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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. That last message was a suggestion for you avatar.

  2. That seemed more like "Power corrupts" to me. Also, I know my portrayal of Niera is very different from my portrayal of Kalla (ie; Kalla would never distract a man by having sex with him), but is she still what you had in mind?

  3. That sounds like a good idea.

  4. That would make 3/8 of your group so far in that 3% of everyone, but then again, I'm guessing they're supposed to stand apart from everyone else.

  5. That would work. It's always good to have a character who "seems" more ordinary. I tried to do something similar in Part V with Andorra, which worked well, until the end, when she got possessed by an undead Sith Lord. She too was a civilian, pulled into the war, and look at her now.

  6. That, and just springing it on you doesn't work as well with questions as with revelations.

  7. That'd be James Arnold Taylor, Ewan McGregor's voice double.

  8. That's a shame. I was really enjoying it.

  9. That's actually my plan, though Virul will possess Andorra despite it not being part of his original plan, and her resistance will drive him mad.

  10. That's easy: their honeymoon, or whatever they call that in Star Wars.

  11. That's fine, I figured something out, and Iyav still ended up meeting Garja, Alriana, and Tavaryn.

  12. That's fine. I like the current one anyway.

  13. That's what I'm thinking. Maybe something like, "You left her for a man, her own cousin at that! And you honestly thought she wouldn't hate you for it?"

  14. The first skill I maxed out was One Handed (dual wielding swords), the second was Heavy Armour. I also made frequent use of Restoration magic (both on my followers and myself), and was not averse to Lockpicking where doing so wasn't illegal.

  15. The Knights of the Old Republic board has a whole forum dedicated to that.

  16. The more the merrier, though I'm not too sure how well a kid would work in that setting. If you think you can pull it off, however, go ahead.

  17. The number on the picture goes up. That's about it.

  18. The only details I really have are that she's a red Twi'lek, a doctor, attracted to other women (I'll leave whether or not she's also attracted to men up to you), and she's Andorra's girlfriend. I'll leave the rest up to you. And if it helps, Andorra's around 21.

  19. Then why didn't the sentence "Ventriloquating Dwarves who sing dark ditties like the Dingle Dangle Pot Roast Baker's Man Pie Song. " bother you?

  20. There has just been a failed attempt on Admiral Belina's life, but the assailant was killed before he could reach her. Grand Admiral Velerc, however, was not so lucky, and is in critical condition. Belina is headed to Velerc's ship to see him, and it's possible Alriana and Tavaryn may be going with her. At the same time, Kalla has just revealed her pregnancy to Komad, Iyav, and Andros.

  21. There is a way, but that's all I'm saying.

  22. There's a lot more to work with than just that RP. Remember, it is the fifth in a series.

  23. They don't really, but Darth Pestilus can be pretty nasty like that.

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