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cehck tihs out


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Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by itslef but the wrod as a wlohe.

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Oh my god, taht is so cool! Now taht you cmoe to mnetoin it, yuoe'r ablosuelty rhgit!!!


"oaccdrngi ot a hscheearcr ta na hlingse yinervtisu...."


It deons't wrok bkwacadrs!!!


So I can say a bnuch of suftf taht mkeas no snese but you can siltl raed it???



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I have purposely not checked any of my spelling or mistyped words here and am goig as fast as i can by not doing thigns cautuiosly like capital letters for certain things. as you can see, i'm doing quite well so far apart from one or two words, but as soon as i say something like teh or tehn then it gets a little weird and yet you can still read it. it used to be like that a lot but then i got a little better when people started complaning.


Now I have perfect spelling and grammatical accuracy. If you were hearing me speak, I'd sound very posh now just to show how much more accurate I am.

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Can I just ask, doesn't anyone actually write like that in Emails? I mean I can understand those kinds of abbreiviations in SMS's from mobile phones as you only have a certain number of characters to use, but emails, well, thay may have a limit, I don't know, but most of the time, we really don't have that much to say anyway.

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iyswim = if you see what I mean

-from the Site.



If anyone EVER uses that one, or anything at all like it, you are shunned. Forever.




mhdc = my hard drive crashed


mcibty = my computer is better than yours


pest = please excuse slow typing


vh = virtual hug



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in my case it would be reeling in horror at the prospect of having to spell the damn word correctly. In most other cases it would be full of confusion at the apparent creation of a meaningless word.


Everyone knows what etc. is, but who the hell's heard of this 'etcetera' thing? burn the heretic!

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