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Damn you Bungie!


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Bah, we got some crazies in here.


I mean, I got used to the x-box controller and all, and practically mastered it, but playing ANY FPS with a mouse takes it to another level.


You can't become a master sniper with the controller. You need a mouse.



I'm talking about, stand still for a quarter of a second = HEADSHOT sniping.


I'm talking about sniping a guy almost completely on the other side of the map running across the field sniping. And don't forget about Internet lag, which requires you to "lead" your targets.


I'm talking' about following a sniper shot from the other side of the map, back to the sniper, while 2 fully-loaded hogs circle your base, and then Anti-Sniping the hidden sniper.


I'm talking' about hiding behind a buttress on the roof of your blood-gulch base, jumping above it, pick a target, fire off 2 shots and kill him, and landing to the ground sniping.



You can't do that **** with a controller, I'll tell you that.

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Yeah, playing unreal tournament, there was this map with two sniper towers, and it went like: 'headshot, headshot, hea-headhsot, killing spree' all the way up untill 'monsterkill' five times in a row... Now, the AI wasn't that good in the original UT but i'd like to see someone do something similar with two control sticks instead of a mouse...


... Now, i'm not kidding you, i was actually that good of a sniper... untill UT2003, where everybody got much smaller heads, moved around more quicker, and headshots weren't instant kills...

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Originally posted by ckcsaber

Lots of stuff about his 1337 sniper skillz.



:o Been there, done that, you have no idea how good of a shot I once was with a sniper rifle. And I've played against guys who were so good, it was the only weapon they needed. They were more deadly from close range with a sniper rifle than you probably are witha shotgun, and long range they'd drop 3-4 players with every clip.


It is le EASAY to shoot like that with a controller, you just need talented thumbs I suppose. :dozey:

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But it's even easier with a mouse.


EDIT: And my sniperskillz R 1337-er, cause back then in that level i already mentioned, i made a headshot every half-a-second. Only once did i need two bullets to kill somebody (second was a headshot though) and also only once i completely missed.

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Gee, well. Sniping is easier on the mouse, but it becomes hard when your frame rate is only 15, and when you are about to pull the trigger, your frame rate drops and your comp pauses, one second latter, the frame rate picks up again and you end up missing. even though your computer cost you $1500.


Halo 2 is like Doom 3 is graphics. If you get Doom 3 next month its will run at 15 fps on the lowest settings.


And Doomgiver, about UT, I totally agree with you, I used to kill as many people as you, until they made UT 2003 seem like it was meant for people with hyper sense.


But anyway, If you really want it, get the Xbox. Hell, get a used one for like $120!


*downloads UT Demo*Linky



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I won't get an Xbox, just because i mainly play shooters, and i simply do not possess the skill to do so on a console. I'll die a hundred times because i'm walking in circles, shooting at my own feet. It actually happened when i was playng Halo on Xbox...

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Originally posted by RoxStar

So? The Xbox folks have waited a long time for Halo 2. The PC Gamers have waited about a year.




We waited for Halo while you were waiting for Halo 2. We'll be waiting for Halo 2 while you're playing it.

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Actaull Ty, I'm both.


But I meant that they had been addicted to halo longer than the PC Players so they were waitin gfor the sequel longer. Oh well nevermind. I heard tha Gearbox was gonna do Halo 2 for xbox and add some cool(er) features with the PC version than in Xbox.

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Originally posted by Doomgiver

and headshots weren't instant kills...


Dude, you okay?



I'm with Xbox as the original game was for Xbox and then it was ported to PC after a long time. I would be thankful that Microsoft ported the game to PC, or this woulda never happened.


Give some time, if the game is good, MS will surely put it to PC. We wouldn't like a DX2 disaster, would we?

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Originally posted by Doomgiver

I don't know if there's already a thread about it, and i'm probably not the first to have read this, but okay. I have recently aquired Halo for pc, and that has gotten me interested in Halo 2. So i went over to Bungie.net, read a lot of cool stuff, including: 'Halo 2 is currently only being developed for Xbox.' That's so mean! When the first Halo came out, they had a hard time deciding wether or not to develop a pc version, and eventually they did, buying them more money. And now they're not gonna give us the sequel...


... This is one of microsofts filthy tricks to get people to buy those damn Xboxes right?


Have you ever heard of an X-box emulator?

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well, if they do bring it out on the pc i hope they do a better job than they did with the first one... i waited for ages to finally get halo on the PC and it was a terribly unoptimised port that was nowhere near as good as the xbox one. I took one look at the reviews and benchmarks and decided to get an xbox.


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