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Jae Onasi

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Everything posted by Jae Onasi

  1. Aw--I'm sorry you had to put Tiger to sleep--my condolences. You so did the right thing, though, so Tiger wouldn't suffer. I think that's the most humane and honorable thing to do for pets who are so ill. Bet they're having a great time chasing starlings and mice up in heaven. :)

  2. If I'm going to sit down, I''d rather sit in a real chair than a not-chair. :xp:

  3. I'm all a-twitter about these new social sites for Lucascast--how about you?

  4. We never made lasers--they're way too expensive to make and required more stuff than college physics department had available to them at the time I was going through college. We did play with some, however. :D

  5. Ooh baby ooh baby!! Do it again!! :D

  6. A joke thread =/= a thread with just a plain list of names. Darth333 has already closed DI's thread as well, and has asked you not to use visitor pages for this kind of thing. I'm sorry you're still frustrated about your thread getting closed. I might have addressed it differently at the time by asking you to elaborate on your list to make the thread into something other than plain spam, but I wasn't staff then. That's all I'm going to say on that since this doesn't belong in visitor messages and it's a moot point anyway with both threads closed.

  7. Doctor, I wasn't even a moderator when you posted this thread in May of '06: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?p=2093548 . I wasn't made CEC mod until July of '06, and I didn't become an SWK mod until Dec. '06. I had zero control over its closure then. :) To be honest, I didn't even remember this thread--it's almost 3 years old.

  8. Well, she'll just have to make it up to you even more when you're better. :xp:

  9. I'm like seriously glad that my magic made you feel better. :lol:

  10. you shouldn't have had any badges taken back, except for the staff badge which got discontinued for all of us because some people apparently thought they were redundant and didn't care for them. Personally, it wasn't that big of a deal to me.

  11. There was controversy over staff badges so they're off for right now. Sigh.

  12. I will check it out!

  13. NPR's a little too liberal for my taste, though it does have some good info. I'm liberal on some issues (health care, environment for instance) and conservative on some other issues (abortion, religion). I probably would be considered a centrist overall.

  14. tk102 says: they see the public notes listed in their "Your Reported Posts" link in their Quick Links dropdown

  15. And if I misunderstood your pride in Canada, my apologies. I'm thrilled other countries share in the democratic tradition. At the risk of sounding democratically arrogant, I hope the terribly oppressive dictatorships around the world can someday become countries run democratically by their citizens in a way that works best for them.

  16. I am really proud of what America has accomplished, Doctor, and this is a big day for us Americans--20 years ago a minority President would have been unthinkable. Even 10 years ago I would not have thought it possible, but Obama is a very special man. America is not the be-all, end-all in the world by any means. We have our screw-ups like any other country. I don't agree with everything the US does. Some countries do some things a lot better than we do. However, the US does democracy better than other countries, and I'm proud of that part of America. Pride about what the US has accomplished on this day should not be mistaken as American arrogance, however. I'm fine with saying we're not perfect and shouldn't view ourselves as 'better than all the other countries', because we're not.

  17. I just KNEW you'd gloat. :lol:


    They played a great game--very exciting. Sounds like the Buckeye player who got hurt is going to be OK.

  18. Visitor messages fall under the same forum rules as posts, and flaming/baiting members will be addressed accordingly. Please bear that in mind as you leave messages here. --Jae

  19. Make it non-spammy, Chevron. We care about quality posts, not what number is there.

  20. Darth333 is back, tk102 is taking a break from working as sysadmin which is a big job--no one can do that forever because they'll burn out. I cannot discuss Sithy's situation. Rogue Nine isn't leaving, he just isn't moderating in Kavar's by his choice.

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