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Happy Birthday Chase & Rhett!


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Happy birthday guys!


On your birthdays (the 18th):


1920: Pope John Paul II is born


1804: Napoleon Bonaparte is proclaimed emperor of France by the Senate and Tribunate.


1896: In Plessy v. Ferguson, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that racial segregation is legal as long as "separate but equal" facilities are provided for whites and blacks.


1910: Halley's Comet is seen from earth as it passes in front of the sun; it appears every 76 years.


1980: Mount Saint Helens volcano in Washington state erupts, causing an outbreak of fires, mudslides, and floods; 57 people die in the largest eruption in U.S. history.


1927: Grauman's Chinese Theater opens


1995: Elizabeth Montgomery, the star of the TV series Betwitched dies


1908: "In God We Trust" put on coins


1943: Adolf Hitler launches Operation Alaric, the German occupation of Italy in the event its Axis partner either surrendered or switched its allegiance.



Your Astrological Sign (goin all out this time):




Astrologers consider Taureans to be loyal, stable, conservative, and practical. They are also thought to be patient, affectionate, and good-natured people. However, their tempers can erupt dramatically if they are pushed beyond their limits. Astrologers believe Taureans are home-loving and tend to have deep sentimental attachments to people, things, and places. They also can be jealous and possessive. Astrologers do not consider Taureans to be fond of change, making the typical Taurus both reliable and committed, as well as inflexible.


Astrologers consider Taureans to be very attuned to the physical world. They have acute senses and appreciate beauty and pleasure in all forms. Taureans tend to be very aware of the value of things, an ability which can make them skilled handlers of money and good judges of the quality of merchandise. Professions traditionally associated with the sign Taurus include banking and business, especially trade; accounting; clothing or interior design; real estate; singing; farming; and architecture.


Whew quite a B-Day you got there. *thinks of next year a day after your B-Days* you lucky pigs :p


Have a good one! :cheers:

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Happy Birthday Chase and Rhett!


It's been a while, but I think I'll bring the RANDOM GIFT GENERATOR out of retirement one last time.......



Your gift is:




Your very own Super Saiyan Ted Turner!


Um....Congratulations, I guess.......

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Professions traditionally associated with the sign Taurus include banking and business, especially trade; accounting; clothing or interior design; real estate; singing; farming; and architecture.




Not diggin the interior design :(.


But I bet Rhett could make some Fablulously decorated rooms.


Chase, farming is more your forte since...ya like too, uhh, work with your hands :D.


Good on ya guys, maybe you shouldn't have siv pick the stripper next time. I'll find a nice clean one for... Wait, who am I kidding, hookers aren't clean :rolleyes:

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Happy b-day Rhett...

Umh... *Brings the pie-buffet into the room and smuggles beer and porn out of the room*






Oh... Was it Chase's b-day too? Nah. Your just joking...

*Runss with the porn and beer* No, no, not the porn and beer!!! I'm not underaged... really... only 12... Hey... guys... *Bangs on a closet door* GUYS!?

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