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Look! It's Rhett!

Boba Rhett

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how can there be a place called independence in Missouri? surely thats a contradiction in terms. i mean does it have its own flag? national anthem? do you need a passport to get into independence?

they should change the name to "independence" with the quotation marks. or maybe 'independence - but not literally'


er... anyway



:wavey: hello Rhett


i wish i could say that i haven't even noticed you had gone... but thats not true. the truth is i've cried myself to sleep every night since you went away.



well whats happen around here, let's see.


obi's house got broken into and messed up , despite all appearances of a house party, it was infact a young and horny alcoholic elephant that likes jokes shops and strippers. :D


i am the pipsoh king


gonk had his tonsils removed... but was kind enough to show us a post-op picture of his mouth.

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I cant ne fudged posting links but youve left out :


*The Evula Rebellion

*The Beheading Post that ended up closed

*The thread where it was stated that homosexuals are sinners in need of saving.....(actually this might've been in the above thread)


although I hate to say it, there actually was less mirth with Mr Rhettski gone.......



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So.......you're not fused into the walls anymore?






*runs to take his place and fuses himself within the walls of LF*






Now I Rule supreme!






Oh and yea....good to see you too and stuff..... >_>



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Well hi again everyone! I hope everyone had a good 4th. Anymore news? :rhett:


It's good to see you're still holding a childish grudge against me over the supershadow ordeal, Doomgiver. Don't ever change. tussles your hair*


Dumb picture threads, sabretooth? My picture threads are glorious and you know it! :xp:

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

Yea you better look out for the forum ladies like leXX, STTCT, Tyrion, etc...





Dear God Obi, you're getting delusional now...I don't look anything like a lady. Now, Darky on the other hand...:p

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Originally posted by Doomgiver

Hi, i just got here, i normally try to stay away from rhett if possible, but since things have been boring round here for some time now, well, here i am. what is the evula rebellion?


The 'Evula thing' is just a person from another of my forums.

He's also a person who Sabretooth is persitint with crapping on about. Just a stupid thing which Sabre thinks is "cool".

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Originally posted by Tyrion

I don't look anything like a lady.


Yes you do. There are steps to a happy life for you:


1. Accept the fact that you naturally look like a lady.

2. Accept the fact that you ARE a lady.

3. MAKEUP'D!!!!!1111!eleven!!

4. Eat cheese!:D


Boy, that was random. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

It's good to see you're still holding a childish grudge against me over the supershadow ordeal, Doomgiver. Don't ever change. tussles your hair*


Pfft, you never tussled my hair. :indif: I feel so left out.

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Originally posted by Acrylic

Yes you do. There are steps to a happy life for you:


1. Accept the fact that you naturally look like a lady.

2. Accept the fact that you ARE a lady.

3. MAKEUP'D!!!!!1111!eleven!!

4. Eat cheese!:D


Boy, that was random. :rolleyes:


No, this is random:





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Originally posted by Acrylic

Yes you do. There are steps to a happy life for you:


1. Accept the fact that you naturally look like a lady.

2. Accept the fact that you ARE a lady.

3. MAKEUP'D!!!!!1111!eleven!!

4. Eat cheese!:D


You and Obi need to get girlfriends, delusion about who's a female comes from not having a date in 3 years.



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