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Latest Superman Movie Rumors...

Boba Rhett

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The word is that WB is eyeing Beyonce Knowles for Lois Lane and Johnny Depp for Lex Luthor. :rolleyes: WHY oh WHY did they not sign Selma Blair for Lois like they were planning to? Huh? Why?! Gah...


I guess they wanna compete with the freight train of **** without brakes, more commonly known as Catwoman.



What are the people at WB injecting these days?

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Sweet ****. I only now found out it's being directed by McG. :indif: Pretty much the only thing is A-hole has, "directed" are the two Charlies Angels movies. Why would they give this man this movie? Why? ****, I mean the man calls himself MCG.


So much for this movie. :(

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Wait wait,



Lois shall be played by none other than Whoopi Goldberg,






Jimmy Olsen will have his shoes filled, (heh) by Lassie,






The reanimated corpse of our dearly departed friend Jim Varney will don the cape of Supes,






And Lex will be simultaniously be played by both Jay and Silent Bob,






Oh and Perry White will now be a super intelligent bird that lives at the daily planet and gives out assignments - that just happened to accidentally injest kryptonite twenty seven years ago!!!1

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they look awful!!! talk about bad sfx!


I'd go to a jay & silent bob superman movie a lot sooner than i'd go to a Halle Berry Catwoman film, thats for sure....


Anyone remember a few years back when they cast actors that fit the roles, rather than the actors with the biggest names who might cause the most publicity....

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Originally posted by Siv



You are a sick, sad, strange little little man...:)


Go ahead and dis Burton guys...w/t exeption of Big Fish , he's turning into a sell out.


...a sell out...WAH!:cry6:


PS even if you don't understand me, BOYCOTT THE PHANTOM MOVIE WINTER 2004! (you will go to heaven)

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

I only now found out it's being directed by McG.

Well that settles it. Sh*t film on it's way!

Originally posted by obi-wan13

It's so simple, Smallvile: The Movie.

Pretty much yeah. :)

Originally posted by obi-wan13

Dear God, why don't I work in the movies?!?!?!

Did you send in an application? :fist:

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Originally posted by MMMPIE!!!

Never.diss.tim.burton.period. :mad:


you forgot to add: "unless you are talking about Planet of the Apes." to that sentence.


I'd go for a Burton directed, kevin smith written Superman over anything by McG anyday.


I still think it will be hard to find anyone to match Christopher Reeve n the role, maybe that is why they seem to be going for a very young cast, to make it seem different to those movies.


I'd rather they had gone for a darker, cast against type "death of superman" kind of deal, but oh well...

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Originally posted by Orca Wail

You are a sick, sad, strange little little man...:)






lastest news/ rumours...

johnny depp isn't up for lex but Superman's father, Jor-el.

and Beyonce isn't going to be lois lane and never was.

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