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Status Updates posted by ChAiNz.2da

  1. hehehe.. just call me "chainz-link" :eyeraise:

    ouch.. ick.. on second thought, even I think that pun is awful :lol:

  2. hehehe.. never stops me <-- whiney noob :lol:

    Kewl. Just glad we were able to catch it before it got buried 4 pages deep ;)

  3. hehehe.. same here. All these new toys and their grand abilities.. and I'm still in the Stone-Age not utilizing half their potential :lol:


    I *think* my PS3 username is ChAiNz_2da (underscore instead of a dot).

  4. hehehe.. sometimes it pays to look around :detective:

    enjoy the recipe. If you get a chance, the cookies are REALLY good :drool1:

  5. hehehe.. somewhat. Had a chance over my vacation to actually sit around *my* computer (for a change) and re-install some KotOR elements. Got K1 working and the tools. Not sure if I want to mess with getting K2 working though :xp:


    Not necessarily in the mood for modding at the moment, but at least now I'm prepared in case I get the 'itch' ;) Had too many past instances of a nifty idea (now forgotten) but didn't have the game or tools installed. Should be prepped now should the urge hit me :lol:

  6. hehehe.. thanks. Took awhile to get her to that point.. but I'm still not satisfied. Mission has a petite 'perky' nose and I didn't feel like head model messing. TSL twil'eks have bulgy noses :lol:


    Still, she's possible to make with stock TSL stuff.. just some photoshop tricks to get'er done right(ish) ;)

  7. Hey, you earned it :thumbsup:

    Nick Vader, Working Class Hero & Holty1-5 think highly of your work :D

  8. Heya stoffe! Guess what? Don't need anything, just dropping by to say "hey" hehehe :D


    Hope all is well!

  9. Hillary Swank & April Scott for starters. May not be picture-perfect.. but definitely not the :hurk: omgwhatswifhurfacehurk :hurk: reaction most typical of 'butterfaces' ;)


    Also, probably just me, but I've always thought Christina Ricci was hot with a capital DAAAAMMMNNN...hehehe. Though I like her freaky large eyes.... and stuff >.>

  10. Holy heck, I didn't realize you had a link to my site on yours.. you gotta let me know these things. I'm not the most perceptive of people.. hehehe :lol:


    Thank you :)


    I'm more than happy to do link swaps, and of course, spread the word to others about other modder sites ;)


    I went ahead and added your site to my own in the mods section of JumpStationZ :D

  11. How does teekay have more friends than me?! I demand a re-count :xp:



  12. I feel like I'm in it too.. hehehe :xp:

    Not nearly as bad as when everything first started.. it's more of an annoyance factor nowadays after having put up with it for so long... beats the alternative though ;)

  13. I think the PM's are now located by clicking the user's name (when in the forums). You should get a drop-down menu with some goodies (websites, PM's, etc.) :D


    Also, when in the normal PM area.. the "TO & BCC" fields will auto-fill while typing. Makes it pretty quick to do now.. just have to get used to the layout.. hehehe

  14. I'm on the Interwebs, hackin yer profilez <.<


    LOL @ tk



  15. I've not run in to any major problems (or anything I couldn't fix).. however, if your main stance for the pc IS gaming. Stick to pc. No need to make things harder for yourself than necessary. ;)


    My conversion decision comes from the thousands of dollars of mac software I have invested in (professional progz). While I own some high tier PC progz as well, the ratio is laughable compared to my mac library. Makes more sense for me to stay mac dedicated since those high tier pc progs will work on my mac via bootcamp. :)

  16. Indeed o_Q

    Pistols at dawn I'm thinking...

  17. indeed. :D

    I'm a "Talimancer" for sure.. hehehe

  18. Indeed. Have to look out for my stunning figure (yeah, right) :xp:


    About the only time of year I can find a decent amount of DOTS Gumdrops and Jolly Ranchers hehehe... not a chocolate type of guy.. more in to the 'citrusy' side of the sweets aisle. :D

  19. It's pretty sweet.. It's not the entire library, but it's over 12,000 titles and there's some pretty good ones on there (and keeps growing).

    If you're not already a Netflix member, I'd definitely go for the free trial first to see if it's something you'll like.. though the normal Netflix service is pretty sweet in itself ;)


    :lol: accepted the request, I now have 1 friend! :lol:

  20. Just a play on words. "Bagged & Tagged" ;)

    Tagged would mean I've posted in the thread to let the other Mods know the badge has been taken care of.

  21. K gang! I screwed up, so go get your jabs in while you can. Offer ends Sunday, Apr. 4 @ 8:30 PM :lol:



  22. LOL! caught the Tali/ChAiNz/Kinect comment :xp:

    and yes.. you're absolutely right :naughty:

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