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*sigh* possible bad news


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Last night, I had a dream that my dog died.




Some of yall know what that might mean.



As for the dream...



We were in some restaurant. All of a sudden, I know (well, everyone suddenly knew) that whatever happens bad...is merely a warning...and everyone has a few moments to get indoors somewhere to be safe from the bad thing and the place it would start to happen at.


All of a sudden, people's eyes started dissolving right out of their sockets then the rest of the body...them vroomf...everyone is fine. People start to panick (the restaurant wasnt a safe place) and ran out. Everyone was doing their best to get out of the area before "the bad thing" happened. The dog was in the back of the jeep and we all hopped in the jeep. We were towing some trailor but it was the type where it's only a floor and that's it.


We're going as fast as we can to get away from the area when suddenly, the truck rear wheel goes flat. We run out quick and try to fix it. The dog runs out, as well. We fix it and the dog jumps into the rear trailer. We're high-tailing it as fast and possible, but then I remember my dog is in the trailer. All of a sudden the bad thing happens and you see people along the road start screaming. We're inside the truck so we're safe, but I look out the rear glass only to see my dog lying over in a pool of blood.


Then I woke up.




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Your dog is cool though... :(


Sorry man, I hope maybe by some chance the dog doesn't die though.


I mean... you didn't even tell us what the bad thing was.


People's eyes dissolving out of their sockets?


Probobly just a nightmare, but who knows, AIM me sometime.

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Wait, if you're saying that your dream will come true, how come you're worrying about your dog dying instead of some humans having thier EYES dissolved?


You, sir, need to get your priorities straightend out...o.O

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I had horrifying nightmares when I was like, 4-7 years old. Nowadays I ask for dreams and nightmares, but the big guy up there never drops any down to me.




Watch your dog. There is a tendency you might have had a dream foresight. Happened to me a lot of times in my life, but half of those incidents were pure deja-vu

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I suggest putting you're dog in a foot locker with a bag of dogfood and burying it in you're back yard or in a local park.


And you shouldn't think that all you're dreams will come true, if all mine did I'd be rich, in Florida right now, etc. (I'm not sure why I was going to Florida, I'm not sure why Michael Moore was the pilot on the airplane, and I'm not sure why I eventually turned into Super Mario and raced through a building filled with armed guards.)

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To people saying "he needs help" and people saying that it won't come true...:


Read his story. In his story, he dreamt about his pets, and in those dreams, they died. So, in a short period of time, the pet would die.

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Originally posted by Kain

Dreams where a loved one (be it pet or better half) dies usually just means change...


yeah, Ive heard that too.


what does a dream when you are in a room with 12 luscious nekked ladies playing twister mean... :D These are the types of dreams I am plagued with....


I have *multiple* dreams most nights that I remember quite vividly. In the mornings I usually jot down what I have seen. I have been doing this since I was 9 or so.....thats 20 years of dream scribble !


Rp, dont try and pre-empt things, it'll drive you mad. Just go on as you would...


For those into dreams and dream-imagery, I recommend David Lynch's film "Mulholland Drive" The first 2 and a bit hours are a 'manifest' type dream. The last 30 mins are the reality from which the manifest was created..... great movie ! It won Lynch best Director at Canne a few years ago.... :D



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Originally posted by Doomgiver

I can CLEARLY see you guys haven't read his life story. Cause that's the point: His dreams DO come true.


Then hes either


a. From Star Trek

b. Lying

c. I don't understand


[/not to be taken seriously list]

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