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Round one : Fight!


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Well, I'm a black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do, but all it takes is common sense...

first of all, just worry about NOT getting hit, this usually takes care of a dorky punk. if u can do this, just ignore the rest.

second of all, don't kick him where it hurts unless he does something really dirty

if he tries to kick you under the waist, move out of the way, block, but don't take it tough...

keep track of your breathing. if the guy hits you, try to regain a breathing rhythm. Without air, you're useless...

just hit him in the gut, then poke his eyes as not to permanently injure, etc.


yep, pretty much some common sense. and remember, DO NOT FIGHT unless you have to... hopefully, with luck, you won't. Like everyone said, stay near someone the bully guy will have to be good around. Just don't take the role of a whimp... that'll give you long-term "non-respect." Good luck.

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Originally posted by Arreat

By this you mean nuts? If so thats not a good Idea... 'Cause you see, its just like killing a person who is chatting on JO or someone having sabre down. Its like forbidden to perform a nutcracker when fighting, that is if the ifhgt is between two men.


BLEH. Taboo or not, if I got stuck in a situation where I had to fight, I'm gonna use any method I have at my disposal to win. A strong kick to the nuts is gonna make a guy think twice about continuing the fight.


Instead of persuading and telling Michaelmexp that there are alternatives to violence, you provide suggestions on how to tread the path of violence. This kind of thing can be avoided. When you stop thinking of other ways for resolving a conflict, you have already lost the fight.


Meh, we're assuming he's already tried the non-violent means. (which it seems he has)


And what if you do beat the chitin out of the other? Congrats, you're now the immature bully of the class.

Not true, now you're the person who stood up to the bully and wouldn't allow him to push you around.

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Originally posted by ZBomber

i think its really sad you are all encouraing a 14 year old to resort to volence, and giving him fighting tips......


hurting him won't help you at all, hes not gonna "fear you" hes gonna be pissed and hurt YOU. :(


You're right. It took me to realize it, but he should find some way to defend himself without hurting the other dude in the process. I feel so ashamed of myself.


*Hangs name on wall of shame.*

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Originally posted by zERoCooL2479





Michael, don't listen to some of these people. Fighting is NOT the answer. If you fight this kid tomorrow, and even if you win, and you're not suspended from school, it's not like he'll go away forever. You've still got the entire school year to go through with him. And if you kick his ass, he'll just be even more pissed and will try to get back at you. Listen to the voice of reason! Fighting the guy will not solve the problem, it'll only make it worse! Besides, do you really want to take the risk of getting YOUR ass kicked, and getting suspended from school? If you fight, even if it's self-defense, the school will give you no mercy!


My school's Code of Student Conduct

THREAT OR ASSULT - No student shall intentionally threaten, assault, or cause physical injury to other students or to any school personnel.

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I agree that he should try to find an alternative, but if the other guy starts a fight, he at least needs to know how to defend himself. Heck, it happened to me, a fight started, no teachers around, and I couldn't run (that school had like a 10 foot patio with one corner where there's a soccer goal, a bench, and a wall. I was cornered there and a fight began, which I barely managed to fight without any major injuries. Like, for example, hitting someone in the vein I said can give you a good head start.


And if you do decide to fight, don't do anything near the nuts, you hit that it becomes anything goes, trust me. Don't start the fight, but do defend yourself.

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

Meh, we're assuming he's already tried the non-violent means. (which it seems he has)


What I'm trying to point out here is that there is always a non-violent way, and it should be our obligation to help him in every possible way to find that path. We've got enough violence in this world, no need to provoke even more.


Heh, I sound like a hippie (no offense to hippies). :)

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Originally posted by wassup

What I'm trying to point out here is that there is always a non-violent way,

Not once the other guy starts the fight, I just want to give him some pointers, cause I din't want Micheal to get beat up.

Originally posted by wassup

Heh, I sound like a hippie (no offense to hippies). :)

None taken. :p

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This is what I would do.. At my school I luckily have no one that messes with me besides my friends but we have two officers that roam the school all day. I don't know about your school but we have a county sherif and a local officer and you can go to somone like that and no no matter what is going on whether it be verbal assualt or some sort of physical harsament, they will go talk to the person and if you had witnesses you could get the id susspended, or if it happened off campus he could go to juvy.


Also.. teachers aren't the ones to go to.. half of them don't give a rats ass about you anyway. If you didn't have an oficer to go to you could try on of the administrative staff.

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It's important that Michael does not find himself in a fighting situation in the first place. He must get the school to deal with the bully before the guy goes too far and injures him. In the meantime, he needs to stay away from the bully, avoid him as much as possible. And if the guy does make the first move, shrug it off, act as if it doesn't bother you. Retaliation invites the fight. A bully will most likely not just beat the crap out of you while you stand there taking it. Because if he's trying to show off in front of everyone how he kicked some kid's ass, if you don't actually fight back, no one will be impressed. Anyone can beat someone up while they stand there helpless. Sometimes the best thing to do is just let the bully push him around. Why? Because he'll eventually lose interest. And you can always go to the school staff for help. A bully won't beat you up bad if you're not fighting back, he'll see you as a coward, and won't consider you worth fighting.

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Want a non-violent solution? Get his attention on someone else; ie: Get someone to just start crap with him. Now enough of this hippy love your fellow man bull****.


If your in the school, lockers are a blessing. Loud noises(like his head pinging off of a locker) can disorient the bugger, giving you ample time follow up some more. And if you know any WWE moves, get him locked in one of those (Tazzmission is VERY hard to break out of when properly applied), that way he goes down and stays down until faculty has a chance to break it up.


And don't forget the banjo.

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Actually, your logic is totally wrong. I know a guy who was mad at someone so he punched him. The guy did nothing, so he punched him again. Still, the guy just shrugged it off and tried to walk away. Well THAT made the first guy mad, so he knocked him down and started punching him in the face and just kept yelling, i'll stop as soon as you fight back.


Guy never fought back, got the living piss beat out of him.

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Well there's a difference between a bully, and someone that's insane. The bully that Michael seems to be dealing with doesn't seem to be the kind of guy who just thinks everyone can go to hell and if someone looks at me I'll freakin kill 'em. <- Those types of guys aren't usually that popular or with many friends. :D


Originally posted by Kain

And if you know any WWE moves, get him locked in one of those (Tazzmission is VERY hard to break out of when properly applied), that way he goes down and stays down until faculty has a chance to break it up.

We're talking about little middle school kids (Michael is 13), not six foot tall high school football players in the locker room. Get a sense of what's going on, it's hard to imagine some 13 year old pulling WWE moves. When someone fights at school it's usually a pathetic display. Two really pissed off guys who think they're tough, shoving each other until a teacher breaks it up.
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Originally posted by TK-8252

Well there's a difference between a bully, and someone that's insane. The bully that Michael seems to be dealing with doesn't seem to be the kind of guy who just thinks everyone can go to hell and if someone looks at me I'll freakin kill 'em. <- Those types of guys aren't usually that popular or with many friends. :D


Actually, the guy I was talking about is a pretty nice guy most of the time, well liked, hell I like him. He's just really strong, and when he's mad..............badnewsbears

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Originally posted by TK-8252

We're talking about little middle school kids (Michael is 13), not six foot tall high school football players in the locker room. Get a sense of what's going on, it's hard to imagine some 13 year old pulling WWE moves.


Hardly. I was doing that crap when I was his age. And the tazzmission is easy. Just get one arm around his neck, and the other under his arm, lock your arms and wrap your legs around him once he's down so he can't move. Apply enough pressure to make his oxygen supply get mighty short so everytime he struggles, he gets weaker and weaker. Very simple move, but very effective.


Watch the sleeper hold on Big Daddy to get an idea.

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1. Stand up to him but dont fight. Let him punch you a few times, if you can handle it. He'll start to get nervous, especially if a crowd's around. Make sure to not show any pain, and to grin evily at him. Give him a look like you're going to really kill him. If he's a real bully, acting like a physcopath will make him piss in his pants.


2. Inform your parents of the fight. As others have said before, the school has to pay attention, or else you should really go to another school.


3. Let him get one good swing at you, and then feign dead. He'll probably get scared, or become off guard, and that's when you get him. This is a last resort, by the way.


Violence itself wont solve much. Try everything you can that is peaceful, and if it doesnt work then you have to fight, unfortunately.

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#1 rule: Always BLOCK YOUR BALLS!!!!



And remember, don't do any of those locking/wrestling moves b u l l s h i t they don't work! And what I would do is kick him in the side of the knee so he loses his balance and take a whack at the face, it will hurt ur hand, but forget about it... easy



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One time I saw a bully picking on someone, and the other guy wouldn't fight and wouldn't fight. As far as I saw the bully got so nervous he kicked the other guy in the balls just to make him fight. BEWARE THE NUT-CRACKER!


Also, nailing a guy with a ball on the nuts will take him to the floor, garuanteed.

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Originally posted by Breton

Michaelmexp: Why do you absolutly have to fight this guy anyway? It's not like people get respect by beating the chitin out of each other, that's just childish IMO.


Just keep in mind: If you don't want to fight, don't. You'll lose nothing. However, if you absolutly do want to fight, just keep in mind the consequences of doing so (which are often quite considerable).


I wholeheartedly agree with Breton...


BTW, where are your parents ? My dad came to school with me when I was 12 after I told him I was in a similar situation. I didnt feel weak, because I just wanted to get on with school/play and life! Needless to say, a cpl of words from my old man to this kid, and the problem was settled.....


However, I have been in a few fights, and come a family of roughnuts, so I can pass on this :


*psychology is the key. Let me quote James Brown

"I don't know Karate, but I know C-razy !"


you gotta act CRAZY man. Pretend your crying, screaming, pretend like your gollum and talk to yourself and go nuts, say every rude word you know and then.............


i) jump on the guy

ii) bite

iii) kick and flail

iv) scream and wail like a banshee

v) pull hair

vi) kick/punch him in the guts...as funny as it sounds, kicking someone in the privates can do irreparable damage...its not worth it in the grander scheme of things


Also, the night before, do some sit ups, play lots of mortal kombat, watch rocky III(where the poor old penguin gets killed), watch 'Fist of Fury' and


but Seriously... I still think you should settle this differently, and who is this 18 year old loser hanging around, hasnt he got any friends his own age to smoke pot with......??


yeah, basically, fighting isnt the answer, but in saying that, I think you may have to end up fighting to learn this yourself, perhaps....



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Originally posted by Michaelmexp

Eh, the fight didn't happen today anyways.


I'll erm, read all your advice later... As for now.. [Hoovers room. <.<]


Then it'll never happen. We have arranged fights outside the flagpole at my school, and usually 90-100 people turn up (My entire year is 140 people). If they don't take place on the day they're set for, then they never do.

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