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I Suggest We All Start Digging Ponds

Boba Rhett

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its definitely a european thing. I have many friends and relatives whose parents/grandparents have $$$, jewlery, heirlooms buried or hidden around the house. Part of it is a distrust of banks, the other part of it is stupidity(IMO)..... my mum easily had $10,000 worth of antique jewelry stashed around the house for all during my childhood, only after years of pleading did I get her to put it into a safety deposit box....



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Originally posted by Master_Keralys

The only chance I'd have is that some idiot Spaniard a few hundred years ago - I live in Colorado, so I don't think there's many buried Roman coins here, either...


Are you kidding? We have TONS of buried Roman goods here in Colorado....I mean, we've got that one.......urr........and then there's the.......uh...........







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