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Call of Duty

Darth Groovy

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Who has this game? I been playing it for two day now. I'm ready for some MP action. Post here if you have the game, or your going to get it. You may also post here if you hate this game, hate the thread, and hate beef chow mein. Anyways, see ya on the battlefield!


*ducks for cover and crawls outta here*

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To quote Eets: "Best war game eva!", and honestly, he was right. Linky


The Sp was great (especially the russian missions) although at some missions you found yourself alone and trying to blow something up. Not quite the thrill I wanted but that went by as the next mission most likely would place me in a dangling car chase.


And as for the Mp, gametypes as "behind enenmy lines" and "search and destroy" will make this game a trully must get. The only downside on the mp i found was the jumping. Ive seen ppl jumpin around on the battlefield without getting hit decently while they shot one soldier after another. Maybe they need to make a patch where you wear out after jumpin too much, i donno. Ive also signed the punkbuster petition to ask activision to include punkbuster cause it would be a shame if this game would be left alone as off the cheaters.

But those are just minor glitches that can easily be fixed and shouldnt keep anyone from buying this game.


* Ducks in ditch *


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Well as you see by the thread Pad linked too, I was highly pumped up to buy this game after playing the demo's, but then the reality of how short it was was thrust upon us and I was greatly disapointed and decided not to buy it. I have since changed my mind and decided that even though it is short, I'm sure I'll get my moneys worth with the MP, so, I'll be buying it after xmas. See you on the battlefield Groovster. ;)

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Originally posted by Sam Fisher

I've played the demo, and I must agree that it is the best war game EVER!


But I can't get the full version because my parents don't want it :(


Ha! My parents were the same way, but I convinced them. :D


I got an ally in my "responsible sister" and convinced her to play the demo, and she was hooked from the start. So, with her backing my requests for a game that is rated with blood (even though it's more of a hit detection) I swayed my parents into not caring anymore. Hurray ;)

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Call of Duty?


Got it.

Played it.

Loved it.

Shelved it.


Now a certain little game called KOTOR is ruining my life ;)


Seriously though, COD is a damn good game. I'm in favour of short games as long as the quality is amazing all the way through. On that front, COD delivers beyond expectations. Nothing makes you feel more like you're in the middle of a proper battle. This game comes "The One Recommended". Have yet to try it online, but I'm sure it'll be a blast when I do - probably not as good as SP since there will be know scripted goodness, but fun all the same :)

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Originally posted by STTCT

I bought it for my husband for Christmas. It was $29.99 on an After Thanksgiving sale. Luckily I know someone who works for Best Buy!! Its regular like 49.99.


Anyways. I checked all the reviews and it got rated very high. I'm sure he'll really like it :)


Wow, you got away 20 bucks cheaper than I did. Congrats! I'm sure he'll like it too. Can't wait for some custom multiplayer maps. The ones out now consist of alot of cqb, which makes it hard to be a sniper. I still manage to kill more than I die, (I got my first double kill, one shot two kills, the first night I played online) but I like the big wide open sniping type maps like you get in the Delta Force series a little better.

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Eh, it's pretty much like any other multiplayer game out there. It has it's ups and downs. I'm noticing an increasing trend in "bunnyhopping" which I don't care much for. Not because they're any harder for me to hit with a sniper rifle, but just because people look like jackasses doing it. But it's really pretty fun if you like these sort of games. I've always liked military style fps's (except that piece of crap Counter Strike ;) ) , so it's right up my alley.

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