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Funniest way you have died


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Ok I was messing around in single player and started a new game. On the first mission when I went to cut the first tree down to cross the river, I was standing on the wrong side of the tree. When I cut it, it fell on me and killed me. After I died, Rosh said his "good job" line (can't remember his exact words). I just stared at the screen in shock as this tree squished me.


So what is the best/funniest way you have died or killed somebody?

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On the Chandrila level, I was using the double bladed lightsaber. When fighting a Reborn near a ledge, I kicked him at the same time he managed to get in a lethal strike. However, the force of my kick sent him flying at a 45 degree angle off of the ledge. As the camera did its slow-motion death sequence of me, I could see the Reborn flying away! To top it off, as soon as the camera reverted back to normal speed, the Reborn screamed as he fell to his doom. It was hilarious!

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Originally posted by Jimf

Ok I was messing around in single player and started a new game. On the first mission when I went to cut the first tree down to cross the river, I was standing on the wrong side of the tree. When I cut it, it fell on me and killed me. After I died, Rosh said his "good job" line (can't remember his exact words). I just stared at the screen in shock as this tree squished me.



same thing happened to me :o


although i was just messing about at the time :D

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Originally posted by Jimf

Ok I was messing around in single player and started a new game. On the first mission when I went to cut the first tree down to cross the river, I was standing on the wrong side of the tree. When I cut it, it fell on me and killed me. After I died, Rosh said his "good job" line (can't remember his exact words). I just stared at the screen in shock as this tree squished me.


So what is the best/funniest way you have died or killed somebody?

I did that as well my first time through ... had a good laugh at my own expense ...


I actually like to save-die-reload at times to check out the game further, like:

- Eaten by everything (had to see it myself).

- Falling into everything (rate damage)

and so on ...



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Originally posted by Jimf

Ok I was messing around in single player and started a new game. On the first mission when I went to cut the first tree down to cross the river, I was standing on the wrong side of the tree. When I cut it, it fell on me and killed me. After I died, Rosh said his "good job" line (can't remember his exact words). I just stared at the screen in shock as this tree squished me.

Originally posted by Siv

:o same thing happened to me


although i was just messing about at the time :D

Originally posted by txa1265

I did that as well my first time through ... had a good laugh at my own expense ...

Me too! Seems like it happens to everybody!

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Well, it's not exactly a kill or a death of my charakter but more like a NPC suicide:


First level on "Jedi Master" setting. Since I was being lazy I had Rosh shoot all the critters for me. Since Rosh isn't that good with his blaster he ended up being wounded pretty badly. When we got to the river you have to jump across he tried to do that but the mere impact on the other side killed him. I reloaded several times, always with the same result: he was so low on health that whenever he jumped, he fell to death.

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Originally posted by Siv

tolkien was right :eek: the trees are getting their own back!!


Yep...it's a conspiracy cooked up by the Ents. :p


And yes...when I was messing around, I did it too. Just goes to show you shouldn't mess around by the river...


I can't think of any really funny things that happened while I died.


I remember the first time I used the Saberstaff I did a butterfly and went straight over the edge into the abyss on Chandrila...

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I can't remember the name of the level, but it's when you're placing the beacons for wedge to come in and bomb everything.


the room with the buzzing generator in the center, it has spaces in the floor near the center you can jump/fall down through.


now we're not getting into the times I ran through there tiredly and didn't notice the lack of floor in some spots because...


i come running in, head to the elevator, hit jump on accident as i reach it, run straight up the back wall of it, jump backwards and flip over the elevator into the hole in the floor down into the guts of the generator, which proceeds to fry me thoroughly.



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On Chandrillia, after the bit where Jaden remarks "Great, how am I going to get down there without breaking my neck", the reborn with two sabers waiting for me there kicked me off, but I managed to slow down the decend with sticking to the wall "Huzzah! The Force is with me!" only to realise that after a few wallsticks I was too deep to make a leap to the platform.

And down I went.


Also (no reading if you haven't played it all the way through yet)





On the second Korriban level, I missed my jump across the canyon and fell to my death, interestingly enough I kept hearing "thud, thud, thud" from my body along with the metallic sounds from my saber, I thought "hm, let's see how this well end" eventually, after half a minute of falling or so, my body found it's way to the bottom of the canyon, and the camera caught up with it, there I saw a cultist with two sabers stuck down there wildly slashing about with his sabers and going "RAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!".... guess he's claustrophobic XD

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Yes yes, the tree. Very unkind tree.


In Vjun2, after the machine, which makes the rubbish smaller (don't know, what i have to write, I'm not so good in inglish), normaly Kyle fight's with 2 Reborns, and before this, he came from a hole, but he was only jumping up and down, so he always fell back into the hole.:bdroid1: Not good, because i only had quicksaves, no really saves, so i had ti restart the level!:band:

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On begining of Coroscant, I was having trouble jumping from the speeder with the rodian to the other building (couldn't seem to hit the jump button when I was on something I could jump from...) I finaly made it across and went jump up the the platform with the grans, but hit jump too close to the wall, and wall flipped to my death.


On Vjun3, I gripped a saber cultist and went to throw him into a wall. Well there was a explosive box next to me and the wall, and when he (his lightsaber??) hit the box it blew us both up.


I noticed a handful of suicidal NPCs. On Vjun, I had the guy fall to his death a number of times in the statue room.


On bakura, one cloaker threw a thermo that bounced off a box and landed next to him, never bothered to run and blew himself off the ledge. (This happened about three times with the same guy). Also after the corridor with the trip mines, I just jumped over all the trip lines and when I came back the first mine was gone and there was a stormtrooper folded up in the corner.

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The tree got me too.


The funniest way I think I died was on the Chandrillia level, right at the begining. I took double sabers, and when I went to jump at a reborn and kill him, I did the spin attack thing and went right off the ledge.

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I was on the Coruscant Level trying to bring in the crime lord and I had taken out the first few mercs and was shooting and jumping at the Rodian on the hovering craft.. I went to jump and slice him, but instead landed ON him and flipped backwards to my death... Can we say D'oh!!!

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i was playing the game a 3rd time and turned on full dismemberment and all the realistic commands, went through the game, came to a dark jedi with a saber staff in the tomb of the jedi level (cant remember the name), and as i started to fight with him he kicked my head clean off my shoulders, it was shockingly funny as i hadn't expected that to happen

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i also was a victim of the tree, but even more funny was when kyle turned to the dark side


in the cinematic before vijn 1 i accidently clicked (it was showing the cine but i guess the level had already started. As soon as that was over, i could see the level, kyle turns to me, yells something, pulls his saber and starts kicking my ass. He knocks me down, chases me all over, throws his saber at me (my friends and I are stumped and laughing our asses off) i try and take out the hazard troopers with kyle all over me, manage to kill the, then kyle freaking lightnings me to death!!! just be carefull not to click during cinematics, you dont know that you're actually swinging your saber lol

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On the train level, i was on the train, i wanted to jump up.

But when the train went into a tunnel, i hit the wall. i fell and died!:p


On the Chandrilla level, i was fightning a reborn, i pushed him off a cliff and he pulled me together with him! and we both died!




On the same level, i was using my favourite drain+lightning force combo on some reborns, when one of the reborn used saber throw and chopped my head off!!!1 It was really funny!!!



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holy crap that tree has alot of frags!

got me too!


me it wasnt a kill or a death but i think it was in one of the vjun levels where you end up going really high and there was a pit with a walkway around it...well me and kyle were fighting some cultists i believe and one knocked him down on the ground as i took him out

well kyle for some reason decides hes gonna do the kick forward to get up move right off the cliff....so i watch him go down (couldnt even see him land) and think ahhh crap im gonna have to restart....wait bit then keep going

as i leave that place he catches up to me right away

i wish i could do that!

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Originally posted by Jimf

Ok I was messing around in single player and started a new game. On the first mission when I went to cut the first tree down to cross the river, I was standing on the wrong side of the tree. When I cut it, it fell on me and killed me. After I died, Rosh said his "good job" line (can't remember his exact words). I just stared at the screen in shock as this tree squished me.


So what is the best/funniest way you have died or killed somebody?




That damn tree killed me also and rosh.... that hopeless noob didnt even try an d save me :p

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