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I will be...an LOTR Nerd


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I have yesterday bought both LOTR DVD's....EXTENDED EDITIONS. Uhm, anyways, I bought Fellowship of the Ring, and The Two Towers. Im really excited to watch TTT, cuz I never saw it before...but, I have some bad news. I was watching FOTR and I got to the part where that Grim Reaper looking guy was looking over the tree stump. (I hope you know what I mean.) Well, anyways, the movie started to freeze, and act weird. I took the DVD outta my XBox, and noticed A HELL OF A LOT of deep scratches on the bottom of the disc. I dont know if the disc already was like that (I think it was), or if my XBox did that. I'm going to exchange it tomorrow, and I hope it was just the disc...because if it happens again, it means my XBox is defective, and I dont want that to be so... :(

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Yeah, I bought the EEs as soon as they came out...sucks that your Xbox might be having problems though. :(


Why don't you test out the Xbox by playing some terrible show on it like Hacker. Or something. That was hard to write, the show was so bad. ;) They didn't even get the title of the movie right...

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The thingy that reads DVD´s/Cd´s is a * quotes with fingers * "Laser" * unquotes * which is a device that doesnt harm your discs. Seems to me it either got scratched before you bought it or due to some mishandling done by you. Either way you should try to exchange it.

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What could have happened is that you put 2 discs in at once. I've done that before. :(


Or the Xbox could be damaged in some way.


But the best thing to do is to blame it on the shop. Persuade them to give you a refund AND repair your disks. I've managed that before.

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Originally posted by Pad

The thingy that reads DVD´s/Cd´s is a * quotes with fingers * "Laser" * unquotes * which is a device that doesnt harm your discs. Seems to me it either got scratched before you bought it or due to some mishandling done by you. Either way you should try to exchange it.


Thats what I'll do. I mean, i dunno how i mishandled it, I touched it carefully. I SOOOO HOPE its not my Xbox, and I hope it was a defective DVD. *prays to God it was that*

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Originally posted by Pad

The thingy that reads DVD´s/Cd´s is a * quotes with fingers * "Laser" * unquotes *





you know whats worse, when you lend a dvd to a friend and it comes back to you with a giant scratch on it.. and they're like whines* "it was already there" and you're like "was not"

but still no matter how much you bite them they still wont buy you a new one

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Originally posted by Acrylic

Well, i exchanged it on Thursday...watched it. Watched TTT on Friday.


I liked FOTR better than TTT. Dunno why...but, still did. :)


Yeah, I know what you mean. Fellowship was always my favourite book-wise, and it certainly is film-wise too.

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Originally posted by MennoniteHobbit

XBOXS stink!!!

Get PS2, or else evrything that goes into it will die a painful and scary death.


:o oh goody, another PS2 fanboy xbox hater. WOOOOOOOOO



No, your Xbox didnt' do it as you've figured out by now Acrylic. The only way that would happen is if there were a rock or other hard item INSIDE that the CD was spinning over.

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