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Post your Picture: Thread Number 3,475


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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

He asked me to make a cool one, Jed. If he hadn't I would have defaulted to my standard cruel and unusual PSing ways. :D


You're still a bastard :p

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I turn 14 in June, and I will be starting Highschool next year :rolleyes: I am mature for my age, but I look young (In mature I mean when not on the forums) :D and I have to get a better picture damn it! I look like crap in that picture.



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Originally posted by Tie 23

bum bum bum bum.........




*looks at legameboy..... :indif: ...... BAHAHAHAHAAAHHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHHAHAH!!!!!!!!!*




wow, kids these days scare me..... I had no idea you were so young TiE.....



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Originally posted by IG-64

...The reason is that I didn't get too many good coments on the last pic.


Darn you Astro!.....


c'mon IG, I never said anything about you physically, its just that you were wearing a trenchcoat and holding a gun, and that is cause for worry !! Hey, if TiE can show himself then so can you ! Good onya TiE !


What the big mystery is though....... What does Crow look like............hmmmmm





ET man, in your last pic(graduation?) you looked like something hunky outta 90210, in that pic you look more haggard than Iggy Pop ! What's wrong man, the King has to look snazzy, you're not going down the same path that Elvis did are you :p ...and get some styling gel into that hair...its startin to look Bill Gates-esque (j/k, you know we love our King :p)



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

ET man, in your last pic(graduation?) you looked like something hunky outta 90210, in that pic you look more haggard than Iggy Pop ! What's wrong man, the King has to look snazzy, you're not going down the same path that Elvis did are you :p ...and get some styling gel into that hair...its startin to look Bill Gates-esque (j/k, you know we love our King :p)


College has been hard on me :p


Plus i haven't had a hair cut since december and my hair grows really fast, and I dont comb it...well all that combined with poor picture quality of my camera means creepy picture. I'll try to get a nice picture of me when i get all fancied up for a dance later this year with my sisters nice camera. Then you'll all be wowed.

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Originally posted by Tie 23

I turn 14 in June, and I will be starting Highschool next year :rolleyes: I am mature for my age, but I look young (In mature I mean when not on the forums) :D and I have to get a better picture damn it! I look like crap in that picture.




W00t! I'll be starting High-school next year, also!




Wait, I'm gonna get killed. :p


You do you look like crap in that picture though, like Egg-man said, you look like you just accidentally shot your dog or something! :D


Hehe, just messin' with you man... I hope you knew that by now. ;)


Nice picture there King ET... but your warnings were correct, that is one creepy picture. XP


Another picture:




"Tremble mortals and dispare, doom has come to this world!"



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