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Birthday Games


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*reverts to annoyed video game clerk mode*

What type of game do you LIKE to play?

*annoyed video game clerk mode off*




Sorry, it's just that I worked retail for 3 years and had people come in all the time & go, "I'm looking for a really fun game." And expect us to pick a game that they instantly loved out of our asses & hand it to them.

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Originally posted by Alegis Gensan

Free games are always fun as well, try Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and Tribes 2


buy? Try Call of duty


Oh man, Wolfenstein is awesome. But it freaks you out so much, you practically crap your pants. Hint: corpses jumping out at you.

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Originally posted by Siv

yeah everyone who hasn't got kotOR yet should be ashamed of themselves. it's just the best star wars game ever, perhaps even the best game ever.

PFFFFT, everyone knows super empire strikes back and Super return of the jedi are the best star wars games ever.
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Originally posted by Siv

yeah everyone who hasn't got kotOR yet should be ashamed of themselves. it's just the best star wars game ever, perhaps even the best game ever.


Darnit... *Shames* I never have the money to buy KotOR... :rolleyes:


I'll recommend Halo 2, Transformers Armada or any of the Medal of honor or Battlefield games... Or Counter-Strike... :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Michaelmexp

Hey all, it's my Birthday June the 5th and I'm looking for some PC games to get, could anyone help?

Read it! Kinda going off subject here :p

Ehhh, go for Call of Duty, or Ghost Recon, thats a old/good game. But if you have a good rig, get Far Cry (When I get my 9800 pro, Im gonna get it, and play it!)



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Ok, let me make it a bit easier.


Games I have:






Oh and could you recommend something else but games? Say if I don't want a game.. Any good mouses/keyboards/speakers or something fun? like stuff for the xbox?

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Originally posted by jon_hill987

The best thing to do is to buy a copy of PCGamer and play the demos, I get most of my games after playing a demo.


Excellent point! That is a strategy I also employ.


I would suggest Farcry as well, but only if you have a beefy system. Otherwise...


as for xbox, Ninja Gaiden is fun, but hard; then there's Halo 2 in November... :bounce1:

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

Excellent point! That is a strategy I also employ.


I would suggest Farcry as well, but only if you have a beefy system. Otherwise...


as for xbox


I played Far Cry but it didn't really interest me much. I also played Ninja Gaiden and that got boring after a while [when you get all the weapons, can't figure out any new combos etc]

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