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Favorite Siege Class?


What is your favorite Siege Class (or what do use prefer to use)?  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite Siege Class (or what do use prefer to use)?

    • Assault. I like to be on the front-lines and die a lot.
    • Heavy Weapons. Give me a big gun and a target!
    • Demolitions. Bahms arr gret!
    • Tech. Handy with the tools... if it breaks, we'll fix it.
    • Scout. Sniped! The sneaky one!
    • Jedi. I just pwn3d that n00b w/ my saber, lmao

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Since people are finally starting to discover how much fun Siege can be, let's here some fan gushing and opinions on it.


Personally I change classes a lot depending on the situation. I've started to get better with Assault, but I'm finding that being a Tech is a lot of fun (going around trying to help people and fix equipment or hack through doors). Also the Demolitions makes me say, in the words of the Dwarven demolitions squad in Warcraft II "Aghh, bahms arrr gret!"


; )

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well as i posted some where else...I havent been able to a single objective in siege (too laggy). I thinnk in the patch they make (if) they should put in the option of a bot match in siege, then us people with 56k can actually sample and practice seige, sorry but this is one of the only things that pisses me off about this game. :mad:

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Almost everything... I tend to choose Jedi and Assault mostly, Jedi for Tatooine, and Assault for Hoth (for the E-Web and the nice weapons).


I change alot, and since I just heard that you can hack computers or something, I will try tech more often, I also enjoy being one of those guys with a Sniper and Cloak (the model is Lando Calrissian). I think that is a Scout.


The reason I enjoy Jedi on Tatooine so much is that I just love to ride the swoop bikes, and cut people standing and shooting at my teammates. I mean, how many times have I done this?


I just love doing it!

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Have you tried using All Seeing Eye to find matches? If you don't know (I didn't until last week), ASE is a program to find servers. It finds many more than the server list that comes with the game does. Search yahoo or google for all seeing eye to find and download it.

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Right now, I usually change classes to fit the situation when it comes to offense. For example, in siege_hoth I go Imperial. For the first part I will either be Assault and hammer the turrets or Scout and take out any Tech bastards spamming the DEMP secondary on the AT-ST.


We cross over into the 2nd part. Either go Jedi, jump the chasm, and hit the bridge, go Tech, open up the Ion Cannon station, and open the bridge, or take the cave entrance (more often then nought, it's the Ion Cannon station).


After the bridge is extended, go Assault, plant the E-Web, nail the Shield Gen.


Run in after the Shield Gen is toast, nail the droid, and run like hell for the control console to the dock bay. If I somehow die, I go Scout for the speed boost.


Go Tech for the docking bay, DEMP secondary takes the turrets in one hit. Unlock the back door to the infirmary, kill myself, go Assault or Demolition, take one of the two paths to the Command Center, plant a buttload of Det Packs, and watch the fireworks.


On defense, the only classes you should really need are Scouts with good shots, Assaults, and Techs. Maybe a few Jedi, as well.

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Originally posted by cbc72



Have you tried using All Seeing Eye to find matches? If you don't know (I didn't until last week), ASE is a program to find servers. It finds many more than the server list that comes with the game does. Search yahoo or google for all seeing eye to find and download it.

Yeah I've heard about ASE. I've sort of been waiting to see if more servers come up in the game browser, assuming that as more people get the game the more servers there'll be. But alas this doesn't seem to be the case. I'll probably give ASE a go this weekend. Thanks :)
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Assault. Definately.


I guess it reflects my BF1942 and MOHAA style of gameplay.


Kills Deaths


ExcelsioN 134 185


I just charge into the front line firing at any moving thing. Sometimes it works, but sometimes it ends up with me TK'ing.


But then again, I also like being a sniper and killing n00bs. Its so funny when they start crying because they dont know what killed them. :D

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The map dynamics make it hard for me to stay as one class for the whole map unless I am an assault, Jedi, or Heavy Weapons.


The assault class is the most useful because they have a lot of ammo and Medium strength weaponry firepower. They can do a lot of stuff on offense and defense. They also have very useful items sometimes such as the sw33t E-Web and trip mines.


Scout was my favorite. Nothing is more satisfying than sniping the dudes pinning my team with artillery, sniping our front lines, or holding defense positions. Also, we scouts get cloak or jet packs! Yeah!


I always find myself calling for the other classes. I thought that there would be so many Jedi spammers, but most of the time I play I need more Jedi on my team. Heavy weapons troops are effective when taking out major targets. Techs and Demolitions can easily get the team to places (Techs) or make hazardous defenses (Dem).


My favorite Siege map has to be Hoth, but both Kor and Tat are great.


WE NEED MORE SIEGE MAPS! I hope that the objectives in future maps are a little more varied than blowing up stuff.

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