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oh my goodness...creepy video alert


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If I made a video of me just doing random stuffwhat you'll see,


1. Start up comp as comp is loading I leave to take a leak

2. Write my XP's Password (I ain't saying it)

3. Start up UnrealTournament

4. Hear

Me: Stay still baby....


Comp: Headshot

Me: hehe....

*repeat for several hours*

5. Me placing in my Diablo II LOD CD

6. Me saying

Me: Now I can put 3 more points into Sacrafice or just pump up Zeal.....

*repeat for like another hour*

7. Start up Gamecube, begins playing wrestlemania XIX 10 times then begins to play Resident Evil.


thats about it.....


I need a life....


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My webcam would be


Walks by, tired and scrubby looking.

Not there.

Not there.

Not there.

Not there.

Not there.

Sits down and logs onto forums.


Not there.

Not there.

Not there.

Sits down, cussing at Smackdown because the computer cheated.

Logs onto other forums.


Not there.

Not there.

Not there.

Sits down and loads up UT2K4.

Plays with Sephiroth figure while UT2K4 is loading.

Lots of cussing because the bots are retarted.


Hear lots of thumping from upstairs. Thats me getting pissed at Smackdown again.

Walks by.

Goes dark.

Sun comes up about 5 minutes later.

12 hours later, it all happens again.


Very interesting.

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Start up comp.

Sit there.

Play with blank discs.

Wait for errors on desktop to go away.

Go on internet.

Surf around.

Look at camera in funny way.

Go on LF.

Post a few.

Make somone mad/annoyed.

Help close a thread by spamming it.

Get up, grab some water.

Return to comp.

Play Warning Forever for 6 minutes.

Get up, take a leak.

Go back on forums waiting for someone to post.

No one is there.

No one posting.

Mess with scanner and printer.

Check my hotmail.

Sign on to AIM.

Friend who lives 3 houses away not signed on.

Getting lonely.

Post some more.

Start up UT2003 mod called Face Off.

Play it for a while.

Wait for family to wake up.


Pet my dog.

Fart again.

Post some more.

Go to GameSpot, IGN, Filefront.

Read reviews, download demos I never play.

**** it.

Goes watch TV or play Xbox.



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:( darth you meanie....all good fun and...how could you not enjoy watching someone singing and having...umm...red jam start pouring out of his mouth as he pulls dollar bill out of his hat and starts screaming at it?


and Datheus....PM me some links for some others.


oh...if you want the link...aim me at RpTheHotrod don't really see what's offensive....just insanely stupid....

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