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ET Warrior

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Alright, rented this movie and watched it last night...and HOLY CRAP. If any of you haven't seen this movie, stop what you're doing, go get it, and see it. It was absolutely phenomenal.


The story is brilliant, it's like a cross of 1984 with Farenheit 451, but plenty of originality thrown in aswell.


And then..the action scenes are far and away mind blowing at times. People who compare this movie to the Matrix should be shot. It's apples and oranges, this movie is NOTHING like the Matrix. There is ONE instance where the fighting looks sort of like the Matrix and that is it.


Get this movie and watch it people. It rocks the socks.

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it is a very good film. whenever i watch it i always this is how the matrix should have ended.


Christian bale is really good in it. anyone who doubts that he will make a great batman should watch it.

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Originally posted by Siv

...Christian bale is really good in it. anyone who doubts that he will make a great batman should watch it.


*Siv clocks up more batman promo royalties $$$*




Siv, I dare you to go into the sabre's "indian lesbians vs religious philosophy towards homosexuality" thread (entitled Girlfriend)and try and tie that in to Batman... c'mon ! if you dont I will :D


I like Bale as an actor, watch American Psycho....he did Bateman *very* well... IMO of course :)



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Equilibrium is CRAP!


The first half bored me to tears, I nearly fell asleep. The action was so unbelievable, that it was pathetic. The fight at the end was stupid. They could have made the end into an epic battle, but they didn't, it lasted all of 2 seconds. I didn't even particularly like the storyline. Sorry, but I hated it.

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Originally posted by leXX

Equilibrium is CRAP!


*sigh* and all this time you fooled me into thinking you had actual TASTE in movies :p



I guess maybe if you don't like the story driving the movie then perhaps you wouldn't enjoy it, but I thought it was awesome.


Bale couldn't decide weather to be Tom Cruise or Keanu Reeves in that movie.


It's true :D




Edit - You should rent it even though Lexx disapproves Astro, maybe you'll be like me, as I plan on buying that movie today.

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I really liked this movie, and as far as I'm concerned, I thought it had more substance to it than The Matrix.




I wouldn't say it was the best action movie I've seen, but I did like the story, and some of the combat scenes were pretty good. The Gun Kata may not be realistic or even feasible - but it was a cool gimmick. :p

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