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Happy Birthday to me, dammit!!

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For those unfamiliar with the beast, Yorick is making what is known as a very inside joke. See, he makes the joke. And no one gets it. And then he keeps playing along. And everyone thinks he's a loon. And then he gets upset that everyone thinks he's a loon and makes a big fuss. And then everyone shuns him. And then he gets mad, leaves, and then laughs at the funny joke. I've made a few, myself. Good stuff.

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Originally posted by twifkak

For those unfamiliar with the beast, Yorick is making what is known as a very inside joke. See, he makes the joke. And no one gets it. And then he keeps playing along. And everyone thinks he's a loon. And then he gets upset that everyone thinks he's a loon and makes a big fuss. And then everyone shuns him. And then he gets mad, leaves, and then laughs at the funny joke. I've made a few, myself. Good stuff.


Did I miss the announcement? Is it pick on Kingz week?

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Originally posted by Moosferatu

Did I miss the announcement? Is it pick on Kingz week?

The last 2 sentences were supposed to indicate that I was not picking on him (or at least that I empathised while simultaneously picking on him)... Meh. If they didn't work, then the previous sentence should to the job.

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He knew. He was making a joke of his previousness, that he knew only he would get (or him and one person with too much time on his hands). I dubbed that a "very inside joke."


I then roleplayed, as I usually do, and as trep is doing in the Uru thread, in an attempt to 1)say something funny, and 2)mask the fact that I was explaining the joke, and got slack for it, probably because I had, earlier, used Kingzjester's own medicine against him.


Then God appeared and made everything disappear, and bunnies in parachutes rained down across the world.




Hrm... sorry, for ruining your party, trep. :(

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Well, enough of that: Happy Birthday, and a bowl of fruit*.



And here it is again from another angle:




*) Note, this is not a proper sentence. It is an ambiguous construction meant - not to be an inside joke - but to be an ambiguous construction; a sort of l'art pour l'art Dadaist statement - if you will - and also a pun.

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