiment but I think would be jarring for an actual playthrough. As you observe, there are lots of assets we don’t have, and on top of that a fair bit of digital work seems to have been done on the art to finalise it. I’d probably be more interested in seeing some AI try to smooth out all the existing backgrounds using those paintings as a model. Maybe one for @Laserschwert.
  13. Heh your experimentation just made me realise something. I guess because the classic music is also essentially just using mt32 recordings, there’s no way of experiencing the full iMuse implementation in MI2SE, as there’s no MIDI.
  14. Well, you tell me. 😅 (Skip to 4:15)
  15. I think Wally deserves a particular special mention for having the same actor in the MI2SE as in CMI, but it’s the wrong bloody voice. You would expect the actor and/or director to have been aware of and checked the performance in CMI, but apparently at no point did this happen. For me it really typifies the general lack of direction happening with the SEs, even if fundamentally the voices are mostly fine.
  16. It’s possible. If I find time to go through my screenshots and annotate them I’ll share it.
  17. I’ve been playing Broken Sword 1, MI1SE, Day of the Tentacle, and now MI2SE. I’m hoping to get through all the Monkey Island games before ReMI but I’m not so precious about it. I came up with a sad, long list of issues with MI1SE while playing it. That so many glaring problems got through is mildly shocking. Fortunately MI2SE seems a lot better apart from the classic mode music screw-up.
  18. There is one person and one person alone who’s got the right mind for this, and he’s the one writing them.
  19. Hopefully the next step is using those big boy pants to strangle a few of these supposed fans.
  20. I for one am willing to excuse a few missing roads or whatever. 😉
  21. Good lord, that is some intense sleuthing. It looks right to me.
  22. Yes it does appear so. 😅 https://youtu.be/Va-ObdSdDoc?t=5822s
  23. Could always get lucky and ask someone from the dev team who may have pulled it out of their truck. 😅
  24. May the lord have mercy on my soul.
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