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I'd say it's that time again

ET Warrior

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Originally posted by Kain

...And long hair is nessecary for headbanging, which is what I do.


yep, thats pretty much why I had it too...... slayer, morbid angel, deicide(new album out SOON!!!) were my top 3(in reverse order actually) ....I often got funny looks when I strolled into the metal music store in my shirt and tie to buy the latest morbid angel or deicide album...... so I guess, I dont fit a stereotype either, but in reverse order. Im equally at home at a (death) metal concert or a solo cantata performance(preferably english chanteuse Emma Kirkby, the most divine soprano in the world...) :)


Thats the one thing that sucks about being in Ozstralia, we dont get the huge bands out here that often....the smaller ones, never.....



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IS you're really fat :D.


Jed I figured you where an old old decrepit person.

Kain looks nothing like legolas, more like the actual Kain than anything else... eeewwww


:p never fear my pic shall be up soon... when i get around to it...

EDIT: the answer shall be revealed! number 24.... MVP!



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Originally posted by Kain

Me and my Gir hat



Kain and I



Me and my sqeeze



You look like a rocker version of Jesus.



EDIT: Referring to STTCT saying it wasnt nice for someone saying Insane put on weight. Its true though I can see it in his face. Nothing wrong in telling the truth, so maybe he can lose a bit of weight... :)

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Originally posted by Kain

Now thats the kind of remark that'll make me angry.


Sorry dude. People told me I looked like that little country singer Billy Gillman...bugged the hell outta me. They also said I looked like the 6th ssense kid. Bugged me too.


But, if you're not christian or whatever, or the mentioning of Christ upsets you, or something along those lines, sorry. :(

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Originally posted by Acrylic

....But, if you're not christian or whatever, or the mentioning of Christ upsets you, or something along those lines, sorry. :(


I was raised in an islamic community(and consider myself a 'non practsising' muslim), listen to everything from buddhist chants, elizabethan airs, handels messiah , to death metal, but I still think Jesus was a wise teacher... getting offended by the mention of him smacks of intolerance, whether you are christian, muslim, buddhist or gothic trickster.... :p



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